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Bible Books Explorer

Browse and compare the books of the Bible by genre, group, author, length, and more. The Bible Books Explorer provides a birds-eye view of the unity and diversity of the biblical text.

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Explore and Visualize the Books of the Bible

Quickly view and compare the genres in every book

When you open the Bible Books Explorer, you’ll immediately see a graphical interface showing the Longacre genres contained in each book of the Bible (Narrative, Procedural, Behavioral, and Expository). With this view, you can see at a glance that while the books of Genesis and 1 Samuel are almost entirely narrative, Leviticus and 1 Chronicles are only minimally so.

Filter the books by category

With just a few clicks, you can filter the displayed books by categories like Corpus (Roman Catholic, Protestant, etc.), Kind (Church Epistle, History, etc.), Author, or Recipient.

Choose from several different visualizations

With just a click, you can choose from several different visualizations. With these views, you can see proposed composition dates, intertextual relationships, statistical data, and more.

Click any book to learn more

When you click a biblical book, Logos provides a snapshot of key information about the book. At a glance, you can see the key people, places, things, and events of the book, each of which is linked out to the Factbook.


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