Digital Logos Edition
B. B. Warfield’s articulation of doctrine blurs the boundary between theology and biblical interpretation. He wrote so prolifically on both theology and the Bible that delineating where one ends and the other begins can be a challenging task. Biblical Doctrines contains sixteen articles on key doctrines of Christianity, including predestination, the Holy Spirit, the doctrine of the Trinity, and the incarnation. Warfield shows how all of these central doctrines are firmly rooted in Scripture. This volume also concludes with a complete appendix of Warfield’s articles on biblical doctrines.
Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield was born in 1851 in Lexington, Kentucky. He studied mathematics and science at Princeton University and graduated in 1871. In 1873, he decided to enroll at Princeton Theological Seminary, where he was taught by Charles Hodge. He graduated from seminary in 1876, and was married shortly thereafter. He traveled to Germany later that year to study under Franz Delitazsch.
After returning to America, Warfield taught at Western Theological Seminary (now Pittsburgh Theological Seminary). In 1881, Warfield co-wrote an article with A. A. Hodge on the inspiration of Scripture—a subject which dominated his scholarly pursuits throughout the remainder of his lifetime. When A. A. Hodge died in 1887, Warfield became professor of Theology at Princeton, where he taught from 1887–1921. History remembers Warfield as one of the last great Princeton Theologians prior to the seminary’s re-organization and the split in the Presbyterian Church. B. B. Warfield died in 1921.
“When, therefore, Our Lord commanded His disciples to baptize those whom they brought to His obedience ‘into the name of …,’ He was using language charged to them with high meaning. He could not have been understood otherwise than as substituting for the Name of Jehovah this other Name ‘of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost’; and this could not possibly have meant to His disciples anything else than that Jehovah was now to be known to them by the new Name, of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost.” (Pages 154–155)
“Perhaps the ontological proof of the Trinity is nowhere more attractively put than by Jonathan Edwards.” (Page 137)
“. In this usage, it means, in the active voice, ‘to release on receipt of ransom” (Page 328)
“Such a God could not be thought of otherwise than as the free determiner of all that comes to pass in the world which is the product of His creative act; and the doctrine of Providence (פְּקֻדָּה) which is spread over the pages of the Old Testament fully bears out this expectation. The almighty Maker of all that is represented equally as the irresistible Ruler of all that He has made: Jehovah sits as King for ever (Ps. 29:10).” (Pages 8–9)
“According to the Old Testament conception, God foreknows only because He has pre-determined, and it is therefore also that He brings it to pass; His foreknowledge, in other words, is at bottom a knowledge of His own will, and His works of providence are merely the execution of His all-embracing plan.” (Page 18)