Digital Logos Edition
A commentary on a particular book of the Bible ordinarily employs one of several possible methods of study. In this absorbing study of the Epistle to the Galatians, Merrill C. Tenney provides the reader with a concise and comprehensive analysis of Galatians by devoting a chapter to each of ten different methods of Bible study: synthetic, critical, biographical, historical, theological, rhetorical, topical, analytical, comparative, and devotional. Their inclusion in one volume provides a stimulating, rich source of material for the study of Galatians, as well as a basis for the study of other books of the Bible. For some time the author has had the conviction that there is room in the field of biblical exegesis for a work which should encourage the lover of the Bible to pursue its study for himself. There are so many treasures in the Word of God that no one commentary or treatise can contain all of them; and since one book can deal with only a few at the most, the best procedure is to show how the treasures can be unlocked, and let the reader use the key for himself.
Many extensive commentaries and critical essays have been written on Galatians, and this book does not pretend to supersede them. It is an attempt to present ten different approaches to the meaning of the biblical text, and to illustrate each so that the reader can imitate the procedure and thus have the joy of making original discoveries in the divine revelation. The sum total of these illustrations will provide a representative treatment of Galatians. This book was written to promote a more thorough understanding of the Galatians Epistle as a whole, both in its original context and its modern application. Those who are well-founded in Scripture will enjoy the various methods of investigation used to gain a fuller knowledge of the literary work the Apostle Paul has given us. Those less developed in their understanding of God’s Word should gain a much better knowledge of the history and circumstances surrounding the text.
“Christian liberty is the central theme of the letter” (Page 26)
“Galatians is the charter of freedom from externalism in worship and from frustration in personal spiritual life” (Page 19)
“The first reading of the book should be careful but rapid; and the main quest should be for the central theme” (Page 26)
“This book is a series of pictures of what spiritual life should be, not just a formulary of precepts” (Page 18)
“The synthetic method ignores detail, and treats only of the interpretation of a document as a whole” (Page 26)
Both the lay reader as well as the theological student will find much of profit in a serious perusal of this book for the understanding of this important Epistle as well as for developing good habits of critical study of the Scriptures.
—Bruce M. Metzger, Princeton Seminary Bulletin
In this highly esteemed volume, Tenney brings together ten different tools of Bible discovery and devotes an entire chapter to each, applying it to the Epistle to the Galatians and examining the unique aspects brought forth. An excellent training guide enabling all students of biblical knowledge to gain fresh perspectives by varying their approaches.
—Online Reviewer
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