Digital Logos Edition
The John Hunt Collection represents thousands of hours of careful collation, winnowing, organization, and fact-checking. In the age of Internet-induced information overload, it's hard to overstate the value of such editorial craft. The needles have been collected from the proverbial haystack, carefully identified, and organized for your convenience.
These titles comprise a set of four essential desk references every Christian should keep handy:
The first three titles are rich compilations of quotations, facts, events, historical figures and more. Never be caught searching the Internet frantically for just the right fact or quote you need. They're all here!
Need a quotation on "faith" for your sermon/paper/Bible study? Within seconds you have gems from sources such as Oswald Chambers, John Piper, Soren Kierkegaard, Elizabeth Oakes Smith, or Max Lucado.
The final work in the collection--Footsteps Through the Bible--consists of a reading plan with accompanying outline notes, arranged according to the order of events described by the Bible. Reading through the Bible chronologically is a great exercise for any person, whether a new believer, longtime Christian, or someone investigating the Bible. (We recently posted a case study relating one church's experience with reading the Bible chronologically together.)
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Richard Cappetto