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Products>Different by Design

Different by Design

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Almost without notice, our homes and churches have become the newest laboratory for sex-role experimentation. Lured by the world's acceptance and a national obsession with fairness, we've replaced the once-clear biblical boundaries between men and women with a confusing, frighteningly secular hybrid. Dr. MacArthur helps the reader discover and understand the beauty, balance, and benefits of God's unique role for men and women in the home and church family.

Product Details

  • Title: Different By Design
  • Author: John MacArthur
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson
  • Publication Date: 1994

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Top Highlights

“Since man was created first, he was given headship over the woman and creation. The fact that Adam named Eve—a privilege bestowed on those who had authority in the Old Testament—manifested his authority over her. But their original relationship was so pure and perfect that his headship over her was a manifestation of his consuming love for her, and her submission to him was a manifestation of her consuming love for him. No selfishness or self-will marred their relationship. Each lived for the other in perfect fulfillment of their created purpose and under God’s perfect provision and care.” (Page 19)

“God did not create Eve to be superior to Adam; neither did He design her to be his slave. He did give them a perfect relationship: man as the head willingly providing for her, and she willingly submitting to him. Adam saw Eve as one with him in every respect—that was God’s design for a perfectly glorious union.” (Page 20)

“With the Fall and its curse came the distortion of woman’s proper submissiveness and of man’s proper authority. That is where the battle of the sexes began, where women’s liberation movements and male chauvinism were born. Women have a sinful inclination to usurp man’s authority and men have a sinful inclination to put women under their feet.” (Page 23)

“Second, God blessed them as man and woman in verse 28: ‘God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply … fill the earth … subdue it; and rule’ ’ (emphasis added). The man and woman were co-regents: God gave both Adam and Eve the task to rule together over the lower creation.” (Page 18)

  • Title: Different by Design
  • Author: John F. MacArthur
  • Series: MacArthur Study Series
  • Publisher: Victor Books/Scripture Press
  • Print Publication Date: 1996
  • Logos Release Date: 2001
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subjects: Sex role › Religious aspects--Christianity; Sex role › Biblical teaching; Marriage › Religious aspects--Christianity; Women in Christianity
  • Resource ID: LLS:40.90.2
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-02-11T15:34:05Z
John F. MacArthur

John MacArthur (b. 1939) is a Calvinist theologian, author, editor, and teacher. He is a popular conference speaker and the president of both The Master's College and The Master's Seminary. He has also served as pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969. Best known for his expository exegesis of the Bible, Logos has collected more than 3,000 of his sermons in the John MacArthur Sermon Archive and offers the complete MacArthur New Testament Commentary.

MacArthur’s pulpit ministry extends around the globe through his media ministry, Grace to You. In addition to producing daily radio programs for nearly 2,000 English and Spanish radio outlets worldwide, Grace to You distributes books, software, and CDs by John MacArthur. He has written hundreds of books and study guides, including the bestselling John MacArthur Essential Bible Study Library and the MacArthur Study Bible. He is also the author of notable titles like Different by Design and Twelve Ordinary Men.


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