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Products>Believer's Study Bible

Believer's Study Bible

ISBN: 9781418516512

Digital Logos Edition

Logos Editions are fully connected to your library and Bible study tools.
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Provides a distinctive study system. Reflecting Baptist belief and tradition, its strong reference tools make the truths of Scripture easy to comprehend and apply to your life. In-depth book introductions and outlines, 121 in-text study charts, 4800 study notes, and 13 special feature articles provide interpretation and practical application.

Please note: This product does not contain the Bible text, but it does include all the study notes found in the equivalent print version. You can purchase your preferred Bible translation or in a Logos Bible Software collection.

Top Highlights

“we know nothing of God at all apart from His gracious self-disclosure” (Job 1:1)

“Second, this letter ought to produce ‘joy’ (v. 4). Though both ‘your’ and ‘our’ are found in texts of the N.T. (see note in center column), ‘our’ is probably the better reading. From a pastoral perspective, John would rejoice as others experienced the fullness of the gospel and were not deceived by erroneous doctrine (cf. 2 John 4, 12; 3 John 4).” (1 John 1:3)

“The Feast of Tabernacles foreshadows the peace and prosperity of the millennial reign of Christ (cf. Zech. 14:16). See chart, ‘The Feasts of the Lord’ in Exodus.” (Leviticus 25:33–43)

“Man was as free to do wrong as he was to do right, as free to reject as he was to accept divine love and fellowship.” (Genesis 1:1)

“Although all the reasons for suffering are not revealed, some are clear in the text of Scripture: (1) some of our sufferings fulfill the sufferings of Christ for the church (Col. 1:24); (2) others have to do with the steadfastness of the Christian’s witness (1 Cor. 4:9; 2 Cor. 4:7–10); (3) some suffering produces humility and dependence on God (2 Cor. 12:7); (4) there are sufferings that are disciplinary in nature (Heb. 12:5–11). In any case, the sufferings of the present time can be victoriously endured by the believer in light of the certain glory that lies immediately ahead (cf. Rom. 8:18).” (2 Timothy 2:12)


7 ratings

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  1. Gregory Kavonius
    I wonder if the Believers Bible Commentary was created from this. I have it and I highly recommend it.
  2. Raymond Hernandez
    I have the former edition, which is the Baptist Study Edition. great study bible.
  3. Thomas George

    Thomas George


    Wonder why this is not available for purchase
  4. Haskel Lee Ray
    wonderful study bible
  5. Charles Smith
    The Best
  6. David Beal

    David Beal


  7. Pr. Charles Eduardos
  8. Peter



  9. Robert Schmall
  10. Mark Alton Talbert
    I have had this Bible for a number of years and it is wearing out. This is a great study Bible. I am waiting for it to be printed again. I understand Criswell College acquired the rights.
This product is not currently available to purchase.