Digital Logos Edition
Experts in their respective fields provide an authoritative perspective on the fundamentals of theology. Extensive treatment of all the classic areas of theological concern—God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, man, sin, salvation, sanctification, the Scriptures, the church, and more.
“General revelation is revelation that is addressed to and therefore available to all people at all times. Special revelation, on the other hand, is revelation that God has given at special times to certain people.” (Page 23)
“Second, special revelation is personal and verbal.” (Page 33)
“Inerrancy therefore means that when full consideration is given to the statements of Scripture in light of their intended meaning and use by the human authors, the Bible is fully trustworthy in all it states.” (Page 85)
“Third, special revelation is intelligible only in the context of general revelation.” (Page 34)
“Theology has long operated with four primary sources, described by some as a ‘quadrilateral.’ These sources are revelation, reason, tradition, and experience.” (Page 655)
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John W.Ealoms
Tero Fredriksson
al perez
Brad D. Shaw
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Faithlife User
Feven Gebrehiwot