Digital Logos Edition
It is hard to think about Reformed Theology without thinking of Charles Hodge, certainly one of the most often quoted theologians in the Reformed tradition. Originally published as a three volume work, this version combines the full unabridged texts in a single electronic book. This is an enduring work characterized by clear writing and thorough scholarship. It is a good standard work to add to any Bible reference library.
“By Rationalism is meant the system or theory which assigns undue authority to reason in matters of religion.” (Volume 1, Page 34)
“Holiness, on the one hand, implies entire freedom from moral evil; and, upon the other, absolute moral perfection. Freedom from impurity is the primary idea of the word. To sanctify is to cleanse; to be holy, is to be clean. Infinite purity, even more than infinite knowledge or infinite power, is the object of reverence.” (Volume 1, Page 413)
“According to the infralapsarian doctrine, God, with the design to reveal his own glory, that is, the perfections of his own nature, determined to create the world; secondly, to permit the fall of man; thirdly, to elect from the mass of fallen men a multitude whom no man could number as ‘vessels of mercy;’ fourthly, to send his Son for their redemption; and, fifthly, to leave the residue of mankind, as He left the fallen angels, to suffer the just punishment of their sins.” (Volume 2, Pages 319–320)
“It may be safely asserted that the resurrection of Christ is at once the most important, and the best authenticated fact in the history of the world.” (Volume 2, Page 626)
“A sinful Saviour from sin is an impossibility. He could not have access to God. He could not be a sacrifice for sins; and He could not be the source of holiness and eternal life to his people. This sinlessness of our Lord, however, does not amount to absolute impeccability. It was not a non potest peccare. If He was a true man He must have been capable of sinning. That He did not sin under the greatest provocation; that when He was reviled He blessed; when He suffered He threatened not; that He was dumb, as a sheep before its shearers, is held up to us as an example. Temptation implies the possibility of sin. If from the constitution of his person it was impossible for Christ to sin, then his temptation was unreal and without effect, and He cannot sympathize with his people.” (Volume 2, Page 457)
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Aaron Andrew Carr
Bentley Crawford