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Products>A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity, vol. 3

A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity, vol. 3

Digital Logos Edition

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Logos Bible Software is excited to bring you the third volume of A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity by Dr. Rolland McCune. This series represents the culmination of decades of study and teaching theology. It will be of great value to pastors, educators, missions leaders, ministerial students, and other leaders in the local church. This volume includes the doctrines of salvation, the Church, and last things.

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Resource Experts
  • Comprehensive, articulate, and contextual
  • Ideal for pastors, theologians, and students
  • All Scripture references directly linked to the Bibles in your library

Top Highlights

“Alva J. McClain has the best and most concise definition: ‘That God, before the foundation of the world, chose all believers to salvation in Christ with all its attendant blessings and obligations.’10 This definition demonstrates that election is pre-temporal, personal, redemptive, and comprehensive.” (Page 4)

“Regeneration is the instantaneous, supernatural impartation of spiritual life to the spiritually dead.” (Page 49)

“Present sanctification is a continuous and unremitting, though gradual, elimination of sin in the believer and a similarly continuous and unremitting conforming of the believer to the image of Christ.” (Page 140)

“As stated before, the church, which is the body of Christ, is the whole spiritual body of true Christian believers of this age regardless of location or circumstances. It is the total number of Spirit-baptized believers—those saved between the Day of Pentecost and the Rapture—whether they are in heaven or on earth.” (Page 201)

“Saving faith is the knowledge of, assent to and unreserved trust in the accomplished redemption of Christ as revealed in the Scriptures.” (Page 71)

This is the systematic theology set for which many of us—especially those of us who had the privilege of studying under Dr. Rolland McCune—have been waiting. Rolland McCune is one of the clearest thinkers in the theological world today, and in this set he systematically combines the interpretations of Scripture that many of us have wished to find in a single theology set. Highlights include a presuppositional apologetic, a single source (Scripture) as the only rule for theology, cessationism [sic] of the miraculous gifts, pretribulational premillennialism in eschatology, a dispensational structure of God’s progressive revelation, recent creationism, and a Calvinist soteriology. In addition, McCune has gained a comprehensive knowledge of evangelical theological works in his lifetime, and hundreds of footnotes saturate the pages of this work. It is highly recommended.

—Larry Pettegrew, Vice President of Theology, Shepherds Theological Seminary

Rolland McCune’s Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity is written for pastors and preachers by a theologian with a heart for pastors. Concise yet thorough, academic yet pastoral, simple yet profound, Dr. McCune has managed to provide a much needed theological resource that will be of immense value to both pastors and academicians. His balanced, biblical approach is refreshing. Careful scholarship and thorough research are evident on every page. This will be a tool that serious students of the Bible will find themselves turning to again and again.

—Sam Horn, Vice-President for Ministerial Training and Graduate Studies, Northland Baptist Bible College

  • Title: A Systematic Theology of Biblical Christianity, vol. 3
  • Author: Rolland McCune
  • Publisher: Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary
  • Publication Date: 2009
  • Pages: 480

Rolland D. McCune was professor of systematic theology at the Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary in Allen Park, Michigan, having previously been the president of the Seminary for 10 years and dean of the Faculty for six years. Dr. McCune pastored churches in Missouri, and Indiana, and has had numerous interim pastorates in Indiana, Minnesota, and Michigan.

For 14 years he was on the faculty of the Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis, serving in the capacities of Professor, Registrar, and Dean. He at one time served on the Board of Trustees of The Minnesota Baptist Association and on the faculty of the Indiana Baptist College in Indianapolis. Dr. McCune has written numerous articles and extensive course syllabi in systematic theology, new evangelicalism, history of Israel, basic Bible doctrine, and dispensationalism, as well as authored a teacher's handbook on the Book of Daniel.


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