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Missional Theology Collection (15 vols.)

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The 15-volume Missional Theology Collection asserts that missions lies at the core of the Gospel, and that the church’s primary task of cultural engagement should inform theological reflection and transformational mission. The authors survey significant topics in twentieth century theology, such as liberation theology, global justice, eschatology, mystery, and the renewed interested in the practice of worship and discipleship in the Early Church.

The books in the Missional Theology Collection seek to move beyond traditional methods of evangelism and mission. These works explore the nature of God’s kingdom on earth and the endless connections between the Gospel of Christ and the mission of the Church. Each book tackles a separate facet of missional theology, offering historical and theological insight, along with practical ways of encouraging and equipping the church today in the task of theology.

Resource Experts
  • New approaches to evangelism and mission
  • Contributions by Brian McLaren, Jason Clark, Andrew Perriman, Stephen R. Holmes, and many others from the Emerging Church
  • Critical appraisal of twentieth century theological movements, such as liberation theology and a renewed interest in Early Church practices
  • Title: Missional Theology Collection
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Volumes: 15
  • Pages: 3,719

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Re: Mission: A Narrative of Hope for a Post-Eschatological Church

  • Author: Andrew Perriman
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 160

The contemporary Western church is not in the same situation as the New Testament Church. So how can we do missions in our post-biblical context?

In this innovative and radical book, postmodern mission and New Testament studies collide. Perriman examines the mission of the earliest church in its historical context and argues that our context is very different—so our mission cannot simply be a matter of doing exactly what the earliest church did.

The key question at the heart of the book is: How do we shape a biblical theology of mission for a post-biblical church?

Controversially, Perriman maintains that the eschatological crisis faced by the early church—the coming judgment on the enemies who opposed God’s people—has now been passed with the collapse of the Roman Empire. However, creational disorder remains with us all the time. In this volume, Perriman shows us that a missiology that is oriented towards a new creation is far more relevant to us now than a missiology oriented towards rescue from opposition and persecution.

This well-written, thoroughly researched, short exegetical book packs an incredible punch…I encourage you to give this book a serious read.

—Greg Boyd

Andrew Perriman lives in the Netherlands and works with Christian Associates seeking to develop open, creative communities of faith for the emerging culture in Europe. He is also the author of The Coming of the Son of Man: New Testament Eschatology for an Emerging Church.

A New Kind of Conversation: Blogging toward a Postmodern Faith

  • Editors: Myron Bradley Penner and Hunter Barnes
  • Contributors: Brian McLaren, Mabiala Kenzo, Bruce Ellis Benson, and Ellen Haroutunian
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 240

In the midst of the cultural and intellectual upheavals of postmodernity in Western society, evangelicalism finds itself in the middle of conversation about its own identity and future. Whereas other books addressing postmodernism treat the topic in a traditional book form—an edited volume with essays—the format of this book seeks to place the discussion in a form that is consistent with its content. Using the motif of the weblog, A New Kind of Conversation is an experimental book that enters into this conversation with five evangelical leaders and academics (Brian McLaren, Bruce Ellis Benson, Ellen Haroutunian, Mabiala Kenzon, and Myron Bradley Penner), who are the primary bloggers.

A New Kind of Conversation addresses numerous issues, including:

  • What is postmodernism?
  • Evangelical faith and (postmodern) others
  • Postmodernism and spiritual formation
  • Postmodern evangelicalism
This book is sure to engage all levels of thinkers within the conversation who are each approaching from their own vantage point…Myron Penner has, yet again, successfully brought together some leading contributors of contemporary thought…

—Online reviewer

Myron Bradley Penner is professor of philosophy and theology at Prairie College and lives in Three Hills, Alberta, Canada with his wife and three daughters. Myron has a B.S. and M.A. from Liberty University and a Ph.D. from New College, Edinburgh University. He is the co-chair of the Study Group for Evangelical Theology and Postmodernism at the Evangelical Theological Society and is the editor of (and contributor to) Christianity and the Postmodern Turn: Six Views.

Hunter Barnes has a diverse background including professional work as an actor and writer. He has a deep interest in narrative theory and orality and Scripture, and has been working on a project in the performance of Scripture through the Gospel of Mark for the past three years. Hunter received his M.A. in Communication/Theater Arts from Regent University in Virginia. Hunter lives in Zarephath, New Jersey with his wife and three daughters, and is the creative arts director for Zarephath Christian Church.

Public Theology in Cultural Engagement

  • Author: Stephen R. Holmes
  • Contributors: Colin Gunton, Robert Jenson, Stephen Holmes, Christoph Schwobel, Colin Greene, Luke Bretherton, and Brian Horne
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 224

Public Theology in Cultural Engagement offers foundational and programmatic essays exploring helpful ways to theologize about culture with missional intent. The book opens with three chapters taking steps towards developing a general theology of culture. Part Two explores the contribution of key biblical themes to a theology of culture—creation, law, election, Christology, and redemption. The final section considers theological proposals for engagement with culture past and present with contemporary reflections on nationalism and on drug culture.

This book represents…groundbreaking and foundational thinking.

—David Spriggs, The Bible Society

Stephen R. Holmes is a lecturer in historical and systematic theology at St. Andrews University. He received his Ph.D. from King’s College in London and has lectured at Spurgeon’s College and King’s College before coming to St. Andrews University. He serves on the editorial board of Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture and is managing editor of the International Journal of Systematic Theology. He is also the author of numerous articles and books, including God of Grace and God of Glory: An Account of the Theology of Jonathan Edwards and “Triune Creativity: Trinity, Creation, Art, and Science” in Trinitarian Soundings.

The Possibility of Salvation Among the Unevangelised: An Analysis of Inclusivism in Recent Evangelical Theology

  • Author: Daniel Strange
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 362

For evangelical theologians the fate of the unevangelized impinges upon fundamental tenets of evangelical identity. The position known as inclusivism, defined by the belief that the unevangelized can be ontologically saved by Christ whilst being epistemologically unaware of him, has been defended most vigorously by the Canadian evangelical Clark H. Pinnock.

Through a detailed analysis and critique of Pinnock's work, this book examines a cluster of issues surrounding the unevangelized and its implications for christology, soteriology and the doctrine of revelation.

One of the best comprehensive surveys of this debate.

—Gavin D'Costa

Daniel Strange is coordinator of the Religious and Theological Studies Fellowship, UCCF, UK.

Salvation is More Complicated than You Think

  • Author: Alan Stanley
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 224

A set of common questions arises when it comes to matters of salvation:

  • Do I have to live a godly life to be saved?
  • Can anyone be sure of salvation?
  • What happens if I fall into sin or turn away completely?
  • How did Jesus answer these questions?

Not, according to Alan Stanley, in the way that we often do!

In this powerful and deeply challenging book, Stanley argues that the notion of salvation found in many churches falls short of what Jesus and the rest of the Bible teaches. In particular, Jesus taught that our salvation is related to the godliness of our lives.

The contemporary church needs to take Jesus’ teaching on salvation far more seriously than it does. Stanley shows that a proper understanding of salvation by faith and apart from works does not mean that our works are not critical for our salvation.

This book will be an important resource for any Christian seeking to understand more of what God requires of those on the narrow road. Pastors and teachers, too, will benefit from a comprehensive biblical theology on salvation.

Alan Stanley received his Th.M. and Ph.D. in New Testament from Dallas Theological Seminary. In 2003, he moved to Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia where he is a pastor and teaches in Old and New Testament at Mueller College of Ministries.

Remembering Our Future: Explorations in Deep Church

  • Editors: Andrew Walker and Luke Bretherton
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 224

Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant traditions drink from the well of a common tradition rooted in the early Church. Many evangelicals are now re-engaging with the practice of the early church as they seek to live as disciples today. Remembering the past is essential for facing the future.

In Remembering Our Future, leaders and theologians reflect on a range of issues for which a vibrant contemporary faith requires a careful listening to the past. What is the place of tradition in the Church's life? How should we interpret the Bible? How should we worship? What, in other words, might 'Deep Church' look like? Contributors to this volume address these questions and many more.

This book…gives fresh ideas in church relations with the rest of the world. This book would be helpful for anyone who has thought about what it means to be a church in postmodernity.

—Online reviewer

Andrew Walker is Canon Professor of Culture, Theology and Education at King's College, London.

Luke Bretherton is Lecturer in Theology and Ministry, and D.Min. Program Director at King's College, London.

Celebrating Life: Beyond the Sacred-Secular Divide

  • Author: Graham Buxton
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 192

As Christians, our engagement with the world and with culture is often impoverished as a result of unbiblical dualisms. More than we realize, the divide between sacred and secular is reinforced in our minds, contributing to an unhealthy and, at times, narrow super-spirituality. Seeking a more postmodern, holistic and, ultimately, more Christian approach to culture, Graham Buxton leads us on a journey towards the celebration of life in all its dimensions.

The first part of the book examines the roots of our dualistic thinking and its implications for culture. Part Two draws us from dualism to holism in a number of chapters that consider our engagement with literature, the creative arts, science, politics and business. Part Three draws the threads together by setting out the dimensions of a more holistic theology of the church's engagement with, and participation in, contemporary society that will lead us 'beyond the sacred-secular divide'.

A stimulating read that inspires you to think hard about faith and life.


Graham Buxton is Director of Postgraduate Studies in Ministry and Theology, Tabor College, Adelaide, Australia. He is author of Dancing in the Dark and The Trinity, Creation and Pastoral Ministry.

Faith Lacking Understanding

  • Author: Randal Rauser
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 208

In an attempt to put mystery back at the heart of Christian theology, Rauser leads the reader on a riveting and, at times, unsettling journey through the major doctrines encapsulated in the Apostles' Creed. In each case he illustrates how a theoretical understanding of the doctrine as yet eludes us. We simply do not know, for example, what it means for God to be Trinity, or how Christ can be both human and divine, or how the atonement works.

Rauser shows that the journey of thinking theologically which arises out of a love for, and worship of God within a communal atmosphere is as important as the end result of achieving doctrines that approximate reality. In this way the author seeks to steer us on a middle course between the twin errors of evangelicalism (heightening the doctrine) and liberalism (heightening the process).

Randal Rauser received his B.A. from Trinity Western University, his M.C.S. from Regent College, and his Ph.D. from King’s College, London. He is currently Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Taylor Seminary. He is the author or co-author of numerous books, including Christian Philosophy A–Z and Theology in Search of Foundations.

A Thousand Tongues: The Wesley Hymns as a Guide to Scriptural Teaching

  • Author: John Lawson
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 224

The hymns of Charles Wesley (1707–1788) have given voice to the worship of generations of believers in all Christian traditions. Wesley is without doubt one of the best known Christian songwriters of all time. As an Evangelical believer his songs are absolutely saturated with biblical theology, references and allusions. Sadly many modern worshippers miss the depths of Wesley's hymns because they fail to catch the many echoes of Scripture contained in them.

In this classic study John Lawson provides an entry and introduction to Christian doctrine through the gateway that is Wesley's hymns. The book is organized around fifty-three short chapters on theological doctrines:

  • God the Sovereign Creator
  • Revelation
  • The Divine Son
  • Christ our High Priest
  • The Holy Spirit
  • Grace
  • Holiness

Each brief chapter provides a succinct introduction to Wesley's thinking on the topic followed by some hymns that focus on it. The hymns are annotated with many biblical references to help readers uncover the Scriptural thinking behind the songs.

Wesley was committed to seeing his hymns as a means of teaching Christian truths and in this book John Lawson helps a new generation to appreciate the rich connections between worship and theology.

John Lawson (1909–2003) was a Methodist minister in England and later a lecturer in Church History, Historical Theology, Wesleyan History and Wesleyan Theology at Candler School of Theology.

The Rhythm of Doctrine: A Liturgical Sketch of Christian Faith and Faithfulness

  • Author: John E. Colwell
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 216

Traditionally, systematic theology is structured around the Creed's articles. While this approach has its benefits it is not without flaws, one weakness is that the roots of theology in Christian worship can be lost sight of and discussions become abstract.

John E. Colwell shows us another way to structure systematic theology—an approach explicitly rooted in the rhythm of the pattern of liturgy. He provides a short, inspiring introduction to a systematic theology that is built around the worshipful rhythms of the Christian Year. In this ancient-future way, Christian worship, theology and discipleship are woven into a seamless garment.

The Rhythm of Doctrine represents the cutting edge of work being done in worship and theology.

—Robert Webber, author of Ancient-Future Faith

The book leads not only to deeper knowledge of God, but also heartfelt worship.

Journal of European Baptist Studies

John Colwell is Tutor in Christian Doctrine and Ethics at Spurgeon's College, London. He is author of Promise and Presence and Living in the Christian Story.

Contextual Theology for Latin America: Liberation Themes in Evangelical Perspective

  • Author: Sharon E. Heaney
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Pages: 300

In the context of Latin America, the theology of liberation is both dominant and world renowned. However, this context and the pursuit of theological relevance belong also to other voices. Orlando E. Costas, Samuel Escobar, Andrew Kirk, Emilio A. Nunez and C. Rene Padilla are thinkers who have sought to bring an evangelical understanding of liberation to the people of Latin America. Despite their influence on national and international theology and despite their transformative contribution to the praxis of churches ministering in contexts of poverty, their thought has not been systematized to date. This work presents the vitality of Latin American evangelical theology which seeks to be biblical, relevant and missiologically effective, thus offering a liberation which is holistic and grounded in the kingdom of God.

A first-class systematic and comprehensive review.

—C. Rene Padilla

Sharon E. Heaney was educated at Carrickfergus Grammar School and Queens University, Belfast. She holds an honors degree from Queens University in Theology and Hispanic Studies. Presently, Dr. Heaney teaches Religious Studies at Bloxham School, Oxfordshire, England. She lives in Oxford with her husband, Robert, and son, Sam.

Grace and Global Justice

  • Author: Richard Gibb
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2006
  • Pages: 266

What does it mean for the twenty-first-century church to conceive of itself as a community defined by the covenant of grace? Grace and Global Justice explores the ramifications of this central Christian doctrine for the holistic mission of the church in the context of a globalized world. Gibb shows how the church be a voice for justice on behalf of the global poor by affirming its mission as a community of grace.

Extremely insightful…

—Richard Mouw

An insightful and pertinent analysis.

—Alan Torrance

Richard Gibb is Assistant Minister of Charlotte Chapel, Edinburgh, UK.

Making Disciples: The Significance of Jesus’ Educational Methods for Today’s Church

  • Author: Sylvia Collinson
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 320

In this study, Sylvia Collinson examines the biblical practice of discipling, formulates a definition of discipleship, and makes comparisons with modern models of education. She also recommends greater attention for the practice of discipleship in the contemporary church. This significant contribution to both the theoretical appreciation and application of disciple-making is relevant to any church seeking to understand and apply the Great Commission in contemporary contexts.

Sylvia Collinson is Dean of Student Services at Morling College, and lectures in New Testament in Morling’s graduate program. She was also a professor at Baptist Theological College in Perth, Australia, and at the Bible College of South Australia. She also served on the pastoral staff at Carlingford Baptist.

Mission and the Coming of God: Eschatology, the Trinity, and Mission in the Theology of Jürgen Moltmann and Contemporary Evangelicalism

  • Author: Tim Chester
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2007
  • Pages: 263

In this volume, Tim Chester explores the theology and missiology of the influential contemporary theologian, Jürgen Moltmann. It highlights the important contribution Moltmann has made while offering a critique of his thought from an evangelical perspective. The conclusion proposes “an eschatology of the cross” which offers a critique of the over-realized eschatologies in liberation theology and certain forms of evangelicalism.

Tim Chester is part of a church planting initiative in Sheffield and was previously Research and Policy Director for Tearfund.

The Origins and Early Development of Liberation Theology in Latin America

  • Author: Eddy Jose Muskus
  • Publisher: Paternoster
  • Publication Date: 2003
  • Pages: 296

In this volume, Eddy Jose Muskus provides an academic analysis of the roots of liberation theology, challenging the claim that it arose from the Latin American poor and maintaining instead that its fundamental tenets had their origin in Europe.

Muskus argues further that the writings of the 16th century Bartolome de Las Casas have been misinterpreted and misused by liberation theologians such as Gutierrez. Liberation theology, says the author, has exposed the failure of Catholicism to provide a moral framework within the fabric of Latin American society. Also, contrary to the claims of liberation theology, Muskus argues that there is no biblical foundation for a preferential option for the poor.

Eddy Jose Muskus received his Ph.D. from the Wales Evangelical School of Theology. He is on the leadership team of La Parroquia Church in Valenca, Spain.


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