Digital Logos Edition
Saint Francis of Assisi has remained a beloved saint among all the great Christian traditions. His example of simple devotion and humble service has provided a timeless example of genuine Christian faith. Through his poverty he proved the richness of the Gospel and embodied the reality of Jesus Christ among men. This collection of writings shares some of Saint Francis’ classic contemplations on the devout life, the disciplines of asceticism and glories of God’s creation.
“Where there is charity and wisdom there is neither fear nor ignorance. Where there is patience and humility there is neither anger nor worry.1 Where there is poverty and joy there is neither cupidity nor avarice. Where there is quiet and meditation there is neither solicitude nor dissipation. Where there is the fear of the Lord to guard the house the enemy cannot find a way to enter. Where there is mercy and discretion there is neither superfluity nor hard-heartedness.” (Page 19)
“Blessed is that brother who would love his brother as much when he is ill and not able to assist him as he loves him when he is well and able to assist him. Blessed is the brother who would love and fear his brother as much when he is far from him as he would when with him, and who would not say anything about him behind his back that he could not with charity say in his presence.” (Page 18)
“Consider, O man, how great the excellence in which the Lord has placed you because He has created and formed you to the image of His beloved Son according to the body and to His own likeness according to the spirit.1 And all the creatures that are under heaven serve and know and obey their Creator in their own way better than you. And even the demons did not crucify Him, but you together with them crucified Him and still crucify Him by taking delight in vices and sins. Wherefore then can you glory?” (Page 10)
“I did ‘not come to be ministered unto, but to minister,’ says the Lord.4 Let those who are set above others glory in this superiority only as much as if they had been deputed to wash the feet of the brothers; and if they are more perturbed by the loss of their superiorship than they would be by losing the office of washing feet, so much the more do they lay up treasures to the peril of their own soul.” (Pages 9–10)
St. Francis Assisi was the founder of the Franciscans and was a Catholic deacon and preacher.