Digital Logos Edition
WallBuilders and Logos have teamed up to bring you the most complete collection of WallBuilders material available anywhere!
Experience the excitement of America’s creation from the perspectives of the Founding Fathers; discover the nation’s Christian heritage; and equip yourself with the tools needed to bring about a positive change in the United States. With over 60 resources in text, the WallBuilders American Foundations Collection is sure to provide you with a wealth of material as you prepare for your home gatherings, church groups, Sunday school classes, and school curriculum.
Also, available here for the first time anywhere, The Articles of David Barton brings together the significant contribution to the study of history and political science David Barton has made outside of his extensive catalog of books.
In the book of Nehemiah, the nation of Israel rallied together in a grassroots movement to help rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and thus restore stability, safety, and a promising future to that great city. WallBuilders has chosen this historical concept of “rebuilding the walls” to represent allegorically the call for citizen involvement in rebuilding America’s foundations. As is written in Psalm 11:3, “If the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do?”
WallBuilders develops materials to educate the public concerning America’s history and the laws and policies set in place by the Founding Fathers. WallBuilders aims to present an uncensored view of American history, thus not only giving meaning to history but also keeping it from becoming what Charles Coffin termed “an incomprehensible enigma.”
WallBuilders acts as a resource to those working toward improving federal, state, and local policies. They do this in part by providing direct assistance to our elected and appointed officials. This assistance takes several forms, including consulting with both legislators and judges, at their request, on legal and historical issues; testifying in state and federal hearings; providing research services; identifying and supporting sound legislation; and providing historical perspectives to current problems.
WallBuilders encourages people of faith to become involved in the civic arena, whether through prayer or direct involvement. As President and gospel minister James A. Garfield stated, “Now, more than ever, the people are responsible for the character of their Congress. If that body be ignorant, reckless, and corrupt, it is because the people tolerate ignorance, recklessness, and corruption. If it be intelligent, brave, and pure, it is because the people demand these high qualities to represent them in the national legislature… [I]f the next centennial does not find us a great nation… it will be because those who represent the enterprise, the culture, and the morality of the nation do not aid in controlling the political forces.”
The seed [WallBuilders’ is] sowing is bringing a harvest of righteousness and countering a tide of ungodliness. Praise the Lord.
—Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty, Oklahoma
David’s commitment to quality research and to making America a better place for our children shines through in all of his professional activities.
—Bill Dannemeyer, former congressman, California
[WallBuilders’] materials were the turning point for me in becoming a Christian. . . . I feel like I have been granted a new life. . . . I thank God for [them] for influencing the way my life has changed.
—Gary Sterling, presentation attendee, Texas
While watching [WallBuilders’] tape The Spirit of the American Revolution, I wept thinking how far our nation has moved away from the concepts of the Founding Fathers. . . . What can we do to get back to the founding concepts and blessings that our forefathers received?
—Sam Brownback, U. S. Senator, Kansas
Seeing how far our country has moved from its beginnings and the original intent of our Founding Fathers has encouraged me to be very active politically to try to bring about a move back to our beginnings.
—Connie Potter, presentation attendee, Washington
David’s materials . . . have given me and other legislators the courage to defend the moral values that made our country great.
—Ellen Craswell, State Senator, Washington
In their words, the Supreme Court has become “a national theology board,” “a super board of education,” and amateur psychologists on a “psycho-journey.” The result has been a virtual rewriting of the liberties enumerated in the Constitution.
A direct victim of this judicial micromanagement has been the religious aspect of the First Amendment. For example, the court now interprets that Amendment under:
Additional casualties of judicial activism have included protections for State’s rights, local controls, separation of powers, legislative supremacy, and numerous other constitutional provisions. Why did earlier Courts protect powers for generations, and what has caused their erosion by contemporary Courts?
Original Intent answers these questions. By relying on thousands of primary sources, Original Intent documents (in the Founding Fathers’ own words) not only the plan for limited government originally set forth in the Constitution and Bill of Rights but how that vision can once again become reality.
This book will guide you through the inside of the United States Capitol building, the striking symbol of American liberty. You will experience a unique perspective on its diverse history and be inspired by the many Godly heroes and the beautiful religious artwork displayed throughout the building. You will also learn some remarkable facts about the spiritual heritage of the Capitol that you won’t find in other guidebooks. For example, did you know that:
Learn the inspiring stories behind these events and behind the paintings and statues throughout the building. Whether you’re planning a visit to the Capitol or simply want to know more about this majestic edifice, this guide will serve as an indispensable tool.
School groups, church groups, civic groups, families, and individuals will be enriched by discovering the great heroes and events featured throughout the U.S. Capitol Building.
Dr. Benjamin Rush was a great American hero and role model. At the time of his death in 1813, he was heralded as one of America’s three most notable men, along with George Washington and Benjamin Franklin. And no wonder! He was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, served under three Presidents, helped found five universities and colleges, is titled “The Father of American Medicine,” led both the abolition and prison reform movements, and founded American Sunday Schools and the nation’s first Bible Society. Amazingly, two hundred years ago, Dr. Benjamin Rush offered insights still applicable today. For example:
Learn about the inspiring life of Dr. Benjamin Rush, and read from his insightful writings—many of which are here reprinted for the first time in two centuries. Dr. Benjamin Rush—a true American hero!
Liberty—the cry of the human heart! Every nation and people have sought it, but none has enjoyed a fuller measure than America.
Americans have faithfully transmitted the unique precepts of American liberty from generation to generation, and this book recaptures nine of the greatest early American orations about the blessings and responsibilities of liberty. These orations were delivered by some of America’s greatest orators: John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster, Samuel Davies, George Bancroft, Noah Webster, and others.
These timeless orations are once again available and speak directly to the hearts of today’s citizens!
America’s Godly Heritage clearly sets forth the beliefs of many of the famous founding Fathers concerning the proper role of Christian principles in education, in government, and in the public affairs of the nation. The beliefs of Founders like George Washington, John Adams, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Wilson, George Mason, John Quincy Adams, and many others are clearly presented.
America’s Godly Heritage also provides excerpts from court cases showing that for 160 years Christian principles were part of official American public life. You’ll see numerous charted statistics showing what has happened to America since the courts began rejecting the Founders’ beliefs.
America’s Godly Heritage is an excellent primer for those who want to know more about what was intended for America by the Founders and what can be done to return America to its original guiding philosophy.
Never in America’s history has there been the widespread official hostility to religious expression as experienced today. For example:
And there are thousands of similar incidents. However, religious liberties can be restored and protected through the new “Religious Speech Amendment” to the Constitution. This volume will help you understand this important issue and what you can do to help.
This volume presents three founding documents—The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, and Washington’s “Farewell Address”—in an effort to strengthen our national foundation. The courage and wisdom of our Founding Fathers need not be a forgotten or disregarded page from the American epic. The principles they delivered to us are worthy of additional study and contemplation. The great American experiment in self-government is worthy of continuing on and supporting us throughout this new millennium.
Ethics—the practice of morality—is the foundation of sound character. And soundness of character is, and always has been, the crucial issue regarding a nation’s longevity. Founding Father Elias Boudinot confirmed this when he declared: “If the moral character of a people once degenerate their political character must soon follow.”
Consequently, strengthening character by ethics has always remained one of America’s foremost social objectives. As confirmed by President George Washington: “A good moral character is the first essential. It is highly important not only to be learned but to be virtuous.”
Much attention has recently been focused on reinstituting ethics and character education. Yet, what is being taught today is simply a re-teaching of traits taught for centuries, traits such as industry, honesty, politeness, gratitude, purity, and duty to God.
Because such qualities are timeless in their application, an early 1890 work—based on works from the 1840s—is here reprinted for contemporary use. This work will inspire citizens of all ages to a greater elevation of their own character and therefore of the nation’s character.
Did you know that the Church played an invaluable role in the struggle for America’s independence? Learn the exciting truths about the efforts of Christians such as Roger Sherman and Charles Thomson, and pastors such as the Rev. Dr. Samuel Cooper and the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Mayhew. Examine the biblical teachings that caused generations of Christians to believe it was their duty to be involved with government. Discover how the actions of a few dedicated Christians changed the course of a nation.
It is time to reengage in civil stewardship from a biblical viewpoint. But first we must understand the true historical and biblical role of Christians in government, a role clearly documented in this exciting and inspiring account.
Separation of Church and State is designed as a tool to demonstrate that the current “separation of church and state” is something never intended by the Founding Fathers. It not only surveys the historical statements and records surrounding the original drafting of the First Amendment, but also shows what happened statistically when the 1962 Court rejected the Founders’ intent. It further shows that the current court is beginning to return to and uphold many values previously struck down.
Separation of Church and State gives an overview of the Founders’ own understanding of the First Amendment and will be helpful to anyone who desires to know the truth about their interpretations. Learn why the current doctrine of “separation of church and state” was never intended by the Founders.
America is now entering its fifth century of educating students. Throughout the first four centuries, impartation of three essential elements—religion, morality, and knowledge—was the core of the education system that produced some of the world’s greatest leaders in areas from science and government to theology and jurisprudence. In recent decades, however, the secularization of education has become the new American paradigm; and statistics clearly demonstrate that the more secular American education becomes, the less successful it is academically.
Four Centuries of American Education examines education both past and present. Learn about some of America’s greatest educators and textbooks, and discover what long made America a world leader in education. The remarkable history in this book will both challenge and inspire readers of all ages.
In recent years, American government has been plagued with a burgeoning number of scandals and corrupt public officials, yet for almost two centuries American government had been characterized as sound and morally untainted. What caused the change? Unfortunately, we disregarded and lost much of the specific advice given to us by those distinguished men who formed our government.
Discover the keys to good government by investigating the wise counsel and instruction given to us by leaders like William Penn, Benjamin Rush, Noah Webster, John Witherspoon, John Adams, Fisher Ames, George Washington, and many others. The information in Keys to Good Government not only stands in stark contrast to many contemporary teachings surrounding civic responsibilities, it also shows how we as Americans can reclaim the quality of government we once enjoyed.
Throughout the centuries, nature has been one of the best and most effective of God’s teachers. This historical reprint of an 1836 original is based on the principles from Job 12:7, “Ask the animals and they will teach you . . .” It will help teach young people loyalty from a buffalo, gratitude from a lion, honesty from a woodpecker, cooperation from beavers, discernment from a grasshopper, and much more. Great for people of all ages!
In 1776, 56 Americans signed a simple document which unalterably changed the course of this country. Most know of the importance of the Declaration of Independence, but few know much about its signers.
This book (originally published in 1848 by eminent 19th-century historian Benson J. Lossing) provides a brief biography of each signer of the Declaration. Accompanied by 50 engravings, these biographies shed light on what Lossing terms, “the chief events in the lives of the men who stood sponsors at the baptism in blood of our infant republic.” Through this book—long used in American schools—we, too, can discover the private and public virtues of those venerated Americans who helped create the most stable and enviable nation in the world. Learn the virtues and vision of these venerated Americans who risked their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” to help create the most stable and enviable nation in the world.
For a number of years the Dallas public schools allowed one-half credit toward high-school graduation for the successful completion of a general survey course in the Bible, given in the churches and Sunday schools of the city. In 1939, it was decided to provide separate courses in the Old and New Testaments, each course carrying one-half unit of credit toward high school graduation.
In both the Old Testament and the New Testament study courses an attempt has been made to avoid controversial questions by placing emphasis on the study of the Bible itself. Standards of work and teaching procedures are expected to approximate as closely as possible those used in the day schools. These in-depth courses are suitable for individuals or groups of youth or adults.
Noah Webster was an influential Founding Father, serving as a soldier during the American Revolution and as a legislator in two states after the Revolution. He was the first Founding Father to call for a Constitutional Convention and was personally responsible for the copyright clause found in Article I, Section 8, of the U.S. Constitution.
Like most of the Founding Fathers, Webster understood that the ability of our new government to endure would depend upon the quality of our educational system. Consequently, he became a leading educator and for almost six decades authored textbooks designed to transmit to subsequent generations the principles embodied in the government he had helped create.
Two works he authored to help train future generations were his “Moral Catechism” (1783), and “Advice to the Young” (1832), of which he explained:
The ‘Advice to the Young,’ it is hoped, will be useful in enlightening the minds of youth in religious and moral principles, and serve, in a degree, to restrain some of the common vices of our country. . . to exterminate our popular vices is a work of far more importance to the character and happiness of our citizens than any other improvements in our system of education.
These two powerful works are reprinted in this booklet and are beneficial not only for America’s current students, but for former students never exposed to these works in their school textbooks.
Whereas Americans once enjoyed the finest fruits of judicial integrity, we now speak with distaste at the many unpalatable decisions served by our robed officials. Popular and long-standing religious expressions are muzzled; criminals are released on technicalities; jury verdicts are deemed irrelevant; the will of the people is ignored. All of these travesties, and more, are handed down from judges who hold their offices for life—who often rule not on the basis of the Constitution they swore to uphold but rather according to their own personal values and agendas—who have usurped power and become robed legislators.
In Restraining Judicial Activism, David Barton illustrates the current extremes of egregious judicial decisions and discusses the constitutional process of removing reprobate judges from office, using the means specifically designated by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution. With concise clarity, Barton describes the historical perspective on removing overactive judges through impeachment, and aptly compares the current misconceptions on impeachable offenses with the Constitution’s explicit provisions. Restraining Judicial Activism presents the reader a workable solution for restoring justice to the American courtroom.
Setting the Record Straight reintroduces this generation to the forgotten heroes and untold stories from our rich African American political history. The following heroes—and many others—are presented in this inspiring documentary of African American political history:
George Washington’s part in a July 9th, 1755, battle in the French and Indian War is indisputably one of the most significant events of his early years; his life literally hung in the balance for over two hours. This dramatic event helped shape his character and confirm God’s call on him.
During the battle, the 23-year-old Colonel Washington had ridden to and fro on the battlefield, delivering General Braddock’s orders to the troops. Specifically targeted by the Indians because he was an officer, Washington found himself in great peril. In fact, of the 86 British and American officers, 63 were casualties; Washington was the only officer on horseback not shot down.
This book will captivate you with the thrilling details of that battle and of Washington’s gratitude to God for his protection. You’ll read his personal account of the battle and excerpts from his letters to his family where Washington tells them of God’s deliverance.
This account of God’s miraculous care of Washington and of Washington’s open gratitude for God’s Divine intervention could be found in many student textbooks until 1934; however, today few have ever heard of it. This illustrated work will help restore some of our lost American heritage.
The New England Primer was the first textbook ever printed in America and was used to teach reading and Bible lessons in our schools until the twentieth century. In fact, many of the Founding Fathers and their children learned to read from The New England Primer.
This volume is an historical reprint of the 1777 version used in many schools during the Founding Era. A great resource for homeschoolers or for use in any classroom, The New England Primer will challenge, inspire, and help mold a sturdy generation of Americans who will be able to contribute significantly to America’s liberties and institutions.
Was America ever a so-called “Christian” nation? Were any of our Framers Christians? While this question has been asked frequently in recent years, previous generations knew the answer to these questions. They knew, for example:
The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were… the general principles of Christianity.
—John Adams
The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and his apostles… and to this we owe our free constitutions of government.
—Noah Webster
The Christian religion… must ever be regarded among us as the foundation of civil society.
—Daniel Webster
Christianity… was the religion of the founders of the republic and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendents.
—House Judiciary Committee, 1854
Why did our Framers and early statesmen choose Christianity? Perhaps the best answer was provided by Dewitt Clinton, the Framer who introduced the Twelfth Amendment. He explained: “Christianity may be contemplated in two important aspects: first, in reference to its influence on this world, and secondly, in its reference to our destiny in the world to come.”
Today, the debate over Christianity in public life has been limited primarily to discussions about “our destiny in the world to come”; it is time that we rediscover the impact of Christianity’s “influence on this world.” Learn what our Framers believed to be the practical benefits of Christianity upon civil society and why these benefits are still needed today.
The Second Amendment has become one of the most controversial parts of the Constitution. Gun opponents claim that “the right to keep and bear arms” is a right that belongs only to the police and military. However, the Founding Fathers who wrote the Second Amendment in 1789 disagreed.
Read the Founders’ words and examine their early laws and State constitutions on the subject. The conclusion is inescapable that the guarantees of the Second Amendment pertain to every citizen individually. Furthermore, learn of the Founders’ timeless proposals made two centuries ago on how to deal with the gun violence that today shatters communities and causes the loss of innocent life.
The American Revolution was to dream the unthinkable: 56 men who pledged their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” to overthrow the world’s greatest military power. What was the spirit that motivated these men? What was the spirit behind the American Revolution? Learn the answers to these questions as you investigate both their words and their actions in The Spirit of the American Revolution. You will learn the following and much more in The Spirit of the American Revolution:
With a divine mandate to train a child “in the way he should go,” education is one of the great responsibilities of today’s parent. American courts and schools once supported this mandate, accepting the moral training of our youth. The school day could begin with a prayer and Bible reading; discipline had meaning; religious holidays were respected; there was “free exercise” with “no establishment.” Confusion was minimal.
Those days have vanished. This divine mandate now encounters the resistance of confusing and contradictory court decisions that are used to secularize the education process. The First Amendment is now interpreted by a “Lemon Test” where religion must be secular, an “Endorsement Test” in search of a mythical, religious neutrality, and a “Psychological Coercion Test” under which a sole religious dissenter can rule the majority. Why has the First Amendment become so confusing?
The Supreme Court answers. In their own words, they are now “a national theology board,” “a super board of education,” and amateur psychologists on a “psycho-journey.” The results? Americans are experiencing a distinct religious censorship and even overt religious hostility.
Yet, there is now an opportunity for our religious liberties to be restored, and for constitutional clarity and consistency to replace judicial confusion and contradiction. Are you aware of this progress? Are you involved in the process? A Guide to the School Prayer & Religious Liberty Debate will help you understand not only the issues but also the national imperative to honor the divine mandate.
Do you know what happened when religious principles were separated from public affairs? On June 25, 1962, the Supreme Court first struck down school prayer by prohibiting students from using this simple invocation: “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and beg Thy blessing upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our Country.” Following this case, the Court began methodically expelling other religious principles; the effects have been evident.
This book uses government statistics to show that 1962—the year religious principles were first separated from public affairs—was the year that the decline started in youth, education, families, and the nation. These are examples of the more than 40 charts presented in America: To Pray or Not to Pray.
The Life and Writings of John Jay contains six early books about distinguished Founding Father John Jay (1745–1829), an author of the Federalist Papers and the original Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. Two of the six books were published in 1833 as The Life and Writings of John Jay, by his son, William Jay. The other four were published in 1890 as The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay.
Note: This resource is broken up into two different titles in the WallBuilders American Foundations Collection: The Life and Writings of John Jay and The Correspondence and Public Papers of John Jay.
Life & Correspondence of Charles Carroll contains the Life and Correspondence of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, first published in 1898 in two volumes. Founding Father Charles Carroll (1737–1832) was one of the most famous American patriots, signing not only the Declaration of Independence (the only Roman Catholic to sign that document) but also helping write the Bill of Rights in the first federal Congress (he is one of the few leaders honored both with a statue and a portrait inside the U.S. Capitol). At his death in 1832, Charles Carroll was the last surviving signer of the Declaration and considered the wealthiest citizen in America. With Life & Correspondence of Charles Carroll, you can not only read one of the most famous biographies ever written about this great leader but you can also browse his writings to discover insights on the issues of his day—and even on many of today’s issues.
Patrick Henry is one of the most recognizable names from the American Founding era. As a fiery orator, he is best known for his declaration, “Give me liberty, or give me death!” Yet this remarkable Founder had a much greater influence than quotable motivational statements. He was a member of the Continental Congress, served five terms as Governor of Virginia, and was a ratifier of the U.S. Constitution. He was a deeply religious man and strongly committed to his family.
After Henry’s death, his grandson, William Wirt Henry, collected his grandfather’s writings into a three-volume set, along with an insightful biography. Patrick Henry: His Life, Correspondence and Speeches makes not only the life of Patrick Henry but also his correspondence and speeches available to this generation.
George Mason was such an influential Founding Father that he has been titled, “The Father of the Bill of Rights.” All Americans have benefited from his efforts, for it is the Bill of Rights that protects many of our inalienable rights, including freedoms of religion, speech, and the press; the right to keep and bear arms; etc. Yet despite the fact that no one is more responsible for the Bill of Rights than George Mason, he is probably one of the least known Founding Fathers. Learn about him in George Mason: His Life, Correspondence and Speeches, originally compiled by his descendent, Kate Mason Rowland in 1892.
In recent years, the American educational system has become the object of professional criticism, public speculation, and extensive studies. In 1983, the Department of Education released the results of its own study of the condition of American education in A Nation at Risk. This study, now considered one of the premier exposés on the condition of education, has so impacted educational circles that the “at risk” phrase from the book’s title has become a buzzword in educational jargon. Academic testing prior to the comprehensive report clearly indicated that educational standards and achievements were slipping. But why?
In this comprehensive assessment of the American educational crisis, David Barton takes a fresh look at the Department of Education’s report and the many theories offered by educational specialists as to why American scholastics are slipping. He comes to some surprising conclusions and offers tips on how to reverse this unfortunate trend.
Although prayer and belief in God comprise a substantial portion of the values held by most individuals and communities throughout the nation, since 1962 neither prayer nor the public acknowledgement of God has been officially sanctioned in community schools due to Court intervention. The Community Life Amendment can correct that inequity. David Barton clarifies the need for such an amendment with graphs, charts, and other examples in this illuminating book.
As major changes in adolescent morality have become obvious in recent decades, many have suggested that those changes have occurred as a result of the influence of the moral content in television programming. They point out that TV programming has moved to new levels of promiscuity and sexual expression in recent years and contend that these changes have caused a reversal, or at least a major reshaping, of the moral norms evident in earlier years. This report will examine whether television programming could have caused the changes now so apparent in youth morality.
Great American men have always understood the importance of women. John Adams described them as “the most infallible barometer… of morality and virtue in a nation.” And Daniel Webster said the “promulgation of sound morals” was a woman’s contribution to “the preservation of a free government.”
Wives of the Signers describes those women who, alongside their husbands, experienced the trials and triumphs of the struggle for independence and the challenge of building a new nation. Who were they?
Wives of the Signers highlights these great American women. Though they did not confront the hail of bullets or cannon and did not participate in conventions or congresses, they were at the heart of every soul-stirring historic event. Wives of the Signers is a book about the heart of America.
This book tackles the controversy surrounding the involvement of our Founding Fathers with Freemasonry in the formation of America, and answers many questions including:
Using historical documents dating from before the American Revolution, this book attempts to definitively resolve these questions and is a must read for Christians and others who are concerned about the spiritual roots of America’s founding.
In this piece, written for the prestigious Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics & Public Policy, David Barton examines the Supreme Court and lower courts’ extensive use of Thomas Jefferson’s phrase “wall of separation between Church and State” in forbidding public religious expressions and exposes the numerous historical fallacies inherent in these modern judicial opinions.
Available for the first time anywhere, The Articles of David Barton represents the significant contribution to the study of history and political science David Barton has made outside of his extensive catalog of books and video productions. Addressing both timely and timeless topics, the articles presented here distill Barton’s thoughts on everything from Thomas Jefferson to the Pledge of Allegiance into short, accessible commentaries. Articles include:
Author and historian David Barton is the WallBuilders’ founder and president. He is the author of numerous works on the original intent of America’s Founding Fathers. Barton speaks to hundreds of groups each year across the nation, and appears on numerous television and radio programs to communicate his views on our country’s religious roots and the role individuals can play in reclaiming America’s spiritual heritage.
David holds a bachelor of arts degree from Oral Roberts University and an honorary doctorate of letters from Pensacola Christian College. He has been a recipient of national and international awards including Who’s Who in Education and DAR’s highest award, the George Washington Honor Medal. His work in media and the educational medium have merited several Angel Awards, Telly Awards, and the Dove Foundation Seal of Approval.
WallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting American history and heroes with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built—a foundation which, according to WallBuilders, has in recent years been seriously attacked and undermined. In accord with what was stated by George Washington, WallBuilders believes that “the propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation which disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained.”
4 ratings
Chuck Houston
Dr. Charles Harding
CJ Walker, D.Min., Th.D.
David Perez II