Digital Logos Edition
James Montgomery Boice’s complete Expositional Commentary series is now available for your Logos Bible Software electronic library. The material published in these volumes flows from Boice’s years of preaching experience at Tenth Presbyterian Church of Philadelphia, and as host of The Bible Study Hour radio program. These commentaries reflect Boice’s years of experience in the pulpit and speak directly to the hearts of pastors.
This set, combined with the advanced tools of Logos Bible Software, offers users an excellent expositional preaching and commentary resource. As you preach through the sections highlighted in these books, your sermons will reap the benefits of Dr. Boice’s experience as a pastor himself and his knowledge of practical ways to apply the words of Scripture to his sermons and the everyday life of his congregation.
Dr. Boice’s commentary series is a treasure for the church and for her pastors. No expository preacher can afford to be without it.
—R.C. Sproul
Of all that I’ve seen, this commentary probably provides the best direct help for preaching on the Psalms. Boice has written a well-crafted, easily understood commentary that provides good historical background and thoughtful suggestions for illustration.
—Minister’s Packet (April/May 1999)
You can save when you purchase this product as part of a collection.
What can we gain from studying the Book of Genesis? According to James Montgomery Boice, starting at the beginning of everything causes us to think about God and to understand ourselves as fallen, yet redeemable. This knowledge not only deepen our understanding of the Christian faith but also enhances our ability to impart the gospel’s truth to a world desperately in need of it.
The first in a three–volume series on the Book of Genesis, Creation and Fall shows how the story of redemption—essentially all of Scripture—has no significance apart from the story of creation and fall. These first eleven chapters of Genesis establish the relationship of God to the cosmos and to all peoples of the earth.
In this commentary on Genesis 12-36, Boice traces the “new beginning” of God’s plan of redemption, which arose out of God’s relationship with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. By delving into the patriarchs’ lives, Boice demonstrates how much they are like us and how easily we relate to them, both in triumphs and failures.
The second of three volumes on the Book of Genesis, A New Beginning shows how God changed the course of history beginning with one less-than-perfect man. It reveals the patriarchs’ stories as compelling, dramatic, and true to life. As you study their stories, writes Boice, “I trust that God will use their strengths and weaknesses, victories and failures, to guide you in the true path of discipleship and to strengthen your witness.”
No man in Scripture lived more consistently and completely for God than did Joseph, a favorite son of Jacob. In times of adversity and in times of prosperity-both of which offered the temptation to deny God and his lordship-Joseph remained steadfast.
Living by Faith is the third and final volume on Genesis. Volume 1 focused on God’s relationship to the cosmos and to all peoples of the earth. Volume 2 traced the “new beginning” of God’s plan of redemption. In volume 3, Boice follows the complete story of Joseph, a “man for all seasons.” By exploring Joseph’s loyalty to God, Boice presents him as an example for Christians today.
Joshua was a soldier. According to James Montgomery Boice, he was “one of the most extraordinary military commanders of all time.” But what sets Joshua apart from his predecessors and successors, says Boice, is his obedience to the Word of God.
This insightful commentary follows a chosen commander whose obedience successfully brought him through the Jewish conquest of Canaan. Chapter by chapter and verse by verse, Boice explores the entire book of Joshua, from Joshua’s military commissioning to the crossing of the Jordan River, from the Israelite victory at Jericho to the division of Canaan among the twelve tribes, which set the stage for God’s people to prosper forever in obedience to him.
Nehemiah was a great leader. According to James Montgomery Boice, Nehemiah’s leadership abilities were born from his submission to God, his ability to focus on the right goals, his wisdom in handling complex situations, and his courage to act decisively. “But the most important thing about Nehemiah,” says Boice, “is that he was a man of God, and because he was so close to God in prayer and personal piety, he was able to draw from God the wisdom, patience, skill, and perseverance he needed.”
This insightful commentary follows a chosen leader through the great task of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem 150 years after it was destroyed by King Nebuchadnezzar. Through analysis of eight dynamics of the Old Testament text, Boice explores all aspects of Nehemiah’s work, from taking command to getting the work done, from dealing with oppression to dedicating the wall and establishing Jerusalem as a city under God.
Whether you’re a serious Bible student probing through Psalm 19 or a first-time reader inspired by the promise of Psalm 23, this first volume on the book of Psalms explores each of the first forty-one psalms, uncovering deep reflections, wisdom for living, and verses of praise, confidence, and repentance.
“I have always thought of the psalms as the deepest and most spiritual portion of the Word of God.” —James Montgomery Boice
Covering Psalms 42-106, this second volume on the book of Psalms portrays the realities of human life and the peace that is found in God alone. James Montgomery Boice explores the life of David—his pain, trials, joy, and spiritual aspirations.
“The psalms themselves speak so powerfully to the hurts, fears, disappointments, faith, hope, and spiritual aspirations of God’s people.” —James Montgomery Boice
Exploring Psalms 107-150, this third and final volume on the book of Psalms offers solid, practical, and well-illustrated expositions on God’s nurturing, grace, comfort, and instruction. James Montgomery Boice expounds on the theme of worship—what true worship is, who should worship, and when and how we should praise God.
Through Daniel’s visions and experiences as an exile in Babylon, the book of Daniel gives us a clearer understanding of history than any other part of the Bible. Daniel also makes it clear that God is in control of all human events that have unfolded or will occur in later times. At the same time, he shows us how to live for God in ungodly times—like our own.
In this new addition to James Montgomery Boice’s popular commentary series, pastors, Bible students, and laypersons will find analysis of Daniel’s illuminating insights into history. Boice explains the meaning of the text verse by verse and subject by subject. Its clear language and approachable style make this commentary accessible and enlightening.
The Minor Prophets dramatize the character of God as few other books in the Bible do. According to noted expositor James Montgomery Boice, they particularly highlight three aspects of God’s character: his sovereignty, his holiness, and his love. The messages of the Minor Prophets and their pertinent application for our lives should not be dismissed.
This two-volume expositional and inspirational commentary on the Minor Prophets integrates rigorous scholarship with accessible writing. It will inform a wide range of readers—from serious Bible students to interested laypersons—and help you understand and apply the truths found in the text.
The Minor Prophets dramatize the character of God as few other books in the Bible do. According to noted expositor James Montgomery Boice, they particularly highlight three aspects of God’s character: his sovereignty, his holiness, and his love. The messages of the Minor Prophets and their pertinent application for our lives should not be dismissed.
This two-volume expositional and inspirational commentary on the Minor Prophets integrates rigorous scholarship with accessible writing. It will inform a wide range of readers—from serious Bible students to interested laypersons—and help you understand and apply the truths found in the text.
The Gospel of Matthew, said James Montgomery Boice, is “the first of the Gospels, the longest, the most Jewish, the most evangelistic, and, in many was, the most compelling.”
This two-volume expositional and inspirational commentary on the Book of Matthew integrates rigorous scholarship and clear communication. It will inform and help a wide range of readers—from serious Bible students to interested laypersons—understand and apply the truths found in the text.
The Gospel of Matthew, said James Montgomery Boice, is “the first of the Gospels, the longest, the most Jewish, the most evangelistic, and, in many was, the most compelling.”
his two-volume expositional and inspirational commentary on the Book of Matthew integrates rigorous scholarship and clear communication. It will inform and help a wide range of readers—from serious Bible students to interested laypersons—understand and apply the truths found in the text.
Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount shows us the absolute necessity of the new birth and a regenerated heart. It points us to Jesus himself. And it indicates the way to blessing for Christians—how we can please our heavenly Father.
In this unique addition to his popular commentary series, James Montgomery Boice provides an in-depth look into the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5-7. He explains the meaning of the text verse by verse and relates its concerns to today’s world, the church, and the realities of the Christian life.
Boice’s clear, practical writing makes this a helpful commentary for a wide range of readers—from serious Bible students to interested laypersons—and helps you understand and apply the truths found in Jesus’ teaching.
The Gospel of John, says James Montgomery Boice, is “a powerful source of instruction and comfort to many millions of God’s people down through the ages of church history.”
Exploring chapters 1-4, this first volume on the Gospel of John is an insightful study and devotional guide for serious Bible students as well as interested laypersons. James Montgomery Boice explores the coming of Jesus Christ and discusses the initial reaction some people had toward him.
“If we allow God to use us, we become important spiritually,” says James Montgomery Boice. “For the Lord Jesus Christ himself is seen in the conduct of his followers.”
This second volume on the Gospel of John shows how Jesus dealt with the hostility that began to arise among the religious leaders in regard to various practices of faith and how he didn’t allow their hostility to deter him from his path. In so doing, Christ provided the ultimate example for living in the Father’s name.
“Open your ears,” says James Montgomery Boice. “Hear the voice of Christ. Believe him. Turn to him. Throw yourself upon him. Receive him as your Savior.”
Even in the midst of pain and persecution, we are to live as Christ would live. Volume 3 on the Gospel of John shows Jesus turning to all who had received him in the midst of, and in spite of, growing hostility from the authorities of Judaism.
“Open your ears,” says James Montgomery Boice. “Hear the voice of Christ. Believe him. Turn to him. Throw yourself upon him. Receive him as your Savior.”
Even in the midst of pain and persecution, we are to live as Christ would live. Volume 3 on the Gospel of John shows Jesus turning to all who had received him in the midst of, and in spite of, growing hostility from the authorities of Judaism.
“Open your ears,” says James Montgomery Boice. “Hear the voice of Christ. Believe him. Turn to him. Throw yourself upon him. Receive him as your Savior.”
Even in the midst of pain and persecution, we are to live as Christ would live. Volume 3 on the Gospel of John shows Jesus turning to all who had received him in the midst of, and in spite of, growing hostility from the authorities of Judaism.
“There’s nothing today’s church needs so much as to rediscover the doctrine, spirit, and commitments of the early Christian community,” writes James Montgomery Boice.
The power the early church exhibited for changes and growth is overwhelming. Although it faced enormous obstacles—it was completely new, it taught truths that seemed unbelievable, and it suffered intense hatred and persecution-the church managed to spread across the early world within the lifetime of the first generation of believers.
In fifty chapters that progress through the book of Acts, Boice issues a challenge to believers to follow the first-century church. We are encouraged to glean the vital principles that enabled the early church to expand, and then apply them to our modern-day church. If we take time to study the expansion of the early church, we can spread the gospel the way it was spread during the first century-by the faithful preaching and teaching of the great truths of the Bible.
“Christianity has been the most powerful, transforming force in human history,” says James Montgomery Boice, “and the book of Romans is the most basic, most comprehensive statement of true Christianity.”
Volume 1, Justification by Faith, discusses the full impact of justification by faith alone. Boice uses stories and hymns to present the thoughts of Paul in a poetic form and provides word studies based on the Greek text to add meaning and enrichment to Paul’s words.
“Grace reigns,” says James Montgomery Boice, “not because God is gracious to us no matter what we do, but because grace has created in us a genuinely godly walk.”
Volume 2, The Reign of Grace, focuses on the sovereignty, grace, and holiness of God and on the need for holiness in believers. James Montgomery Boice discusses the full meaning of salvation, the problem with suffering, the struggles of sin, and the sustaining love God pours on his people.
“No religion is stronger than its god,” says James Montgomery Boice, “and in the case of Christianity, no Christians have ever been stronger than their knowledge of the true God and their desire to obey and glorify him.” God and History asks what in the world is God doing to help Christians gain a better understanding of who he is? With life-empowering descriptions of God’s sovereignty and purpose, James Montgomery Boice shows us a balanced view of predestination and other issues that sometimes trouble us.
“It is changed people who change everything,” says James Montgomery Boice. “If you have been called to faith in Jesus Christ, you are part of the radically changed community, the new humanity.”
Volume 4, The New Humanity, explores the life applications of theology Paul set out in the final four chapters of the book of Romans. Calling all Christians to renew their understanding of the great doctrines of Christianity, Boice shows how we can live by these teachings even today.
According to James Montgomery Boice, Paul’s great letter to the Ephesians is “a mini-course in theology, centered on the church.” Writing to the church in a city much like modern-day New York, Paul laid out his mature vision of the Christian faith’s central elements. The apostle set these fundamental doctrines in the context of the church as the body of Christ.
In this compelling commentary, Boice presents the message of Paul with great depth and clarity. The author proclaims the profound yet simple gospel once delivered to the church in Ephesus and effectively applies it to the modern church.
“Philippians is so simple and at the same time so profound that is speaks profitably to Christians at every level of spiritual understanding, age, and maturity.”
As James Montgomery Boice points out, no book in the Bible is so filled with joy as Philippians. Even though Paul faced possible execution for his faith, he managed to remain joyful in the midst of terrible circumstances.
Beyond providing encouragement, Philippians also contains a wealth of great themes. As Boice explains, it covers most of the major doctrines of the Christian faith and is at the same time extremely practical.
The three letters of John found near the end of the New Testament have a tendency to be oversimplified or simply overlooked in the study of the Scriptures. However, though these letters may on the surface seem less applicable to our time because they address heresies and church management issues that seem unique to the early church, careful study reveals just how contemporary these concerns are.
In this volume of James Montgomery Boice’s popular commentary series, pastors, Bible students, and laypersons will find analysis of John’s timeless messages of righteousness, truth, and love. Boice explains the meaning of the text verse by verse and subject by subject. Clear language and an approachable style make this commentary accessible and enlightening.
James Montgomery Boice (1938 - 2000) was senior pastor of Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He was also president and cofounder of the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, the parent organization of The Bible Study Hour, on which Boice was a speaker for more than thirty years.
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