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The Messianic Bible Study Collection

Digital Logos Edition

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The Messianic Bible Study Collection assembles 190 of Dr. Fruchtenbaum’s in-depth studies on the Scriptures. This extensive collection showcases the author’s expert knowledge of Hebrew, Greek, the Talmud, the history of the Jews, the geography of Eretz Israel, a scholar’s command of The Word—and the inspiration of the Ruach HaKodesh. Each study is a solid foundation upon which you can stand—a whiteboard from which you can teach—or a podium from which you can preach the uncompromised truth to your congregation. You’ll be impressed and eternally blessed by the laser-like precision of Dr. Fruchtenbaum’s anointed exegesis.

This resource is also available as part of Ariel Ministries Messianic Collection (11 volumes).

Studies Include

(NOTE: This is only a selection of the 190 studies included in this collection)

The Ten Plagues

A detailed study of the ten plagues and how they affected the various Egyptian gods.

The Tabernacle in Exodus

The basic significance of the Tabernacle and its typology.

The Feasts of Israel

This is a survey of all seven holy seasons of Leviticus 23 and each one is dealt with in five areas: scriptures, names, biblical practice, rabbinic/Jewish practice, and the Messianic significance.

The Fall of Man: Genesis 3:1-24

A study of the creation, temptation, and fall of man.

Blessings and Cursings: The Outworking of the Mosaic Covenant in Leviticus

A detailed study of chapter 26 in the book of Leviticus, most of which has already been fulfilled, yet the blessing aspect has yet to find fulfillment.

The Levitical Offerings and/or the Levitical Sacrifices

A survey of the five Levitical offerings.

The Day of Atonement in Leviticus 16

This study deals with the Day of Atonement as described in Leviticus 16.

Psalms 90: An Exposition

An exposition of Psalm 90 from the framework of the experience of Moses at Kadesh Barnea.

The Seven Days of Creation: Genesis 1:1-2:3

A detailed study on the first seven days of creation from the Genesis account.

The Creation of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2:4-25

A study of the creation of Adam and the subsequent creation and need for the creation of Eve.

The Fall of Man: Genesis 3:1-24

This study details the account of the fall of Adam and the results of that fall.

The Suffering Messiah of Isaiah 53

A study of the most detailed Messianic prophecy in the Old Testament.

The Call of Isaiah

How Isaiah was called into prophetic office.

The Reign of Immanuel

A study of the rule in the Messianic Kingdom as portrayed by Isaiah the prophet.

The Little Apocalypse of Isaiah

A study of Isaiah 24-27 and how it correlates with the Book of Revelation.

The Servant of Jehovah

Isaiah's favorite name for the Messiah was "The Servant of Jehovah" and this deals with those prophecies of Isaiah.

The Seventy Sevens of Daniel

A detailed study of the seventy sevens of Daniel and what part was fulfilled by the First Coming and what waits to be fulfilled.

The Call of Jeremiah

A study of God's call of Jeremiah to be a prophet.

The Ten Symbolic Actions of Jeremiah the Prophet

God often asked His prophets to perform ceremonies to teach us lessons and these are ten symbolic actions God asked Jeremiah to perform.

The Book of Consolation: Jeremiah 30-33

While Jeremiah's book tends to be primarily negative toward Israel, these are four chapters in which he prophesied along more positive lines.

The Call of Ezekiel: Ezekiel 1:1-3:21

A detailed study of how Ezekiel was called to be a prophet in spite of his reluctance.

The Symbolic Actions of Ezekiel the Prophet: Ezekiel 4:1-5:17

God often asked his prophets to do symbolic actions and this study examines the symbolic actions that Ezekiel was asked to perform.

The Departure and Return of the Shechinah Glory According to Ezekiel the Prophet

A study of the main theme of the book of Ezekiel dealing with the departure and return of the Shechinah Glory.

Israel, the Unfaithful Wife: Ezekiel 16

This study examines the allegory that portrays the relationship of Jehovah as the husband to Israel as the wife of Jehovah.

The Fall of Satan According to Ezekiel 28:11-19

This study teaches on the fall of Satan as found in the verses dealing with the king of Tyre.

The Valley of the Dry Bones: Ezekiel 37:1-14

A study of Ezekiel's vision and how it portrays Israel's final regathering as a saved nation back in the land.

The Sign of the Two Sticks: Ezekiel 37:15-28

This study builds upon a previous study and shows Israel as a united nation never to be divided again.

The Message of Hosea’s Marriage

This study examines the marriage of Hosea and how it applies to God's relationship to Israel, the wife of Jehovah.

The Book of Joel

A verse by verse exegesis of the book of Joel.

The Book of Jonah

A verse by verse exposition of the book of Jonah.

The Book of Obadiah

A verse by verse exposition of the book of Obadiah.

The Book of Habakkuk

A verse by verse exegesis of the book of Habakkuk.

The Book of Haggai

A verse by verse exegesis of the book of Haggai.

The True Shepherd of Zechariah: A Study of Zechariah 11:1-7

A detailed study on one of the key Messianic prophecies about the First Coming.

The Little Apocalypse of Zechariah

A study of Zechariah 12-14 and how it correlates with the Book of Revelation.

The Book of Malachi

A verse by verse exegesis of the book of Malachi.

Nicodemus, a Rabbi’s Quest

A study of the confrontation between Jesus and Nicodemus. Explains how certain terms like being "born again" have a specific Jewish background.

The Seven Churches of Revelation

A survey of Revelation chapters 2 & 3 and what it teaches about the seven churches and their relevance through history.

The Upper Room Discourse

A study of the principles of the Law of the Messiah as Jesus began the transition from law to grace.

The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus

A study of the special prayer of Jesus in John 17 and the three categories of people He prayed for.

The Four Women of Revelation

A study of the four women in the book of Revelation: Jezebel; the woman clad with the sun, moon, and stars; the Great Harlot; and the Bride of the Messiah.

The Book of Galatians

A verse by verse exposition of the Book of Galatians.

The Book of James

A verse by verse exegesis of the book of James.

The Book of I Peter

A verse by verse exegesis of the book of I Peter.

The Book of II Peter

A verse by verse exegesis of the book of II Peter.

The Book of Jude

A verse by verse exegesis of the book of Jude.

The Five Warnings of the Book of Hebrews

This focuses specifically on the five warnings of the book of Hebrews and shows how they deal with physical judgment and not spiritual judgment.

The Introduction to the Book of Acts 1:1-26

This study contains teaching on the Ascension of the Messiah; the return of the Apostles to Jerusalem; and the choosing of the twelfth Apostle.

The Day of Pentecost and the Birth of the Church: Acts 2:1-47

A study of the birth of the Church and the witness of the Apostles on Shavuot/Pentecost at the Temple in Jerusalem.

The Witness of Peter and John and the Second Sermon of Peter: Acts 3:1-4:31

This study examines Peter and John's witness in Jerusalem.

The Story of Ananias and Sapphira: Acts 4:32-5:11

A study of the conduct of the early church community, both good and bad.

The Second Persecution of the Church: Acts 5:12-42

A study about apostolic authority and the persecution of the Apostles.

The Story of Stephen: Acts 6:1-8:4

A study on the witness of the first martyr of the Church.

The Story of Phillip: Acts 8:5-40

A study of Phillip an early deacon of the Church.

The Salvation of Saul, a Man of Tarsus: Act 9:1-31

A study of Saul's encounter on the road to Damascus and his salvation.

The Story of Cornelius: Acts 9:32-11:18

A study of the account of Peter's witness to Cornelius which resulted in the offering of the keys to the kingdom to Gentiles.

The Fourth Persecution of the Church of Jerusalem: Acts 12:1-25

A study of the persecution of the Church including the death of James and the imprisonment of Peter.

The First Missionary Journey of Paul: Acts 13:1-14:28

A study of Paul's missionary journey as it extends out to the uttermost parts of the earth.

The Jerusalem Council: Acts 15:1-35

A study of the First Jerusalem Council.

The Second Missionary Journey of Paul: Acts 15:36-18:22

A study of Paul's missionary journey between 48 and 52 AD.

The Third Missionary Journey of Paul: Acts 18:23—20:38

A study of Paul's missionary journey between 52 and 58 AD.

Paul’s Imprisonment in Jerusalem: Acts 21:1-23:35

A study of Paul's imprisonment in Jerusalem.

Paul’s Imprisonment in Caesarea: Acts 24:1-26:32

A study on Paul's imprisonment in Caesarea.

Paul’s Journey to Rome: Acts 27:1-28:31

This study deals with Paul's Journey to Rome and the years from 59 through 61 AD.

The Healing of the Man at the Pool of Bethesda: John 5

This study examines the healing of the man at the pool of Bethesda and how it supports Yeshua's messianic claims.

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman: John 4:1-42

A study of the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman dealing with one's spiritual needs and thirst.

The Church at Antioch: Acts 11:19-30

A study of the witness of Saul and Barnabas to the church at Antioch.

Product Details

  • Title: The Messianic Bible Study Collection
  • Author: Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
  • 190 Studies

About Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum

One of the foremost authorities on the nation of Israel, Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum is a messianic believer and founder and director of Ariel Ministries, a Texas-based organization dedicated to evangelism and discipleship of Jewish people.

Dr. Fruchtenbaum was born in Siberia after his father was released from a communist prison there. Aided by the Israeli underground, the Fruchtenbaum family escaped from behind the Iron Curtain. While living in Germany from 1947 to 1951, Arnold received Orthodox training from his father – who had himself been reared to assume Chasidic (ultra-orthodox Jewish) leadership in Poland, only to later lose most of his family and his faith to the Holocaust. The Fruchtenbaums immigrated to New York, and five years later, at age 13, Arnold came to saving faith.

Before receiving his doctorate from New York University in 1989, Dr. Fruchtenbaum earned his Th. M. from Dallas Theological Seminary. His graduate work also includes studies at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Having lived in Israel for three years, Dr. Fruchtenbaum’s intensive study of the role of that nation in God’s plan of world redemption has made him a much in-demand speaker at Bible conferences and schools throughout the world.

Resource Experts

Top Highlights

“World War I, 1914–1918, was the fulfillment of this particular prophecy, for that was the First World War. As virtually all historians agree, World War II was merely a continuation of World War I. Furthermore, both world wars had a decisive impact on Jewish history. World War I gave impetus to the growth of the Zionist movement, and World War II led to the re-establishment of the Jewish State. Since World War I, history has entered the last days of the Church Age. However, the last days are an extended period of time.” (Volume 28, Page 8)

“There is a common teaching propagated in some circles that the reason for the necessity of the Virgin Birth was that this was the only possible way of keeping Jesus from inheriting the sin-nature. They go on to teach that the sin-nature is transmitted through the male only. Since Jesus did not have a human father, He was sinless. He only had a human mother and the sin-nature is not transmitted through the mother.” (Volume 127, Page 18)

“Verse 18a further reveals his sinful deeds. First: By the multitude of your iniquities. The word iniquities refers to his internal corruption. Secondly: in the unrighteousness of your traffic. The corruption of his character led to deeds of corruption, and he, in turn, corrupted other angels by slandering God. Thirdly: you have profaned your sanctuaries. Because Satan sinned while he was still in Heaven, he brought corruption to Heaven. This necessitated cleansing by the blood of the Messiah (Heb. 9:23–26).” (Volume 1, Page 9)

“When demons speak, they use the vocal cords of the person under their control. However, in the case of the dumb demon, Jewish exorcism was to no avail, for communication with that kind of demon was impossible. But Jewish theology taught that the Messiah, when He came, would be able to cast out even that kind of demon. The Jewish observation that dumb demons were different was validated by the Messiah in Mark 9:17–29, particularly in verses 17, 25, and 29.” (Volume 3, Page 4)

  • Title: The Messianic Bible Study Collection
  • Author: Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
  • Publisher: Ariel Ministries
  • Print Publication Date: 1983
  • Logos Release Date: 2007
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Bible study
  • Resource Type: text.monograph.bible-study
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-02-12T08:36:18Z

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Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum

Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum (1943– ) is a messianic believer and founder and director of Ariel Ministries, an organization dedicated to evangelism and discipleship of Jewish people. He earned his doctorate from New York University and his MTh from Dallas Theological Seminary, and he studied at Jewish Theological Seminary and Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

As a child, Dr. Fruchtenbaum was trained by his father in Orthodox Judaism, but at age thirteen he came to believe that Jesus is the Messiah. He worked as a missionary with the American Board of Missions to Jews (known today as Chosen People Ministries) and served as editor of their monthly publication, The Chosen People.

Dr. Fruchtenbaum is the author of Ariel’s Bible Commentary: The Book of Genesis and the eleven volumes in the Ariel Ministries Messianic Collection, and he is the coauthor of How Jewish Is Christianity?: 2 Views on the Messianic Movement.


13 ratings

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  1. Joel David Bright
  2. David Anfinrud
    I find that this is a great resource for individual or Group Studies. That the number of studies can be a challenge but go to the bottom of the book you will see Topic sections. To do your studies in a specific order to cover including Systematic Theology or the life of Jesus Many topics to choose from. And it will provide Recommended other studies from this collection if you like a topic.
  3. Robert J Richardson
  4. Pastor Reginald D. Cole
    Great resource to have.
  5. Sten Daniel

    Sten Daniel


    Must have for your logos library, period.
  6. Jeff Smith

    Jeff Smith


    Arnold is solid Christianity with Jewish insight
  7. Frank Bush

    Frank Bush


    Outstanding resource! I have known Dr. Fruchtenbaum for over 30 years. I continually use his material for my own personal growth and as the foundation for deeper and richer Bible Studies I have taught over the years. For me, Dr. Fruchtenbaum's writings and lectures have taken the words of Scripture from two-dimensions to 3-D. A must have for your Logos library.
  8. Freddie Jr. Kinsler
  9. Richard Labelle
  10. Dispensational Truth


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