Digital Logos Edition
Prominent Bible scholar David Clines presents a series of essays on the worldviews of both the authors and the readers of the Old Testament. He gives an introduction to ideological criticism, including his purpose in writing this volume and what the term “interested parties” means in terms of biblical studies. After setting out the foundation of his argument for ideological reading, he examines several passages and topics in the Old Testament. He covers the Ten Commandments, the Temple, the Prophets, the book of Job, the Pentateuch, and David. Clines focuses on interpretation as well as evaluation of the text in question.
Logos Bible Software dramatically improves the value of this resource by enabling you to find what you’re looking for with unparalleled speed and precision. While you’re reading Interested Parties, you can easily search for important concepts from various theologians and access dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of other resources in your digital library.
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