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Products>International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised | ISBE, 1979–1995 (4 vols.)

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Revised | ISBE, 1979–1995 (4 vols.)

, 1979–1988
ISBN: 9780802837851

Digital Logos Edition

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The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia is the most up-to-date multivolume Bible encyclopedia written by conservative scholars. It's characterized by careful and contemporary scholarship and a wealth of illustrations—nearly 1,500 photos (many in color), plus 342 maps.

A must have for any biblical scholar, this resource contains over 9,000 topics and 3,500 cross-references, including: an article on every name of a person or place mentioned in the Bible and all the terms in the Bible that have theological or ethical meaning. ISBE is also an exegetical tool as it provides brief discussions of problem texts under the English keywords and guides the exegete to more information that can found in other scholarly resources. Each entry provides a maximum amount of information in compact form, including pronunciation, etymology, and variant renderings. The original Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek words are transliterated aiding those with limited or no knowledge of the original languages of the Bible. Major articles are subdivided, with a helpful outline provided at the beginning of the entry. Major Bible doctrines are also examined and given opposing articles on controversial topics to ensure a rounded explanation and description. Hundreds of evangelical contributors from many fields of biblical research make this encyclopedia a well-rounded resource.

Winner of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association's Gold Medallion Award for Bible Study/Theology (1980) and the Gold Medallion Award for a Reference Work (1983, 1987).

Please note: these volumes will display as a single resource in your digital library.

This is the four-volume, 1979-1995, revised International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) from Eerdmans. It only shares the name with the former edition. For those interested in the original 1915 edition, Logos Bible Software also carries the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.

Resource Experts
  • Four-volumes
  • 4,561 total pages
  • Nearly 1,500 photos (many in color), plus 342 maps
  • 9,000 topics and 3,500 cross-references
The four volume ISBE is beyond compare to any other Bible study tool.

—Dr. Jeff Crawford, pastor of Grand Avenue Baptist Church in Fort Smith and author of Image of God–From Who You Are to Who You can Become

The best set available, both for breadth and depth of coverage as well as theological perspective. It is something of a one-stop reference for many items and topics connected with biblical studies.

Ministry Magazine

I use this set more than any other reference work I own. Great articles on every major doctrine, person, place, and event in the Bible. This one. ... is indispensable!

—Dr. Kim Riddlebarger

This is an incredible resource for any serious student of the Word of God. I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE DIGITAL VERSION. The folks at Logos really got it right. As a seminary student, I like the electronic version because when I quote from the book and copy and paste it to my paper, it carries over the footnotes for me. What a Godsend.

—Bura L. Robinson

  • Title: International Standard Bible Encyclopedia (ISBE) (1979–1995)
  • Editor: Geoffrey W. Bromiley
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Volumes: 4
  • Resources: 1
  • Pages: 4,561
  • Format: Digital > Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: LLS:14.0.24

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Volume I: A–D

  • Editor: Geoffrey W. Bromiley
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Publication Date: 1979
  • Pages: 1,058

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Volume II: E–J

  • Editor: Geoffrey W. Bromiley
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Publication Date: 1982
  • Pages: 1,194

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Volume III: K–P

  • Editor: Geoffrey W. Bromiley
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Publication Date: 1995
  • Pages: 1,079

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Volume IV: Q–Z

  • Editor: Geoffrey W. Bromiley
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Publication Date: 1995
  • Pages: 1,230

Geoffrey W. Bromiley (1915–2009) was professor emeritus of church history and historical theology at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He is best known as the translator of numerous theology texts, including The Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Abridged in One Volume (TDNTA). He is also the editor of International Standard Bible Encyclopedia and coeditor of Barth’s Church Dogmatics.


82 ratings

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  1. David Anfinrud
    Again you can save money by buying it in a Package. A good resource to get information. It would be good to use this with the AYBD and the older version. Compare and have a few sources to compare informatoin. Each resource could cover the information
  2. Aaron Sauer

    Aaron Sauer


  3. Ken McClurkin

    Ken McClurkin


  4. Stanislav Lanc
    The second one I got this year (along with AYBD - the 6 volume), which I love to go to. Excellent!
  5. Yohana Stanley

    Yohana Stanley


    God bless for the resource
  6. Yohana Stanley

    Yohana Stanley


  7. Stanislav Lanc
  8. Max H. Normanns
  9. Robert Polahar

    Robert Polahar


  10. Andrew W.L. Lau
    I have the ISBE of 1915 edition. Is there no update or link from other resources to the older edition of ISBE?


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