Digital Logos Edition
Lewis Sperry Chafer remains one of the most beloved theologians of the early twentieth century, and this nine volume collection contains his views and expositions on a myriad of topics, such as dispensationalism, salvation, evangelism, grace, the kingdom of Christ, and elements of living a holy life. The founding president of Dallas Theological Seminary and editor of Bibliotheca Sacra, Chafer is considered to be one of the key founders of modern dispensationalism. Known for his faithful life and careful attention to biblical doctrine, Chafer's influence continues to this day. With over 1,500 pages of in-depth and theologically sound doctrine, this collection is vital for any student of dispensationalism or anyone wanting to learn from a trustworthy theologian of the twentieth century.
Chafer was well-known for making theology practical and applicable for his audience. He wanted to provide basic, solid doctrine for laity as well as for scholars, and with the Logos edition, studying his works is easier than ever before. All Scripture references are automatically linked to the Bibles in your library, making study and comparison with your other resources quick and easy. In addition to the titles in this collection, Chafer is also the author of Systematic Theology (8 vols.).
No subject was more dear to the heart of Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer than the teaching of the Scriptures on the spiritual life.
—John F. Walvoord, president of Dallas Theological Seminary
I welcome therefore this present book on these fundamental truths. Having had the privilege of seeing it in manuscript, I bespeak for it the candid attention of all who are concerned for the truth of God.
—C.I. Scofield, in the preface to the 1936 edition of The Kingdom in History and Prophecy
I am glad of the privilege of calling attention to a presentation of the way of salvation which is certain to lead all who read it earnestly to a living faith in Christ, and then to a constant joy because of the abundant and assured provision of God for the Christian life.
—W. H. Griffith Thomas, in the preface to the 1917 edition of Salvation
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Chafer’s exposition on the doctrine of grace is a classic definition of this essential element of Christianity. Not an exegesis or a commentary in nature, this is a doctrinal exploration. Chafer goes into great detail about the characteristics of grace in Scripture and in daily life, as well as its place in Christian theology. There is also a section on Jesus as the mediator of grace, the only way believers can understand and accept grace. Chafer also includes valuable practical aspects of grace and what it means for the believer for day to day living.
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In this volume, Chafer examines the phrase, “the kingdom,” and what it means in context of Scripture, life for the Christian, politics, and future events. Chafer looks at both Old and New Testament passages to discover what the Bible has to say about how to live in light of God’s Kingdom. In a systematic yet conversational tone, Chafer leads the reader through the Scriptures in a solid and theological view of this sometimes mysterious topic. The reader will understand the context and more of the implications of this doctrine.
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This volume is a succinct discussion on the character and influence of Satan on believers and the world. Chafer handles this delicate topic well, using only Scripture to explore the nature of Satan. Chafer wrote this in hopes that it would enlighten believers so that they will be aware of the presence of Satan in daily life. He gives an account of Satan’s history and future, as well as his means of deceiving believers. This exposition will be comforting and encouraging to all who read it.
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In this standard on the Christian life, Chafer addresses the main concerns in relation to the spiritual component of living a holy life. He explores what the Bible says about the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian in great detail and clarity. After addressing the importance of the Holy Spirit, Chafer moves on to sin, submission and obedience on the part of the believer. He also provides helpful explanations of the doctrines of humanity’s fallen nature and sanctification. This book will be helpful for new believers as well as seasoned Christians seeking to deepen their walk with Christ.
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Although Chafer composed this volume to be purely evangelical in essence, not doctrinal or exegetical in nature, believers will find this exploration of salvation to be encouraging and clarifying. Chafer presents a solid and all-encompassing study on this doctrine, starting with a biblical definition of the word, “salvation.” He names the different aspects and implications of salvation, relying completely on Scripture. This volume will help to clear any confusion about salvation and will give invaluable context and explanation for both laity and scholars.
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Chafer provides a valuable exposition on the topic of evangelism in this volume. He lays out the specifics of what evangelism does not entail, clearing up any confusion about the nature of evangelism. Chafer then goes on to define what makes up proper evangelism, emphasizing the roles of both God and the community of believers. He covers prayer, the role of the Holy Spirit, and suffering. Chafer addresses this sensitive issue with great tact and grace, showing careful attention to Scripture.
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In this careful consideration of one of the best loved books of the New Testament, Chafer presents neither a commentary nor an exegesis of the book of Ephesians, but a doctrinal examination. Breaking up the book into sections, he addresses key themes and teachings in this book. Chafer provides historical and theological context as well, giving a holistic view of Ephesians. Presenting solid theology for the general reader as well as for scholars, this volume is essential for study of the book of Ephesians.
This is Chafer's classic account of dispensationalism. In just over 100 pages, Chafer gives the definition, history, context, and application of this doctrine. He addresses objections and clarifies what dispensationalism is using Scripture as a guide. As one of the first works on modern dispensationalism, Chafer's volume is especially important in the study and understanding of this influential principle.
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This slim yet profound volume contains Chafer’s response to the Reverend Eugene Caldwell publication entitled, The Millennium, which was published in 1920. Chafer offers his perspective and insight on the book of Revelation. Viewing it as primarily a book of prophecy, Chafer gives an outline of Revelation, as well as a critique of Reverend Caldwell’s views on the Apocalypse.
Lewis Sperry Chafer (1871-1952) was an American Presbyterian clergyman and educator, born in Rock Creek, Ohio. He studied at New Lyme Academy in Ohio, at Oberlin (Ohio) Conservatory and College, and under C. I. Scofield. Ordained in 1900, he was a traveling evangelist from 1900-1914, and a Bible lecturer from 1914-1924. He also taught Bible at the Philadelphia School of the Bible from 1914-1923. In 1924, he founded the Evangelical Theological College (now Dallas Theological Seminary) and was its president and professor of systematic theology until his death. He is also the author of Systematic Theology (8 Vols.) and was also the editor of Bibliotheca Sacra.
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Mark D. Anderson
Kenneth W. Bowles
Robert T. Wohlgamuth
Dean Poulos