Digital Logos Edition
How can the task of biblical exegesis be fruitful and meaningful when commentaries and lexicons provide contradictory interpretations and seem to support opposing translations? The 27-volume Exegetical Summaries Series asks important exegetical and interpretive questions, while summarizing and organizing the content from every major Bible commentary and dozens of lexicons. With this collection you can instantly identify exegetical challenges, discover a text’s interpretive history, and survey the scope of everything written about each verse and phrase. Since no single commentary provides all the answers needed for translation, exegesis, and interpretation, the Exegetical Summaries Series serves as a valuable supplement, and study tool. The books in the Exegetical Summaries Series survey the scope of everything written about every phrase in a large number of New Testament books—now with the addition of a volume on 1 Timothy and one on Romans 9–16—along with two books in the Old Testament. This expansive collection gives you the tools you need to swiftly compare commentaries and lexicons, identifying instances of both scholarly consensus and disagreement.
This series offers endless exegetical assistance . . . summarizing the major exegetical issues in interpretation. . . [It includes] comprehensive analysis of the raw data of the text.
—Online reviewer
James N. Pohlig is a linguist for SIL International.
James N. Pohlig is a linguist for SIL International.
Thomas Tehan is a linguist for SIL International.
David Abernathy is the author of three books in the Exegetical Summary Series: Romans 1–8, 2 Corinthians, 1 Peter, and coauthored Sermon on the Mount. He has earned a Master of Theology from Reformed Theological Seminary in 2003. He teaches Greek, Hebrew, and biblical exegesis at the Pan Africa Christian College in Kenya.
Richard Blight has served as a translation consultant with SIL International since 1960. He completed the translation of the New Testament for the Tenango Otomi people of Mexico in 1975. In addition to authoring numerous articles and books, he is the senior editor of the Exegetical Summary Series.
Richard Blight has served as a translation consultant with SIL International since 1960. He completed the translation of the New Testament for the Tenango Otomi people of Mexico in 1975. In addition to authoring numerous articles and books, he is the senior editor of the Exegetical Summary Series.
Richard Blight has served as a translation consultant with SIL International since 1960. He completed the translation of the New Testament for the Tenango Otomi people of Mexico in 1975. In addition to authoring numerous articles and books, he is the senior editor of the Exegetical Summary Series.
David Abernathy is the author of three books in the Exegetical Summary Series: Romans 1–8, 2 Corinthians, 1 Peter, and coauthored Sermon on the Mount. He has earned a Master of Theology from Reformed Theological Seminary in 2003. He teaches Greek, Hebrew, and biblical exegesis at the Pan Africa Christian College in Kenya.
David Abernathy is the author of three books in the Exegetical Summary Series: Romans 1–8, 2 Corinthians, and 1 Peter, plus (coauthored) Sermon on the Mount. He earned a Master of Theology from Reformed Theological Seminary in 2003. He teaches Greek, Hebrew, and biblical exegesis at the Pan Africa Christian College in Kenya.
Ronald Trail is a linguist for SIL International.
Ronald Trail is a linguist for SIL International.
David Abernathy is the author of three books in the Exegetical Summary Series: Romans 1–8, 2 Corinthians, 1 Peter, and coauthored Sermon on the Mount . He has earned a Master of Theology from Reformed Theological Seminary in 2003. He teaches Greek, Hebrew, and biblical exegesis at the Pan Africa Christian College in Kenya.
Robert Stutzman develops exegetical and computerized tools for Bible translators. He worked in Papua New Guinea from 1984 to 1995 with SIL International. Some of the projects he worked on include: Scripture testing questions, the Bible background series, exegetical summaries, proper names in the Bible, speech types in the Bible, New Testament parallel passages, metaphors in the New Testament, and section headings in the entire Bible.
Glenn H. Graham is a linguist for SIL International.
J. Harold Greenlee holds a PhD in Biblical and Patristic Greek from Harvard, and has worked as a teacher and Greek exegetical consultant for many years with both OMS International and SIL International. He has written numerous books and articles, including five volumes in the Exegetical Summary Series.
Martha King is a linguist for SIL International.
Richard Blight has served as a translation consultant with SIL International since 1960. He completed the translation of the New Testament for the Tenango Otomi people of Mexico in 1975. In addition to authoring numerous articles and books, he is the senior editor of the Exegetical Summary Series.
Richard C. Blight has served as a translation consultant with SIL International since 1960. He completed the translation of the New Testament for the Tenango Otomi people of Mexico in 1975. In addition to authoring numerous articles and books, he is the senior editor of the Exegetical Summary Series.
Eugene E. Minor is a linguist for SIL International.
J. Harold Greenlee holds a PhD in Biblical and Patristic Greek from Harvard, and has worked as a teacher and Greek exegetical consultant for many years with both OMS International and SIL International. He has written numerous books and articles, including five volumes in the Exegetical Summary Series.
J. Harold Greenlee holds a PhD in Biblical and Patristic Greek from Harvard, and has worked as a teacher and Greek exegetical consultant for many years with both OMS International and SIL International. He has written numerous books and articles, including five volumes in the Exegetical Summary Series.
J. Harold Greenlee holds a PhD in Biblical and Patristic Greek from Harvard, and has worked as a teacher and Greek exegetical consultant for many years with both OMS International and SIL International. He has written numerous books and articles, including five volumes in the Exegetical Summary Series.
David Abernathy is the author of three books in the Exegetical Summary Series: Romans 1–8, 2 Corinthians, 1 Peter, and coauthored Sermon on the Mount. He has earned a Master of Theology from Reformed Theological Seminary in 2003. He teaches Greek, Hebrew, and biblical exegesis at the Pan Africa Christian College in Kenya.
David Strange is a linguist for SIL International.
John Anderson has served as a translation consultant with SIL International since 1972. He completed the translation of the New Testament for the Northern Paiute people of Nevada in 1986. He has spent twenty years in Eastern Africa with Mother Tongue Translation Teams and training consultants through mentoring.
J. Harold Greenlee holds a PhD in Biblical and Patristic Greek from Harvard, and has worked as a teacher and Greek exegetical consultant for many years with both OMS International and SIL International. He has written numerous books and articles, including five volumes in the Exegetical Summary Series.
Ronald Trail is a linguist for SIL International.
19 ratings
Eugene Oleson
Thomas Toews
Dario Oliveira de Matos
Henry Lara
Eric Fary
Kyle Linville