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Products>Herman Ridderbos Collection (7 vols.)

Herman Ridderbos Collection (7 vols.)

, 1958–1988

Digital Logos Edition

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Herman Ridderbos is considered one of the twentieth century’s most influential New Testament theologians. His works emphasized Heilsgeschichte, or salvation history—the progressive history of God’s saving acts, in which Jesus Christ is central in redemption. Ridderbos’ redemptive-historical approach to the Scriptures catapulted a new wave in New Testament study, furthering our understanding of Pauline and biblical theology.The Herman Ridderbos Collection contains seven of his most important works in English translation, including two of Ridderbos’ studies of Paul and Pauline theology—one which offers a critical comparison of the preaching of Paul with the self-disclosure of Jesus, all within the framework of the history of revelation. This collection also includes Ridderbos’ succinct classic on the canonicity of the New Testament: The Authority of the New Testament Scriptures, as well as a work on Rudolf Bultmann, a study of the preaching of Jesus, and much more.

Perfect for students, professors, pastors, and laypeople alike, the Herman Ridderbos Collection will impact how you encounter the Bible. Studying Ridderbos’ work with Logos streamlines and enhances your experience. Scripture citations link directly to English translations, and important terms link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library. Bolster your study of his work by cross-referencing and comparing with an extensive library of Reformed scholarship. Take your study with you using tablet and mobile apps. With Logos Bible Software, the most efficient and comprehensive research tools are in one place, so you get the most out of your study.

The Herman Ridderbos Collection will greatly impact how you encounter the Bible. Perfect for students, professors, pastors, and laypeople alike, the Logos edition of the Herman Ridderbos Collection is fully searchable and easily accessible. Scripture passages link directly to your English translations and to the original-language texts, and important theological concepts link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of resources in your digital library.

Be sure to pick up Herman Ridderbos’ influential commentary St. Paul’s Epistle to the Churches of Galatia.

Resource Experts
  • Includes seven important works by Herman Ridderbos
  • Addresses contemporary, spiritual issues
  • Highlights the impact Ridderbos had on New Testament theology
  • Title: Herman Ridderbos Collection
  • Author: Herman Ridderbos
  • Volumes: 7
  • Pages: 1,664

This title is included in the following collections

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The Coming of the Kingdom

  • Author: Herman Ridderbos
  • Publisher: P&R
  • Publication Date: 1962
  • Pages: 588

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

This volume is a monumental study of the preaching of Jesus according to the synoptics. It is a veritable treasure house of informative and stimulating exegesis, treating large segments of the synoptic texts. Special mention may be made, by way of illustration, of the illuminating and helpful discussion of the parables and of the apocalyptic discourse of Mark 13.

When Ridderbos concludes that the kingdom of God involves both a present and a future aspect, nothing especially startling is disclosed. But the author’s treatment of this subject wins unqualified admiration when one takes account of the manner in which, in the context of a thorough and minute examination of the arguments of the representatives of “consistent eschatology” and “realized eschatology,” he surveys the pertinent data and evaluates the issues with exceptional exegetical ability. No one has approached him in the comprehensiveness of the treatment of this matter. And the discussion in this connection of such subjects as the kingdom in relation to Satan’s defeat and present working, the miracles as present power and as signs of the future, the parables, and the integrations of Jesus’ ministry with the coming of the kingdom is highly rewarding.

—Ned B. Stonehouse, late professor of New Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary

Paul and Jesus: Origin and General Character of Paul’s Preaching of Christ

  • Author: Herman Ridderbos
  • Publisher: P&R
  • Publication Date: 1958
  • Pages: 155

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In Paul and Jesus, Herman Ridderbos seeks to understand the preaching of Paul within the framework of the history of revelation. The book is an introduction to Paul in that it deals with the main perspectives of his preaching and critically compares the latter with the self-disclosure of Jesus. Although the primary aim of the work is to arrive at a clear understanding of the character of Paul’s preaching, Ridderbos carries on a continuous polemic with outstanding representatives of New Testament criticism and devotes considerable attention to the position of R. Bultmann, so that the subtitle of Paul and Jesus might well have been Revelation or Myth.

Ridderbos explores Paul’s preaching in a refreshing light in the following chapters:

  • The Problem of “Paul and Jesus” in the New Criticism
  • Jesus’ Self-Revelation and the Christian Kerygma
  • The Sources of Paul’s Preaching
  • The General Character of Paul’s Preaching of Christ
  • Paul, the Early Christian Church, and Jesus

The Authority of the New Testament Scriptures

  • Author: Herman Ridderbos
  • Publisher: P&R
  • Publication Date: 1963
  • Pages: 93

The Authority of the New Testament Scriptures is Herman Ridderbos’ succinct classic on the canonicity of the New Testament. “The very ground or basis for the recognition of the canon is therefore, in principle, redemptive-historical, i.e. Christological. For Christ himself is not only the canon in which God comes to the world, but Christ establishes the canon and gives it its concrete historical form.”


  • Author: Herman Ridderbos
  • Publisher: P&R
  • Publication Date: 1960
  • Pages: 46

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Rudolf Bultmann, professor of New Testament at the University of Marburg, became a center of controversy throughout the 1940s theological world. The cause of his widespread fame was not simply what he wrote over the years concerning various major New Testament origin problems; rather, it was especially due to the manner in which he tried to interpret the message of the New Testament for our generation.

Bultmann’s theology can be called an existentialistic approach to and exposition of the biblical message. The fact that Bultmann’s theology is determined completely by philosophical existentialistic conceptions of man, life, and the world explains to a large measure the great number of his adherents and also the sharp opposition to him. It is therefore meaningful that the nonprofessional theologian interest himself in this figure, for his theology is a typical phenomenon of the time. One thing is certain: Bultmann’s position signifies a renewal of the conflict between liberal and biblical thought, and must be taken seriously. Herman Ridderbos takes an in-depth look into Bultmann’s theology and doctrine and analyzes key ideas and concepts.

When the Time Had Fully Come: Studies in New Testament Theology

  • Author: Herman Ridderbos
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Publication Date: 1957
  • Pages: 104

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

The Kingdom of God, or the Kingdom of Heaven, is one of the most central concepts in the history of revelation. Prepared in the Old Testament, notable in the so-called enthronement Psalms and in the prophecies, it makes its appearance in the overture of the New Testament as the contents of the great proclamation of salvation, first of the herald, John the Baptist, then of Christ himself: “The kingdom of God is at hand” (Mark 1:15). Especially in the Synoptic Gospels, it remains in the foreground. It constitutes the nucleus of Christ’s parables; indeed, of his entire mission and message.

In John and Paul, however, it seems to withdraw. But this is only seemingly so, as Herman Ridderbos shows in detail in When the Time Had Fully Come.

Studies in Scripture and Its Authority

  • Author: Herman Ridderbos
  • Publisher: Eerdmans
  • Publication Date: 1978
  • Pages: 123

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

In a day when the authority of Scripture has been questioned by many both outside and inside the church, these essays are presented by Herman Ridderbos to help concerned and interested students and laypeople to understand some of the issues involved. He discusses in a candid and lucid style the much-disputed topics of the doctrine of Scripture, the person of Christ, the Kingdom of God, and the last things. Throughout these essays Ridderbos is mindful of the authority which the Bible must bear within the Christian context, while at the same time he recognizes the contributions of a scientific study of Scripture.

As an active churchman, Ridderbos is aware that these issues can be unsettling and disturbing to the church. His aim in these essays is to develop a course of moderation which enable traditional theology to be made relevant to the topics of debate in the church today.

The strength of these studies is that they do not theorize or dogmatize, but relate the authority of Scripture to its intention and message, and express the insights of an experienced and able exegete.

F. F. Bruce, Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism and Exegesis, University of Manchester

Redemptive History and the New Testament Scriptures

  • Author: Herman Ridderbos
  • Publisher: P&R
  • Publication Date: 1998
  • Pages: 91

Sample Pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

“Any scientific investigator of Scripture repeatedly confronts the issue of the character of the Bible’s authority,” writes Herman Ridderbos in the opening lines of this book. From there he goes on to examine the basis for the church’s acceptance of the New Testament as canonical. More than a merely academic question, the canonicity of the New Testament remains a vital concern for the church today. It is a question of whether these 27 books are in fact God’s holy Word and therefore authoritative for our faith and life.

Ridderbos stresses that the foundation for the canon lies in the history of redemption itself, wherein Christ gave distinctive authority to his apostles. On that basis, Ridderbos examines the authority of the New Testament as it is characterized in the content of the text itself—in terms of the redemptive-historical categories of kerygma (proclamation), marturia (witness), and didache (doctrine).

Herman Ridderbos (1909–2007) was professor emeritus of New Testament at the Theological School of the Reformed Churches of the Netherlands at Kampen, where he served for over 40 years. His father, J. Ridderbos, was an Old Testament professor at the same seminary, and his brother, N. H. Ridderbos, was an Old Testament professor at the Free University of Amsterdam.

The author of many scholarly publications, Ridderbos was the editor of the Reformed Weekly (Kampen), one of the Netherlands’ leading ecclesiastical periodicals. He became well-known in America through his volume on Galatians in the New International Commentary on the Old and New Testament.


9 ratings

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  1. Charles Sigler
  2. Allan Story

    Allan Story


  3. Chad Richard Bresson
    This set, unfortunately, does not include Ridderbos' magnum opus, Paul, An Outline of His Theology.
  4. JT Workman

    JT Workman


  5. Almir Macario Barros
  6. Cris Dickason

    Cris Dickason


    Logos needs to pickup and fix up the Kindle version of Ridderbos' Paul: An Outline of His Theology. It is a travesty that it has been made into a Kindle e-book. The functionality of Kindle books is underwhelming for anything other than reading fiction.
  7. Richard Bush

    Richard Bush


  8. Albert Cooper

    Albert Cooper


  9. Daniel M

    Daniel M


    I was interested in this collection, but especially because of his book "Paul: an outline of his theology". It seems to have disappeared from the collection. Can anyone from Logos tell me whether this will be published later as an upgrade or separately?
  10. Bentley Crawford
    Will be glad when this releases!
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