Digital Logos Edition
What do the following statements about forgiveness have in common?
·Forgiveness is obtained through apologizing.
·The best thing you can do is "forgive and forget".
·You aren't forgiven until you feel forgiven.
·Even if someone hasn't asked for forgiveness, you can still forgive them.
These statements all represent popular misconceptions about true biblical forgiveness. Because forgiveness plays such a major role in our relationships with other people, it's critical to have a clear idea of God's plan for forgiving and being forgiven. Distortions in His plan can lead to twisted thinking and further pain for those struggling with forgiveness issues.
In this book, Dr. Jay Adams carefully explores all dimensions of the process of forgiveness. He can help you understand biblical forgiveness from beginning to end, and apply that understanding to everyday situations ranging from forgiving your straying spouse or prodigal child--and being forgiven by them as well.
If you have experienced the incredible power of God's forgiveness in you life, read this book and see how forgiveness' power can change your life as you relate to others.
“apologizing is not only unscriptural, it is the world’s unsatisfactory substitute for forgiveness.” (Page 10)
“Jesus is saying, in effect, that whenever your brother or sister wrongs you, that obligates you to take action. No matter how innocent you may have been, you are obligated to go to him.” (Pages 16–17)
“First, remember how many times each day Jesus forgives you. Second, if you’ve really forgiven, it isn’t the seventh time, it isn’t the fifth. It isn’t even the second. It is always the first.” (Page 25)
“God is not interested in forgiveness as an end in itself, or as a therapeutic technique that benefits the one doing the forgiving. He wants reconciliation to take place, and that can only be brought about by repentance.” (Page 33)
“When our God forgives us, He promises that He will not remember our sins against us anymore. That is wonderful!” (Page 12)
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