Digital Logos Edition
A guided, visual tour through the O.T. and N.T. that will help you understand the heart of each book's message and its relationship to the other books of the Bible. Adapted from the popular Walk Thru the Bible seminars. This is an easy-to-use handbook that includes in-text charts, illustrations and outlines throughout.
“The five books of Moses are variously known as the Law, the Torah (Hebrew for Law), the Law of Moses, the ‘five-fifths of the Law,’ and the Pentateuch. The word ‘Pentateuch’ is derived from the Greek words penta (five) and teuchos (scroll or book).” (Page 3)
“Genesis spans more time than any other book in the Bible; in fact, it covers more than all sixty-five other books of the Bible put together.” (Page 7)
“The theme of Joshua is Israel’s possession of the Promised Land and enjoyment of God’s blessings through obedient faith.” (Page 53)
“In Genesis God elected a people, in Exodus He redeemed them, in Leviticus He sanctified them, and in Numbers He directed them.” (Page 30)
“It has been said that it took God only one night to get Israel out of Egypt, but it took forty years to get Egypt out of Israel.” (Page 23)
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16 ratings
Joshua M.H Jackson
William Bateman
Bill & Gail OBrallahan
Jitendra Raj Karki
Richard P. Fritsche
Jacob Hantla