Digital Logos Edition
Hymn and Scripture Selection Guide - presents the 432 hymns in alphabetical order. The related Scripture passages, taken from the Old and New Testaments as commonly in use by American Protestant denominations, are listed under each hymn. Passages that are directly related to a hymn, such as paraphrases and direct quotations, are in boldface type. Under the title of each hymn in italics there are topical headings and summary phrases intended to show the relationship between the hymn and the Scripture passage. For practical purposes, the number of references is limited. In almost every case, many Scripture passages of marginal correspondence that could be listed for a hymn have been omitted. The effort of this work is to provide an adequate number of references for each hymn and for each stanza where appropriate. The user of this electronic book may want to make notes of additional Scripture references, references to poems, comments, or similar information that one has found useful with a particular hymn.
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Jay Bishop, Sr.
diederick pütter