Digital Logos Edition
Originally published in 1949 and revised in 1979, Henry C. Thiessen's comprehensive introduction to systematic theology has well served countless students and pastors for more than half a century. It continues to instruct serious students of the Bible and theology.
Following two introductory chapters delineating the nature, necessity, possibility, and divisions of theology, Henry Clarence Thiessen systematically address a wide range of subjects in eight major sections—Theism, Bibliology, Theology, Anthropology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Angelology, and Eschatology. Also included are two specialized indexes for further study—an Index of Subjects and an Index of Scriptural References that includes over 4,000 entries.
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“It seems evident that he who could have kept sin out of the universe can also regulate and control its manifestation” (Page 105)
“Revelation is that act of God whereby he discloses himself or communicates truth to the mind, whereby he makes manifest to his creatures that which could not be known in any other way.” (Page 7)
“For our purposes, then, we will assume the following order: God decreed (1) to create man; (2) to permit the fall; (3) to provide in Christ redemption sufficient for all; (4) to elect some to salvation; and (5) to send the Spirit to secure the acceptance of redemption on the part of the elect.” (Page 257)
“Finally, reason must also organize the facts presented into a system.” (Page 18)
“The possibility of theology grows out of two things: the revelation of God and the endowments of man. The revelation of God takes on two forms: general and special. The endowments of man are of two kinds: mental and spiritual.” (Page 7)
Systematic Theology can be dry. This book isn't.
—Online Reviewer
We use Thiessen in our church for training the ministerial staff and it is highly regarded by all of our church leaders. I highly recommend it.
—Online Reviewer
11 ratings
David L Smith
Shane Ball
Allen Haynie
Ryan Caudill
Dan Langston
Michael Edwards
Jonathan Ray