Digital Logos Edition
Have humans descended from apes, or was man specially created? Do humans have unique characteristics and abilities that set them apart from all the animals? The answers to these crucial questions determine whether man is just an animal or a special spiritual being. This book shows that there is overwhelming evidence that man has a Creator. The book contains many diagrams and includes explanations of:
“If man had evolved over millions of years, there would be an enormous amount of fossil evidence showing how man had gradually changed from a primitive creature to a human being. However, after 150 years of intense searching, no credible fossil evidence has been found of any such evolution. There are a few fossils that are claimed to belong to ape-men but these are either fully ape-like or fully human-like. There is such a lack of evidence for ape-men that the term ‘missing link’ has become famous in the English language.” (Page 134)
“According to secular studies, all key technologies such as the wheel, agriculture, pottery and domestication of the horse were developed less than 10,000 years ago. This time period fits in very closely with the biblical creation account. In contrast, if man had evolved from an ape-like creature over millions of years, there would be very clear archaeological evidence of technology gradually evolving over hundreds of thousands of years.” (Page 124)
“Evolutionists admit that there is no evidence of any significant technology that is more than 10,000 years old” (Page 125)
“The origin of information is possibly the biggest single technical challenge to the theory of evolution. Information is an irreducibly complex concept that simultaneously requires a meaningful code and a physical system for storing the code.” (Pages 87–88)
“Huxley said, ‘Modern science must rule out special creation.’ This statement shows that the original supporters of evolution would not consider creation no matter what the evidence showed.” (Page 16)
How God made man, by what process, we do not know. We do know it was not by chance. This tour de force instills reverence and great admiration for God’s creation. It is a thought-provoking and powerfully argued book.
—Professor Andrew Sims, emeritus professor of Psychiatry, University of Leeds
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