Digital Logos Edition
In nine volumes, this collection provides sound, biblical counsel on key leadership principles. It addresses twenty-first-century challenges facing church and parachurch leaders and offers helpful tips to steer their ministry in the right direction. The collection provides insight into the moral role and ethical responsibilities of church leaders. It illustrates leadership’s pitfalls and encourages leaders to take charge of their personal lives, showing them how to balance the emotional, physical, and spiritual. Emphasizing the importance of being relational, it shows how pastors who form strong friendships with mentors and fellow pastors thrive in their ministries and how mentoring emerging leaders can strengthen character, calling, and competency.
Perfect for students, pastors, church leaders, and laypeople alike, the Logos edition of these works are fully searchable and easily accessible. Scripture passages link directly to your favorite Bible translation, and important theological concepts link to dictionaries, encyclopedias, and a wealth of resources in your digital library.
Cultures and organizations do not change without strong leadership. While many leadership books focus on management or administration, the central focus of The Conviction to Lead is on changing minds.
Dr. Mohler was the driving force behind the transformation of Southern Seminary from a liberal institution of waning influence to a thriving evangelical seminary at the heart of the Southern Baptist Convention. Since then, he has been one of the most prominent voices in evangelicalism, fighting for Christian principles and challenging secular culture.
Using his own experiences and examples from history, Dr. Mohler demonstrates that real leadership is a transferring of conviction to others, affecting their actions, motivations, intuition, and commitment. This practical guide walks the reader through what a leader needs to know, do, and be in order to affect change.
Dr. Al Mohler has written a book that shakes us up and challenges our thinking. The Conviction to Lead is poised to become one of the all-time classic works on Christian leadership.
—Jim Daly, president, Focus on the Family
Having rarely thought about leadership, I was hooked from the first chapter—to my complete surprise. This is a powerful book and gracefully written.
—Fred Barnes, executive editor, The Weekly Standard
This is Mohler in his most natural habitat, doing what he does best. If you are a pastor or elder, if you are an owner or CEO, if you are in any form of leadership, I am convinced that this book will transform the way you lead. I highly recommend that you read it.
—Tim Challies, pastor, Grace Fellowship Church, Toronto, Canada
For any one currently in a position of leadership, or anyone who aspires to a position of leadership, this book is a necessity.
—Douglas Wilson, pastor, Christ Church, Moscow, ID
Albert Mohler is the ninth president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the Southern Baptist Convention’s flagship school. Dr. Mohler is a radio personality, blogger, and sought-after commentator. He has been quoted in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today. He has also appeared on such national news programs as Larry King Live, NBC’s Today Show, Dateline NBC, Good Morning America, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, and The O’Reilly Factor.
Pete Drucker has said that pastoring a large church is one of the three most difficult jobs in America today. Pastors are expected to be biblical scholars, business administrators, counselors, public speakers, fund-raisers, visionaries, plus have a personal life that is consistent with the values of the church. It is little wonder that thousands of church leaders wonder why they ever accepted leadership responsibilities and many quit.
As a nationally recognized authority on church and parachurch leadership, Anderson brings the help and hope that leaders need in today’s complex world. Shedding light on the current challenges of leadership and on mistaken leadership myths goes a long way toward putting difficulties into proper perspective. Defining the changes required and facing the complex issues is a long step in the right direction toward twenty-first century leadership. In a “catalog culture” of multiple options, leading is perplexing and sometimes overwhelming, but Anderson’s counsel is sound and practical.
I am a better pastor because of reading and applying the wisdom in this book.
—Roberta Hestenes, senior pastor, Community Presbyterian Church, Danville, CA
. . . an important means for busy leaders to get pointed back to the Source.
—Richard J. Mouw, president, Fuller Theological Seminary
This is the book you have been waiting for from America’s wisest pastor!
—Lyle Schaller, founder, The Parish Paper
Steadfast ministry and long-term fruitfulness verify Leith Anderson’s grasp of what works.
—Jack W. Hayford, chancellor, The King’s University
This book is a must for everyone in a leadership position.
—John C. Maxwell, founder, The INJOY Group
Leith shows clearly how to meet today’s changing culture without compromising biblically.
—Jerry E. White, president emeritus, The Navigators
Here is a smooth, clear guide for the needy leader, a track to run on in the troubled moment, a set of rails into a confident future.
—Calvin Miller, emeritus professor of preaching and pastoral ministry, Beeson Divinity School
. . . a leadership book that takes us all the way to the realities that face those of us who lead . . . from a leader who understands.
—Joseph M. Stowell, president, Cornerstone University
Leith Anderson is a graduate of Denver Seminary (MDiv) and Fuller Theological Seminary (DMin). He has written six books and is known internationally as an author, speaker, and educator, consulting with leaders in denominations across the spectrum of Christendom. He is president of the National Association of Evangelicals and retired pastored of Wooddale Church in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.
A pastor can’t go at it alone. With the stress that comes with a life of service, leaders can too easily stumble, burn out, or feel the need to leave the ministry altogether. But with the support of others who’ve been there, you can increase your impact on the people you serve and enjoy a more rewarding ministry.
Leaders That Last provides the solution to the problem of going it alone. Submitting to a mentoring relationship, building strong friendships, and being challenged by fellow pastors to stay faithful to the call provide for vital balance while allowing for growth. The proven Pastors in Covenant model described in this book shows how to form small help groups with other trusted colleagues. These teams hold one another personally and professionally accountable and provide a lifeline during troubled times.
Jesus defined life as relational and it is in relationship with him and others that we find the abundant life he promised. Leaders That Last gives the account of one successful pastor who has actually found the enjoyment of this life in ministry. This book will be a great encouragement.
—Darryl DelHousaye, president, Phoenix Seminary
Dr. Gary Kinnaman combines a humble heart and a remarkable comprehension of other cultures beyond his own. His ministry is a treasure of God that will profoundly enrich the Hispanic community. I recommend him with all my heart.
—Alberto H. Mottesi, evangelist
I love to learn from leaders I trust. In Leaders That Last, Gary Kinnaman has given us the treasures of his life. If we ponder these words and walk in this wisdom, our lives will be rescued from great folly and set on paths of joy.
—John Dawson, president, YWAM International
Pastors in Covenant is serving an essential function in American Christendom. The plague of isolation is picking off pastors weekly, and the covenant group format founded by Gary Kinnaman is the antidote. It is the participation in the ‘one anothers’ of Scripture, the relationships formed, that make ‘leaders’ into real men. There is no short-cut to character apart from relationships. I applaud the Pastors in Covenant model, and I hope it catches fire.
—Ed Barron, vice president for U.S. ministries, Promise Keepers
Gary Kinnaman was, for 25 years, the senior pastor of Word of Grace Church near Phoenix. He is a popular conference speaker and has written several books, including the bestseller Angels: Dark and Light.
Alfred Ells is the author of several best-selling books, including One-Way Relationships. He has founded or helped establish various ministries, including Samaritan Counseling Services, LifeGate Residential Treatment Center for Youth, and Remuda Ranch Centers for Anorexia and Bulimia.
Too many stories have been told of successful leaders who fail in their private lives and consequently neutralize their vocational achievements. Leadership expert Sam Rima believes the time has come for leaders to exercise the same skill and degree of leadership in their personal lives as they do in their organizations.
Despite strong advances in organizational leadership, a key growth area is still lacking for many: self-leadership. Addressing this evident need, Rima offers practical implementation of essential leadership principles and discusses the emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual aspects of self-leadership.
Pastors, church leaders, and all Christians who serve in positions of leadership or authority will benefit from Rima’s insights. Leading from the Inside Out is also a useful tool for leadership classes, as well as church boards and denominational leaders who want to help those they oversee prevent personal failures. The book includes a study guide and a Self-Leadership Workshop at the end of each chapter.
In this new book, Leading from the Inside Out, Rima takes us to the inner foundations essential for enduring leadership that is able both to withstand attacks from without and to maintain the integrity and equilibrium of the person within.
—George K. Brushaber, president, Bethel College & Seminary
In this day of interactive media, Dr. Samuel Rima has produced an important contribution on the subject of leadership. Leading from the Inside Out spells out not only important principles but also makes it easy to interact with those principles. I especially appreciate the emphasis on character as there seems to be continually increasing disengagement between character and leadership. This book is well worth reading for those in leadership which, in my opinion, would include all as everyone exerts some level of leadership.
—Clyde Cook, former president, Biola University
One of the results of living in a postmodern age is people who struggle with managing their own lives. Both within and without the church, it is clear that a large number of people need to get back to the basics of learning how to balance their physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual selves. Leading from the Inside Out provides a practical and biblical hands-on resource for assisting all of us to lead our own lives, and those of others, for the glory of God.
—Gary L. McIntosh, professor of Christian ministry and leadership, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
This is not a book to merely read but a book to do. Grab your journal and your creative thinking to gain some true self insights as you work your way through Leading from the Inside Out. Sam Rima’s self-revelation and discipline sets a strong model for other leaders in this book.
—Chuck Hiatt, executive director, The Good Samaritan Foundation
Anyone who is concerned about personal leadership will be challenged and richly blessed by this wise, insightful book. Sam Rima shares deeply out of his rich experiences—including his struggles—as a pastor. And he has obviously read widely and been mentored by leaders whom he trusts. The specific personal exercises at the end of each section are very helpful. All kinds of church leaders—actual and potential—need to read this book and take it to heart.
—Roger L. Fredrikson, former president, American Baptist Churches
In today’s economically-driven society, Sam Rima offers readers an opportunity to refocus our eyes, ears, and heart on who we are in Christ. Simply put, this book compels the reader to base his/her leadership style on a biblical frame of reference.
—Mark Benedetto, president, University of Sioux Falls
Samuel D. Rima is director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Bethel Seminary, where he is also a faculty member in the Center for Transformational Leadership. He is the author of Rethinking the Successful Church.
Who are tomorrow’s Christian leaders? Christian churches and organizations will fill 50,000 strategic ministry positions within the next five to ten years. But what will be required of these leaders, and who will prepare them?
If you are a new leader or find yourself with the unique opportunity to mentor an emerging leader, you know the high expectations and changing demands of ministry positions. In Mentoring Leaders, Carson Pue offers trustworthy, substantial guidance to prepare you for service. He boldly addresses the spiritual aspects of Christian leadership development to help you strengthen your character, calling, and competency. With an accessible offering of insight and encouragement, Pue will help you sharpen your vision, shape your values, and share your leadership adventures.
Carson Pue’s Mentoring Leaders is not only the source of sound, practical help for mentoring future Christian leaders, but what stands out for me is that, unlike several other books on this topic I have seen, it is thoroughly biblical and theologically sound. It focuses on the character, calling, and spiritual development of the leader, not just his or her competence. I also like the fact that it is ‘inclusive’—a much needed corrective in our chauvinistic world.
—Archibald D. Hart, senior professor of psychology, Graduate School of Psychology, Fuller Theological Seminary
We hear frequently of the dearth of younger leaders to take the helm, as well as the need for a different kind of leader to face the challenges before the church at the present time. In my estimation the Arrow Leadership Program, under the direction of Carson Pue, is providing a God-inspired response to these needs. I am impressed by their selection process, the design of the program, and the impact it has had on the lives of its graduates. Mentoring Leaders explains and illustrates the Arrow Leadership Program, making its insights available to the many who cannot apply to the program. It will provide a valuable resource for older leaders in their own mentoring of the next generation.
—Eddie Gibbs, emeritus professor of church growth, Fuller Theological Seminary
The world today, and the church in particular, face a crisis of leadership. This is why Carson Pue’s new book is so important. Leaders are needed in all walks of life but few people have taken as much effort as Pue to think through the complex issue of mentoring the next generation. I heartily recommend this book.
—Irving Hexham, professor of religious studies, University of Calgary
If you have never had a mentor—but, always wanted one—get this book and read it word for word and cover to cover. A book cannot be a mentor but this one comes from a mentor’s heart with a mentor’s style. Then use the book as a guide as you begin the exciting process of mentoring others.
—Bobb Biehl, executive mentor, Masterplanning Group International
I know no one better prepared to think and write on the topic of mentoring than Carson Pue. Gladly I commend this book, because to Carson Pue mentoring has evangelistic impact. A mentored leader with a heart for the lost, will move thousands toward the kingdom.
—Lon Allison, associate professor, Wheaton College
Carson Pue is executive director at First Baptist Church in Vancouver, Canada. For 14 years he served as CEO of Arrow Leadership Ministries, an international ministry founded by Leighton Ford committed to mentoring church leaders. An ordained Baptist minister, he has had a varied career in business, the pastorate, and parachurch ministry. He was executive director for Chuck Swindoll’s Insight for Living radio ministry and has spent over 36,000 hours with Christian leaders over the past 10 years.
Ministerial Ethics seeks to teach students the unique moral role of ministers and the ethical responsibilities clergy should assume in their personal and professional lives. The authors deal with family life, confidentiality, truth-telling, political involvement, working with committees, and relating to other church staff members. This fully revised and updated edition has expanded sections on theological foundations, the role of character, confidentiality, and clergy sexual abuse.
The church is in an ethical free fall because of the conduct of its leaders. It has become an embarrassment to all Christians. Ministerial Ethics addresses this issue and offers clear, candid, and comprehensive helps to both pastors and churches.
—Paul Powell, emeritus dean, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University
Since its publication in 1993, Ministerial Ethics has served as the core textbook for my courses in pastoral ethics. I therefore greet warmly the appearance of this revised version. Like its predecessor, the second edition will set the standard for reflective engagement with this crucial topic.
—Stanley J. Grenz, former Pioneer McDonald Professor of Theology, Carey Theological College
Since the first edition of this book came out in 1993, I have used it as my core text in both undergraduate and seminary courses in ministerial ethics. The book’s many strengths include strong grounding in pastoral experience, mature engagement with research in both ethics and ministry, and a clear and concrete articulation of moral norms, including an exceptionally strong treatment of ministerial codes of ethics. The authors exhibit a courageous and independent spirit in treating sensitive subjects; their expanded treatment of clergy sexual abuse is perhaps the best example of this spirit. I strongly recommend Ministerial Ethics for both classroom and church use.
—David P. Gushee, distinguished university professor of Christian ethics, Mercer University
Trull and Carter have given us a book that no ministry may ignore and every minister will be thankful for. It is required reading for every minister. I am thankful to God for its publication.
—Lewis B. Smedes, former professor of theology and ethics, Fuller Theological Seminary
For good reasons, I have adopted this revision as a required textbook for my new seminary course in pastoral ministry ethics. . . . This is a ministerial ethics grounded in biblical ethics, which I commend and other readers surely will also. . . . Ministerial Ethics in its revised edition promises to be a usable seminary textbook and a useful reference tool for ministers.
—Christian Ethics Today
Joe Trull and James Carter have provided the ethical helps pastors need. . . . Ministerial Ethics provides an overview of the entire scope of ministerial ethics. This book would make an excellent textbook for ministerial students.
—Enrichment Journal
Joe E. Trull (ThD, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) is editor of Christian Ethics Today and formerly served as professor of Christian ethics at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
James E. Carter (PhD, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary), a veteran pastor with over 30 years of experience, is the former director of the Division of Church-Minister Relations in the Louisiana Baptist Convention.
What are the weeds that hinder the natural growth of godly leadership? Are programs, people, and money truly the signs of a successful church? Where can you find an unlimited source of leaders? How do you mentor leaders so that they multiply? In Organic Leadership, Neil Cole asks these questions and more, boldly challenging many of the ideas about leadership and church life that we all take for granted. Then he reveals how to grow leaders that multiply naturally.
It has been a very long time since I’ve read a book on leadership that moved me. Neil takes the person, the context, and God’s Word, and mixes them in a powerful way for a life of leadership.
—Bob Roberts Jr., senior pastor, Northwood Church, Keller, TX
Organic Leadership will trouble you—but more importantly, it will challenge you. And you should read it because the church could use some troubling and a new challenge.
—Ed Stetzer, visiting professor of research and missiology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
A prophetic call for a more discipleship-based, grassroots, and inspirational form of leadership in our time.
—Alan Hirsch, founding director, Forge Mission Training Network
You will find insights and tools to help you and your church expand your kingdom reach.
—Bob Buford, founder, Leadership Network
Neil Cole is the founder and executive director of Church Multiplication Associates, an organization that has helped catalyze the start of more than one thousand churches around the world. He is seen by many to be one of the key founders of what is known as the organic- or simple-church movement. Cole is the author or coauthor of several books, including Search & Rescue, and Cultivating a Life for God.
The Christian world has been rocked by the number of prominent leaders, in both church and parachurch organizations, who have been compromised by moral, ethical, and theological failures. Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership addresses this alarming problem and offers Christian leaders valuable guidance in dealing with the inherent risks of their work.
Using biblical and current examples, the authors describe the characteristics of five types of leaders and the problems they are most likely to have if their particular dysfunctions develop unrestrained. McIntosh and Rima offer a series of steps for leaders to consider so they can take control of their dark side and learn to harness its creative powers. This edition includes a new introduction, updated information throughout, a self-assessment tool, and more.
Not all driving forces within a leader are positive. Becoming a strong leader requires not only the cultivation of God-given gifts, but the ability to overcome negative factors. I recommend Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership . . . to anyone striving to overcome obstacles in order to become a more effective leader.
—John C. Maxwell, founder, The INJOY Group
Gary and Sam give leaders permission to confront the darkest battles within in order to serve others in life-transforming ways. For all who are bold enough to embark on this courageous journey, redemption, restoration, and renewal will be your rewards.
—Stephen A. Macchia, founder and president, Leadership Transformations
One of the most important qualities an effective leader must possess is often the most lacking: self-awareness. Effective leaders are acutely self-aware, knowing not only their strengths but also their weaknesses—the dark side of those strengths. And without this self-awareness, many leaders crash and burn without realizing their full potential for the kingdom of God. In Overcoming the Dark Side of Leadership, Gary McIntosh and Sam Rima have done a masterful job of helping leaders avoid the pitfalls that have consumed far too many leaders. This is a must-read for any leader who is serious about taking his or her leadership to the next level.
—Albert L. Winseman, principal, The Gallup Organization
Every leader has a ‘shadow’ side, like the dark side of the moon—areas that are disguised or explored and unrecognized. I am convinced that our leadership will be stronger and the dangers of collapse lesser if we become aware of these dark areas and bring them into the light early.
—Leighton Ford, president, Leighton Ford Ministries
There is no question in my mind of the practicality, relevancy, and usefulness of this book. I have a difficult time thinking who would not be helped by reading it; seminarians, pastors, and denominational and parachurch leaders would all benefit. . . . Anyone who is serious about being a good leader will be helped by this book.
—Robert Ricker, former president, Baptist General Conference
Gary L. McIntosh (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is professor of Christian ministry and leadership at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He leads seminars and has written 20 books, including Biblical Church Growth, Beyond the First Visit, and Taking Your Church to the Next Level.
Samuel D. Rima is director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Bethel Seminary, where he is also a faculty member in the Center for Transformational Leadership. He is the author of Rethinking the Successful Church.
Every leader functions on two stages—the front stage and the back stage. The front stage is the public world of leadership. The back stage is the private world of the leader. There are many resources to help you succeed on the front stage. But who is talking to you about you and your backstage life?
In a caring, encouraging tone, Replenish shows you how to
If you ever feel alone, in over your head, or simply in need of replenishment, this book will offer welcome relief and a healthy way forward.
Lance Witt understands both the dynamics of church ministry and the interior landscape of the soul. . . . In Replenish, he has written wise counsel, in highly readable chunks, that addresses directly and transparently those parasites that will seek to feed on a church leader’s spirit.
—John Ortberg, senior pastor, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church, Menlo Park, CA
Like many in ministry, I’ve found myself drowning in techniques and tools to the neglect of my soul. It doesn’t matter how you got there; it matters how you get out. Now Lance Witt has thrown you a life preserver with a perfect toss. Grab on and let him pull you back to Jesus, the only one who can replenish your soul and power your ministry.
—Will Mancini, founder and president, Auxano
Replenish is a must-read for everyone serving in ministry. Lance not only challenges the reader to lead from a spiritually healthy place but also gives tangible steps to cultivating the healthy soul we all long for. I found myself reading through the chapters slowly, allowing the words to both minister to and challenge me. I will be taking our entire church staff through this book. In ministry it’s easy to work so hard for God that we miss the work God wants to do in us. Lance’s book is a call back to the spiritual health and order that we know we’ve been created for.
—Todd Mullins, executive pastor, Christ Fellowship, West Palm Beach, FL
Lance does a tremendous job of reminding us what is most important in life and ministry and calling us back to practices that restore our souls. Only from a full life and heart can we make our greatest impact for God and others. I’m thankful for Lance, who shows the way.
—Jud Wilhite, senior pastor, Central Christian Church, Las Vegas, NV
This book is written by a wise and seasoned fellow traveler who speaks with authority, insight, and compassion about our greatest need as leaders . . . a healthy soul. I have been privileged to watch, listen, and learn from Lance Witt as he has helped me replenish my soul. I think every leader should read this book at least once a year to recalibrate what we do with how and why we do it. ‘For what does it profit a pastor if he grows a big ministry and loses his soul?’
—Chip Ingram, president, Living on the Edge Ministries
Lance Witt is founder of Replenish Ministries. Often called a “pastor’s pastor,” he has served for over 30 years as a pastor and 20 as a senior pastor. He also served as an executive and teaching pastor at Saddleback Church. Lance helped develop and lead the 40 Days of Purpose and 40 Days of Community campaigns.
2 ratings
Larry Cantrell