Digital Logos Edition
Gareth Weldon examines biblical teaching and the ministry of the early church, offering guidance for setting up and running a biblically based small-group ministry program.
“While the Christian world is increasingly bullish on small groups, the Christian small group movement has experienced very little theological depth. Small groups still tend to be a program or technique of ministry rather than a call to return to the roots of the very nature of what God created humanity to be. Most of the current small group activity in the church is not organic but technical and curricular. Churches do groups because they work. Deeper theological exploration is long past due in a church charging off into small group platoons without a declaration of war or a battle plan.” (source)
“Human small groups do not look within themselves or around themselves to nature for their meaning and purpose. Human small groups find their purpose only in God who leads them to serve one another and nurture creation with a God-shared knowledge and balance.” (source)
“Dysfunctional small groups breed more dysfunctional groups. Dysfunctional group leaders breed more dysfunctional groups.” (source)
“Small groups must be spaces of heaven where people move closer to God and one another.” (source)
“Small groups are microcosms of God’s creation community. Wherever two or more persons come together, they become an actual reflection of the image and likeness of God. Small groups are the basic arena for either imaging the redeeming presence of God or projecting destructive human systems. Every small or large gathering of humanity exists in this tension of manifesting an inhuman structure or embodying divinely redemptive relationships.” (source)