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Products>The Godhood of God

The Godhood of God

Digital Logos Edition

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Pink explains this title as follows: "The Godhood of God! What is meant by the expression? This: the omnipotency of God, the absolute sovereignty of God. When we speak of the Godhood of God we affirm that God is God. We affirm that God is something more than an empty title: that God is something more than a mere figure-head: that God is something more than a far-distant Spectator, looking helplessly on at the suffering which sin has wrought. When we speak of the Godhood of God we affirm that He is 'King of kings and Lord of lords.' "

Product Details

  • Title: The Godhood of God
  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publication Date: 1999

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Top Highlights

“Therefore, to speak of the Godhood of God is to give the mighty Creator His rightful place; it is to recognize His exalted majesty; it is to own His universal scepter.” (source)

“At the beginning of all true theology lies the postulate that God is God—absolute and irresistible” (source)

“Instead of beginning with man and his world and attempting to reason back to God, we must begin with God and reason forward to man and his world.” (source)

“Because God is holy, His anger burns against sin. Because God is righteous, His judgments fall on those who rebel against Him. Because God is faithful, the solemn threatenings of His Word are being fulfilled. Because God is omnipotent, no problem can master Him, no enemy defeat Him, and no purpose of His can be withstood.” (source)

“Nothing is so humbling to the human heart as a true recognition of the absolute sovereignty of God” (source)

  • Title: The Godhood of God
  • Author: Arthur Walkington Pink
  • Publisher: Faithlife
  • Print Publication Date: 1999
  • Logos Release Date: 2001
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: God › Attributes
  • Resource ID: LLS:42.110.40
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-09-12T00:20:54Z
Arthur Walkington Pink

A. W. Pink (1886–1952) pastored churches in the United States and Australia for most of his working life. At the age of 24, Pink experienced an evangelical conversion and crossed the Atlantic from Great Britain to study at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. But after only six weeks, he left to take up a pastoral ministry during which he found his way to a strictly Calvinistic position in theology.

In 1922, Pink produced a monthly magazine entitled Studies in the Scriptures which circulated among English-speaking Christians worldwide. Pink devoted his life to the study and exposition of the Scriptures and became the author, also under the name Arthur Walkington Pink.

Articles, books, tracts, and pamphlets, including the notable Exposition of Hebrews and The Nature of God, can be found in the A. W. Pink Collection (40 vols.). Also available from Logos are The Godhood of God, Why Four Gospels?, The Divine Inspiration of the Bible, and The Law and the Saint.


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  1. Ron Hinson

    Ron Hinson


  2. Simuel Jefferson
  3. Mr.Peter



  4. Dr. Osmond Malcolm
  5. John Echols

    John Echols


  6. Pete Steele

    Pete Steele


    I love the way Pink draws me closer to my Father in Heaven
  7. Peter



    While Pink is a classic Hyper-Calvinist, he often gives helpful devotional insights...
  8. Kevin Bratcher
  9. Young son

    Young son


    very good thanks
  10. Apostle Rose M. White


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