Digital Logos Edition
Do you find it hard to believe that the One who made everything keeps your name on His heart and on His lips? Did you realize that your name is written on the hand of God (Is. 49:16)? Perhaps you've never seen your name honored. And you can't remember when you heard it spoken with kindness. In this book, Lucado offers the inspiration to believe that God has already bought the ticket-with your name on it.
“I’ve never been surprised by God’s judgment, but I’m still stunned by his grace.” (Page 52)
“‘Jesus and his followers were also invited to the wedding.’” (Page 22)
“Forty years of wandering to loosen the stiff necks of the Israelites? Would’ve done it myself. Ananias and Sapphira? You bet.” (Page 52)
“What John did to present Christ, Paul did to explain him. John cleared the path; Paul erected signposts” (Page 28)
“It’s a fifty-fifty proposition. A do-it-yourself curriculum that majors in our part and minors in God’s part.” (Page 119)
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Kenute P. Curry