Digital Logos Edition
In this three-volume collection, author and teacher Warren A. Gage presents fresh insight on biblical theology. Gage analyzes the pleroma doctrine in relation to the person and work of Christ, explores biblical typology to unpack the symbolism of events surrounding various biblical figures, and explores the theology of seven New Testament authors in the form of fictional dialogue. The collection takes a new approach to biblical theology, applying methods not commonly used in interpretation to reveal Scripture’s intricacies.
Warren A. Gage is the president of the Alexandrian Forum, a ministry dedicated to bringing in-depth biblical and classical education back to our churches and communities. Warren holds a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary, a JD from Southern Methodist University, and a MA and PhD from the University of Dallas. Prior to his work for the Alexandrian Forum, he served as a professor of Old Testament and classical studies at Knox Theological Seminary. He is known for his advocacy of biblical typology and a literary approach to biblical exposition which demonstrates that all of Scripture points toward Christ.