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Products>Speaker's Sourcebook of New Illustrations

Speaker's Sourcebook of New Illustrations

, 1995
ISBN: 9781418502492

Digital Logos Edition

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This is a valuable resource that ministers, teachers, and public speakers will want close at hand. Each of these 500 illustrations focuses on the daily challenges of Christian life. The alphabetical format aids in finding ideas quickly and encourages browsing. Completely indexed and cross-referenced, the applications tie in with Bible references and, wherever possible, sources are noted for further reading.

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Top Highlights

“Many people get close to God’s kingdom, but not in. They are almost, but not quite, convinced. They nearly accept Christ, but never do. However near they come, they fall short. Whatever effort they make to gain entrance, they remain outside grace. What an imponderable disaster for those who nearly or almost become Christians—for close doesn’t count. Near is not in.” (Page 207)

“Faith in the eternal God offers a hope that despair cannot diminish. It brings an optimism that pessimism cannot eclipse. It builds a confidence that adversities cannot weaken. It instills a pleasure that pain cannot destroy—faith in the eternal God!” (Page 104)

“Everything in creation suffers constant deterioration. Likewise, our Christian lives demand constant reinforcement to serve at optimum strength.” (Page 101)

“In Orthodoxy, Chesterton wrote that most humans rejoice over the insignificant and despair over the essential” (Page 124)

“Don’t we invariably view adversities as obstacles? Instead, they are often like the opening torn by the exertion of the bee: the means to growth. They can uncover resources, develop strengths, and stimulate tenacity we would not otherwise have. They can bring us a joy equal to their distress. As John Bunyan wrote, ‘They can appear as the lion to Samson: roaring and gnashing; but, when subdued, full of honey.’” (Page 2)

  • Title: Speaker’s Sourcebook of New Illustrations
  • Author: Virgil Hurley
  • Edition: electronic ed.
  • Publisher: Word
  • Print Publication Date: 1995
  • Logos Release Date: 2002
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Homiletical illustrations › Dictionaries
  • ISBNs: 9781418502492, 1418502499
  • Resource ID: LLS:60.0.5
  • Resource Type: text.monograph.illustrations
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2024-10-23T16:29:38Z


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  1. Casey Walker

    Casey Walker


    love it
  2. James L

    James L

