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Products>The MacArthur Study Bible NKJV (notes only)

The MacArthur Study Bible NKJV (notes only)

, 1997
ISBN: 9781418505202

Digital Logos Edition

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Digital list price: $21.99
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For thirty years, John MacArthur has spent nearly thirty hours a week studying the Bible, taking detailed notes, and teaching people what he learns. The result is The MacArthur Study Bible. With the MacArthur Study Bible you will have help understanding difficult passages, simplifying complex doctrines, and bridging important culture, geography, history, and language gaps. It can help bring your Bible to life, and what's inside will transform your life. Make The MacArthur Study Bible your study Bible, and unleash God's truth, one verse at a time.

Please note: This product does not contain the Bible text, but does include all the study notes found in the equivalent print version. The study notes featured in this resource are from the New King James Version of the MacArthur Study Bible. You can purchase your preferred translation here or in a Logos Bible Software collection. The MacArthur Study Bible can be used together with any Bible in your digital library. Just open The MacArthur Study Bible and another Bible, then click the "chain link" icon in each resource and select "Set A" for each.

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Resource Experts

Top Highlights

“term used here relates to paying the required ransom to God for the release of a person from” (Page 1803)

“near the end of Emperor Domitian’s reign (a.d. 81–96)” (Page 1989)

“Neither the Lord, the apostles, nor the churches would allow female rebellion. Women were to maintain their distinctively feminine hairdos; and when custom dictated, they should wear a covering.” (Page 1745)

“These first 6 characteristics, expressed in 3 couplets, delineate sins from the first half of the Ten Commandments, which deal with a person’s relationship to God.” (Page 1861)

“Judas Maccabeus, helped by Rome, led them in a successful revolt.” (Page 1248)

  • Title: The MacArthur Study Bible
  • Author: John F. MacArthur
  • Edition: electronic ed.
  • Publisher: Word
  • Print Publication Date: 1997
  • Era: era:contemporary
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible › Study and teaching
  • ISBNs: 9781418505202, 141850520X
  • Resource ID: LLS:2.0.12
  • Resource Type: Study Bible
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-10-24T16:53:12Z
John F. MacArthur

John MacArthur (b. 1939) is a Calvinist theologian, author, editor, and teacher. He is a popular conference speaker and the president of both The Master's College and The Master's Seminary. He has also served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969. Best known for his expository exegesis of the Bible, Logos has collected more than 3,000 of his sermons in the John MacArthur Sermon Archive and offers the complete MacArthur New Testament Commentary.

MacArthur’s pulpit ministry extends around the globe through his media ministry, Grace to You. In addition to producing daily radio programs for nearly 2,000 English and Spanish radio outlets worldwide, Grace to You distributes books, software, and CDs by John MacArthur. He has written hundreds of books and study guides, including the bestselling John MacArthur Essential Bible Study Library and the MacArthur Study Bible. He is also the author of notable titles like Different by Design and Twelve Ordinary Men.


47 ratings

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  1. Mr Hemen Eghvay
  2. Michael Schmal
    Best study Bible I have!!
  3. Mattillo



    Vote for the 2nd edition here: https://feedback.faithlife.com/boards/logos-book-requests/posts/macarthur-study-bible-2nd-edition
  4. Mattillo



    Great study Bible! Logos needs to get the 2nd edition though
  5. James and Regina Harwell
  6. Jack Martin

    Jack Martin


  7. Shawn Baxley

    Shawn Baxley


  8. Jake ham

    Jake ham


  9. Diane Barnes

    Diane Barnes


  10. Michael Schmal
    Wonderful!! So glad I got it!!


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