Digital Logos Edition
John Owen counts as one of the most influential and inspiring theologians of the seventeenth century. His works capture the essence of theological inquiry in Puritan England, and have shaped and influenced theological reflection ever since. Owen was a proficient writer, composing numerous theological treatises, meditations, discourses, and sermons. His reflections are made more compelling by the context of political turmoil and religious persecution in which he wrote. God still speaks, says Owen, when the world is in flux and the church finds itself in seeming peril—words as important to his original audience as they are to contemporary readers. His writings and teachings spoke to the struggles in his time, and have continued to inspire the generations that have followed.
Logos is pleased to offer the complete 24-volume 1862 Goold edition of John Owen’s works in English with the original Latin treatises completely retained in portions of volume sixteen and the entirety of volume seventeen. Unlike modern reprints of Owen's work, which leave out the Latin, this edition offers Owen's original English and Latin works. That makes the Logos edition of The Works of John Owen a vital tool for research on Owen’s original writings and the preeminent academic standard for Owen scholarship.
This collection also includes Owen’s massive work on the book of Hebrews. This vast commentary—almost 4,000 pages and over two million words—reflects Owen’s careful inquiry and stunning mastery of the text, and vindicates Owen’s own claim that “this epistle is as useful to the church as the sun is to the world.” An Exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews is the result of earnest investigation and deep exploration of the theological topics in the book of Hebrews. In fact, Owen’s theology—here and elsewhere—remains so biblically rooted, and his exegesis and exposition so practically theological, that where one ends and the other begins is not plainly evident.
For solidity, profundity, massiveness and majesty in exhibiting from Scripture God’s ways with sinful mankind there is no one to touch him.
—J. I. Packer, author
To have known the pastoral ministry of John Owen . . . (albeit in written form) has been a rich privilege; to have known Owen’s God an even greater one.
—Sinclair Ferguson, professor, Redeemer Seminary, Dallas, Texas
John [Owen], English theologian, was without doubt not only the greatest theologian of the English Puritan movement but also one of the greatest European Reformed theologians of his day, and quite possibly possessed the finest theological mind that England ever produced.
—Carl R. Trueman
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Andrew Thomson’s biography traces Owen’s life from his birth at Stadhampton, through his pastoral ministries in Fordham and Coggeshall, his years of public service as chaplain under Cromwell and as Vice-Chancellor at Oxford University, and his last days as a preacher and pastor in London.
One of his greatest works, John Owen draws from clear, Biblical exposition to outline the place of the Trinity in Christian doctrine and practice. Owen examines the doctrine of the Trinity and its centrality in Christian orthodoxy, and he counters rationalist skeptics and mystic opponents.
Owen begins his examination of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit in this volume, which he completes in volume four. In particular, Owen explores the identity and mission of the Holy Spirit; the role of the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testament, and the work of the Holy Spirit in sanctification, obedience, and holiness.
Volume Four contains the second part of Owen’s work on the Holy Spirit. Here Owen connects the Holy Spirit to illumination, supplication, and consolation. He also examines the Holy Spirit's role as the author of spiritual gifts.
In volume five, Owen offers a non-speculative and non-scholastic account of justification by faith, addressing both theological and pastoral concerns. Challenges from the Roman Catholic Church and confusion in Protestant circles compelled him to write this straightforward biblical exposition.
John Owen's works on temptation and sin stem from his pastoral concern for the church in England.
In this volume, Owen concludes his account of justification begun in volume five.
Volume eight is comprised of sixteen sermons published during Owen's lifetime.
Volume nine contains eighty three sermons, including fourteen on "Practical Cases of Conscience" and twenty five on preparation for Communion. Other subjects covered include charity, Christ's pastoral care, pastoral duty, and the excellency of Christ.
In this polemical work, Owen refutes the Arminian doctrine of universal redemption as unscriptural and destructive of the gospel. Owen insists on Christ’s death as the means for procuring salvation for those sinners chosen by God, and connects this doctrine of salvation with the doctrine of the Trinity. The Father authors salvation and sends the Son; the Son dies; the Holy Spirit compels those chosen by God to accept salvation.
Owen continues his refutation of Arminian doctrine begun in volume ten by arguing against John Goodwin’s work and vindicating the concept of the perseverance of the saints.
Owen traces the history of Socinianism and examines the Socinian views of Scripture, the divine nature and character of God, the person and the work of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the past and present condition of man, election and justification.
Owen mediates the charge of schism brought against those who sought to reform the Church according to Scripture.
This volume contains Owen’s exhaustive response to an attempt by Franciscan Friar John Vincent Cane to recommend Roman Catholicism as the remedy for religious and civil discord in Britain. The volume also includes a lengthy excursus on the state of seventeenth century Protestantism.
Owen explores ecclesiological matters, with treatises on liturgy and worship, and the importance of love, peace, and unity.
In this volume, Owen concludes his treatises on ecclesiology by examining the sacraments and the role of the Gospel in the church. He also emphasizes the need for church discipline and doctrinal correctness. Portions of volume sixteen retain Owen's original, untranslated Latin works.
This volume contains Owen's treatise on the origin, history and progress of theology from the Fall to the present. The last chapter describes Owen's method of theological study and prospects for the future of theology. The entirety of volume seventeen retains Owen's original, untranslated Latin works.
Owen surveys the historical, canonical, theological, and authorship issues in the book of Hebrews. He also writes at length about the depiction of the Messiah in Hebrews, with special care to link Jesus to Old Testament promises and prophecies. The final part of Volume One is devoted to the epistle’s treatment of the institution of Judaism with regard to the law, the priesthood, the sacrificial system, and the temple.
Volume Two continues Owen’s Exercitations on the Epistle to the Hebrews. He writes at length about the connection between the person of Christ and the office of the priesthood, with careful attention to the relationship of the priesthood to both sin and grace. The final exercitation is devoted to the Sabbath. Owen recounts the origin of the Sabbath and the nature of Old Testament Sabbath observance, before contrasting it with the New Testament definition of the Sabbath—the “Lord’s Day.” He concludes with practical observations on observing the Lord’s Day.
The second half of Volume Two summarizes and extracts the central themes from Owen’s verse-by-verse in the remaining volumes.
Volume Three contains John Owen’s exposition of Hebrews 1–3:6.
Volume Four contains John Owen’s exposition of Hebrews 3:7–5:14.
Volume Five contains John Owen’s exposition of Hebrews 6:1–7:28.
Volume Six contains John Owen’s exposition of Hebrews 8:1–10:39.
Volume Seven contains John Owen’s exposition of Hebrews 11:1–13:25.
John Owen was born at Stadhampton, Oxfordshire in 1616. He entered Queen's College, Oxford, at the age of twelve and completed his M.A. in classics and theology in 1635 at the age of nineteen. He was ordained shortly thereafter and left the university to be a chaplain to the family of a noble lord. His first parish, in 1637, was at Fordham in Essex, to which he went while England was involved in civil war. It was here that he became convinced that the Congregational way was the scriptural form of church government. In the 1640s he became chaplain to Oliver Cromwell, the new "Protector of England," and traveled with him on his expeditions to Ireland and Scotland.
Between 1651 and 1660, he played a prominent part in the religious, political, and academic life of the nation. In 1651 he was appointed dean of Christ Church and in 1652 made Vice-Chancellor of Oxford—positions which allowed him to train ministers for the Cromwellian state church. He lost his position in 1660, however, when the restoration of the monarchy began after the death of Cromwell in 1658. Owen moved to London and led the Puritans through the bitter years of religious and political persecution—experiences which shaped his theological inquiry, pastoral reflection, and preaching. He also declined invitations to the ministry in Boston in 1663, and declined an offer to become president of Harvard in 1670. He died in August, 1683.
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