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Products>A. W. Pink Collection (40 vols.)

A. W. Pink Collection (40 vols.)

, 1962–2005

Digital Logos Edition

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If you have read and appreciated C. H. Spurgeon, you'll love the writing of Arthur Walkington Pink, author of A Fourfold Salvation!

This collection of 40 titles by A. W. Pink should be part of every Christian's study library. A practical theologian with a pastor's heart, Pink has shaped the thinking of a generation of believers—especially on the topic of divine election and God's sovereignty.

During most of his lifetime, Pink was not well-known or widely read. He quietly pastored churches in the United States and Australia for most of his working life. In 1922, he started a magazine entitled Studies in Scriptures which circulated among English-speaking Christians worldwide. The magazine "was feeding several of the men who were leading a return to doctrinal Christianity, including Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Douglas Johnson (founder of Inter-Varsity)" but did not gain a lot of attention or subscriptions, and Pink died in relative obscurity.

"...the widespread circulation of [Pink's] writings after his death made him one of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century."

After Pink's death, his works were republished by The Banner of Truth Trust and reached a much wider audience as a result. Biographer Iain H. Murrary observes of Pink, "the widespread circulation of his writings after his death made him one of the most influential evangelical authors in the second half of the twentieth century." His writing sparked a revival of expository preaching and focused readers' hearts on biblical living. Yet even today, Pink is left out of most biographical dictionaries and overlooked in many religious histories.

In his commentary on Ephesians for the Preaching the Word series, R. Kent Hughes relates how his life was changed through an encounter with Pink's writings: "As a sixteen-year-old I read Arthur W. Pink’s The Sovereignty of God, through which I was made to see the transcendent holiness of God, my own utter sinfulness, and his sovereign working in bringing men and women to himself."

We bring you the writings of A. W. Pink in the hopes that you, like Hughes, will find them to be challenging and inspirational. Here is a writer, beloved by many, who expressed with clarity and courage many timeless truths of Scripture.

Additional Details

This collection includes 40 books and 68 booklets and pamphlets, all written by Arthur Pink. The booklets and pamphlets are collected together into one volume, entitled The Arthur Pink Anthology. In these brief articles, Pink addresses topics ranging from anxiety to tithing and from family worship to eternal punishment.

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  • Title: A. W. Pink Collection
  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Volumes: 40

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The Arthur Pink Anthology

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2000

This is a collection of most of A.W. Pink's tracts brought together into one book. These tracts are less than 30 pages long each. Their subjects include: how to live as a disciple of Christ, the nature of sin, how to resist Satan, and much, much more. These tracts contain both biblical doctrine and practical advice. Anyone acquainted with Mr. Pink will appreciate these short sketches. Those not aquainted with him will gain an overview of his rich teachings and trustworthy analysis of Scripture through a reading of this Anthology.

The Antichrist

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 1988

This clear and thorough summary of the teaching of God's Word on the subject of the Antichrist, as to his character, time of his appearance, his work and doom, will greatly help the Bible student to better understand this prophetic person. Prominent in the author's presentation is the relationship of the Antichrist to Israel. He draws his conclusions from a systematic study of references to the Antichrist in the Psalms, the Prophets, the Gospels, the Epistles, and Revelation. No investigation of the Antichrist can be complete without a careful study and application of the prophetic truths contained in this classic work.

The Beatitudes

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

A. W. Pink covers some of the most familiar terrain in the New Testament. Christ's Sermon on the Mount is well-known and beloved by believers and non-believers alike, and varying interpretations abound. Pink examines each beatitude in turn, drawing out its message for both believers and non-believers.

Comfort for Christians

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 1976

True comfort for Christians is found in the promises of God. Each of the 17 chapters examines the biblical promises that relate to a particular topic such as God's inheritance, contentment, and sufferings compensated. As Pink states in the introduction, “God has a ‘people,’ the objects of His special favor: a company whom He has taken into such intimate relationship with Himself that He calls them ‘My people.’ ...May it please Him to use His Word as expounded in this book to speak peace to afflicted souls today, and the glory shall be His alone.”

The Divine Covenants

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

The covenants play a central role in the relationship between God and man. The word covenant is found 25 times in the book of Genesis alone and occurs scores of times in the remaining books of the Old Testament. In the New Testament, the term is used by Jesus at the Last Supper, by Paul, and by the writer of the letter to the Hebrews. Pink takes up the subject by examining the covenants of grace and works, and the covenants made with Noah, Abraham, David, and with the nation of Israel at Mt. Sinai.

Divine Healing: Is it Scriptual?

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Divine healing—the removal of physical ills without the aid of a doctor or medicine in response to faith—is one of the most discussed topics in religious circles. One can find it somewhere between the cultic and the sublime; But what does the Bible have to say on the subject. In his usual pointed style A.W. Pink, challenges the believer to a common sense, Biblical approach to soundness of spirit, mind and body.

The Doctrine of Election

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Pink states in the introduction, “Election is a foundational doctrine...If the foundation itself be faulty, then the building erected on it cannot be sound; and if we err in our conceptions of this basic truth, then just in proportion as we do so will our grasp of all other truth be inaccurate. God's dealings with Jew and Gentile, His object in sending His Son into this world, His design by the gospel, yea, the whole of His providential dealings, cannot be seen in their proper perspective till they are viewed in the light of His eternal election.” Written in an understandable and conversational tone, this volume brings together theory and practice.

The Doctrine of Justification

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

From the introduction: “There was a time, not so long ago, when the blessed truth of Justification was one of the best known doctrines of the Christian faith. ... But now, alas, a generation has arisen which is well-nigh totally ignorant of this precious theme, for with very rare exceptions it is no longer given a place in the pulpit, nor is scarcely anything written thereon in the religious magazines of our day; and, in consequence, comparatively few understand what the term itself connotes, still less are they clear as to the ground on which God justifies the ungodly.”

The Doctrine of Reconciliation

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

One of the great Christian doctrines is that sinners may be reconciled to a Holy God through Jesus Christ. Here Pink takes up this theme with characteristic insight and clarity, giving due attention to the practical implications of the doctrine. As he states in the conclusion, “The evangelist's message is that there is salvation in Christ for all who receive Him as He is offered in the Gospel and put their trust in Him. Though Christ purchased reconciliation and justification for all His people, yet they do not receive the same until they repent and believe. God is willing to be on terms of amity with the sinner, yet He will not be so until the sinner submit to those terms.”

The Doctrine of Revelation

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

From the introduction, “Each of our previous doctrinal discussions has taken one thing for granted, namely, that the Scriptures (to which we constantly appealed) are the inspired Word of God...What we propose doing in this book [is] to make a serious attempt to assist some of those who have inhaled the poisonous fumes of infidelity and been left in a state of mental indecision concerning sacred things...In view of the bewilderment and uncertainty of many, and the shaken faith of others, it appears our duty to do so...Our principal object will be to set forth some of the numerous indications that the Bible is something far superior to any human productthanksion...”

The Doctrine of Sanctification

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

The words holy and sanctified appear hundreds of times in Scripture and the concept of sanctification is obviously important to the Christian experience. Pink calls it, “the great promise of the covenant made to Christ for His people.” But for many of us, questions remain. What is sanctification? Are we sanctified at the same time we are justified? Is there a difference between sanctification and holiness? Join A. W. Pink as he addresses these questions with biblical insight gleaned from more than 25 years of study on the subject of sanctification.

Eternal Punishment

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

“It is the deepening conviction of the writer that what is most needed today is a wide proclamation of those truths which are the least acceptable to the flesh...What is needed today is a scriptural setting forth of the alarming danger in which sinners are-the indescribably awful doom which awaits them, the fact that if they follow only a little further their present course they shall most certainly suffer the due reward of their iniquities. What is needed today is a scriptural setting forth of the nature of that punishment which awaits the lost-the awfulness of it, the hopelessness of it, the unendurableness of it, the endlessness of it. It is because of these convictions that by pen as well as by voice we are seeking to raise the alarm.”

Eternal Security

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

The foreword states, “Eternal Security is the teaching that God shall with no uncertainty bring into their eternal inheritance those who are actually justified-delivered from the curse of the law and have the righteousness of Christ reckoned to their account-and who have been begotten by the Spirit of God.” If you’re looking for an exceptionally thorough yet readable treatment of the subject of eternal security (also known as the Perseverance of the Saints), this book is for you. As a careful expositor of Scripture, Pink demonstrates the doctrine of eternal security by examining various passages while remaining sensitive to their context.

An Exposition of Hebrews

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

The book of Hebrews is rich with doctrine, Old Testament imagery and quotations, and practical exhortation. Pink provides one of the most comprehensive commentaries on the book of Hebrews, moving verse by verse through the book and providing both exposition and application along the way. This is a must-have for anyone preaching, teaching, or studying the book of Hebrews.

An Exposition of John

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Pink devoted 15 years of special study to John's Gospel and taught the book five times over before writing this commentary. He intended the verse by verse commentary to serve the needs of preachers, Sunday school teachers, and anyone involved in Bible study. Pink states in the forward that, “He has diligently sought to do two things: obtain from God the meaning of the text, and how to apply its lessons most effectively to his hearers and readers. This complete exposition comprises three volumes. It is not a dry commentary, nor a ponderous production suited only to seminary students. It avoids the technical, and aims at the practical. It is designed for those who crave spiritual food. It will appeal not to the intellectuals but to the spiritually minded.”

An Exposition of the Sermon on the Mount

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Pink writes, “We do not think that W. Perkins went too far when he said of the Sermon on the Mount, ‘It may justly be called the key of the whole Bible, for here Christ openeth the sum of the Old and New Testaments.’...[W]e regard this Sermon as a forecast and an epitome of the entire oral ministry of Christ, that it summarizes the general tenor of His whole teaching.” The Sermon the Mount is the longest recorded discourse of Christ, and is intensely practical in its bearing. Over the course of 64 chapters, Pink moves through Matthew 5-7 verse by verse, offering illuminating commentary and application for this well-loved passage of Scripture.

Gleanings from Elisha: His Life and Miracles

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Unlike the miracles of Elijah, which were primarily concerned with destruction and death, those of Elisha were focused on healing and life. As Pink notes in the introduction, “Far more miracles were wrought by him or were granted in answer to his prayers than any other of the Old Testament prophets. In fact the narrative of his history consists of little else than a record of supernatural acts and events...by means of drastic interpositions, by awe-inspiring displays of His power, by supernatural manifestations of His justice and mercy alike, God forced even the skeptical to recognize His existence and subscribe to His supremacy.” Join master teacher A. W. Pink in studying Elisha's call, his testings, and each of his 17 miracles.

Gleanings from Paul: Studies in the Prayers of the Apostle

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Many Christians long to see greater depth in their praying but don’t know where to turn. In this detailed study on prayer, A.W. Pink examines the prayers of the Apostle Paul. This rich book not only instructs the reader how to pray, but give insight into Paul’s relationship with God and the people he served.

Gleanings in Exodus

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

A central theme of the book of Exodus is the redemption of God's people. In this in-depth commentary, Pink shows how the theme of redemption in Exodus is not formally expounded as a doctrine but is strikingly illustrated by narrative, types and symbols. As he draws the Old and New Testaments together, you will be impressed once again that the story of history is the story of God and his people. Contains 72 chapters of verse by verse commentary perfectly suited to the preaching pastor, Sunday school teacher, Bible study leader, or layperson engaged in Bible study.

By interpretation of typology and application of principles, the author seeks to find a spiritual message applicable to us today. While not neglecting the historical event, the author emphasizes present-day application. The work is rich in devotional and practical truth...[T]he reader will find his efforts well rewarded, for from every paragraph nuggets of doctrinal and practical truth may be gleaned.

—J. D. Pentecost, Bibliotheca Sacra (Vol. 119, No. 4)

Gleanings in Genesis

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

As the book of beginnings, Genesis records the origins not just of the earth but of God's revelation of himself and his dealings with mankind. Pink shows that the essential doctrines of the entire Scriptures can be traced to the book of Genesis, including doctrines such as the Trinity, election, justification by faith, divine incarnation, the priesthood of Christ, and the judgment of God on the wicked. Little wonder Genesis has been called, “The seed plot of the Bible!”

Gleanings in Joshua

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Among the “last expositions to come from the gifted pen of the late Arthur W. Pink” this commentary provides an invaluable guide to the book of Joshua for the preacher, teacher or anyone engaged in Bible study. As Pink states in the introduction, “The book of Joshua records one of the most interesting and important portions of Israel's history. It treats of the period of their estatement as a nation, of which Genesis was prophetic and the rest of the Pentateuch immediately preparatory. The books of Moses would be imperfect without this one: as it is the capstone of them, so it is the foundation of those which follow...Thus this book may be contemplated from two distinct but closely related standpoints: first as the end of Israel's trials and wanderings in the wilderness, and second as the beginning of their new life in the land. It is that twofold viewpoint which supplies the clue to its spiritual interpretation, as it alone solves the problem which so many have found puzzling in this book.”

Those who appreciate Pink’s rich devotional style and strong emphasis on Puritan theology will find this work to be a solid addition to their library.

—John C. Whitcomb, Jr., Grace Journal (Vol. 6, pp. 33-34)

Gleanings in the Scriptures: Man's Total Depravity (a.k.a. The Doctrine of Human Depravity)

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Pink sets out to answer difficult but important questions such as, “Is man a totally and thoroughly depraved creature by nature? Does he enter the world completely ruined and helpless, spiritually blind and dead in trespasses and sins? According as is our answer to that question, so will be our views on many others. It is on the basis of this dark background that the whole Bible proceeds.” Only when we come to grips with the stench of our own sin can we truly appreciate the cleansing power of God's grace.

A Guide to Fervent Prayer

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Who among us hasn’t at one time or another felt that their prayer life was dry and uninspired? Originally titled Effectual, Fervent Prayer: Studies in Apostolic Prayer and Praise, this book provides “encouragement to faithful worship toward and communion with the Triune God.” As you read Pink's reflections on the prayers of the apostles, your own prayer life will be revitalized. Pink rightly observes in the introduction, “How blessed it is to hear some aged saint, who has long walked with God and enjoyed intimate communion with Him, pouring out his heart before Him in adoration and supplication. But how much more blessed should we esteem it could we have listened to the utterances of those who accompanied with Christ in person during the days when He tabernacled in this scene. And if one of the apostles were still here upon earth what a high privilege we should deem it to hear him engage in prayer!”

The Holy Spirit

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Why did Christ tell his disciples, “it is to your advantage that I go away” (John 16:7)? The answer to this question is found in the person and work of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity. In this comprehensive study, Pink considers every verse in the Bible that touches on the subject of the Holy Spirit and finds that it is essential to both the doctrine and practice of believers. As he states in the introduction, “Not at all too strong was the language of Samuel Chadwick when he said, ‘The gift of the Spirit is the crowning mercy of God in Christ Jesus. It was for this all the rest was. The Incarnation and Crucifixion, the Resurrection and Ascension were all preparatory to Pentecost. Without the gift of the Holy Spirit all the rest would be useless. The great thing in Christianity is the gift of the Spirit. The essential, vital, central element in the life of the soul and the work of the Church is the Person of the Spirit’ (Joyful News, 1911).”

Interpretation of the Scriptures

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Even seemingly simple verses require some level of interpretation. The question becomes how to interpret and according to which principles? Pink guides the reader through the hermeneutical principles and methods he used, providing biblical examples along the way. Much of his teaching is directed at the preacher, but there is plenty of insight to be gleaned by the layperson as well.

The Life of David

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

“The life of David marked an important epoch in the unfolding of God's purpose and plan of redemption.” Pink explores the life of David both as a type of Christ and as the story of a man who shared God's heart, yet was subject to human failure and shortcoming. The life of one of Israel's greatest kings also serves as an inspiration to all believers as they seek to love and serve God faithfully.

The Life of Faith

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

The best of Arthur W. Pink's writings are those in which he explains the practical aspects of the Christian life, exhorting readers to live according to the Scriptures as well as believe the truth taught in them. The Life of Faith begins by dwelling on what God has done for his people, then focuses on certain aspects of the Christian life, including spiritual development, sanctification, devotional disciplines, Christian submission, and preparation for the Second Coming of Jesus. The overall theme is that of providing a balanced approach to living in a Christian way.

The Lord’s Prayer

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Jesus gave his disciples the Lord's Prayer as both a pattern to be followed and a form to be used, argues Pink, to teach us “the manner and method of how to pray and the matters for which to pray.” Pink preferred to call it the “The Family Prayer” and, while warning against empty repetition, maintained that it was important for believers to use it regularly. “In the opinion of this writer, it ought to be reverently and feelingly recited once at every public service and used daily at family worship.” Learn about the significance of the Lord's Prayer and how it can revolutionize your prayer life today.

The Nature of God

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Pink writes in chapter one, “...so few are accustomed to meditate upon the personal perfections of God. Comparatively few who occasionally read the Bible are aware of the awe-inspiring and worship-provoking grandeur of the divine character. That God is great in wisdom, wondrous in power, yet full of mercy is assumed by many as common knowledge. But to entertain anything approaching an adequate conception of His being, nature, and attributes, as revealed in the Scripture, is something which very few people in these degenerate times have done.” Join Pink in being awestruck at the incomparable and majestic nature of God. Part one considers “excellencies which pertain to the Godhead as God” and part two considers “excellencies which pertain to God the Son as Christ.”

Objections to God’s Sovereignty Answered

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Pink criticizes what he sees as a creeping trend toward humanism in the church: “the deification of the creature rather than the glorification of the Creator.” By way of response, he offers a Scriptural tour de force, taking up text after text to show that “God is God, He does as He pleases, only as He pleases, always as He pleases; that His great concern is the accomplishment of His own pleasure and the promotion of His own glory; that He is the Supreme Being, and therefore Sovereign of the universe.”

A little gem that has helped many.

Reformation and Revival (Vol. 4, No. 2, p. 129)

A simple, clear and forthright expression of this great truth.

—Rev. W. J. Grier, The Best Books

Practical Christianity

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

From the introduction: “...in writing these articles Pink expounded the Scriptures as penetratingly as he did in his expository and doctrinal writings. His practical Christianity, then, is not a collection of pious thoughts on the Christian life or a simple outline of Scripture, but a full treatment of the subject.” The book covers many expected topics (e.g., progress in the Christian life; the armor of God) and offers some surprises (e.g., the inability of even a renewed person to produce good in his life; the authority of employers).

Profiting from the Word

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Bible study is important. But why do you study the Bible and what do you gain by it? “If it be simply to familiarize ourselves with its contents and become better versed in its details, it is likely that the garden of our souls will remain barren...” This book will challenge you to analyze your motives and effectiveness in Bible study by asking, “Am I acquiring a greater hatred of sin, and a practical deliverance from its power and pollution? Am I obtaining a deeper acquaintance with God and His Christ? Is my prayer-life healthier? Are my good works more abundant? Is my obedience fuller and gladder? Am I more separated from the world in my affections and ways? Am I learning to make a right and profitable use of God's promises, and so delighting myself in Him that His joy is my daily strength? Unless I can truthfully say that these are (in some measure) my experience, then it is greatly to be feared that my study of the Scriptures is profiting me little or nothing.”

The Prophetic Parables of Matthew 13

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

The Sower, Mustard Seed, Wheat and Tares, Pearl of Great Price...how should we understand the parables of Matthew 13? Pink views them as prophetic in nature and writes, “[T]he thirteenth chapter of Matthew... is, from the standpoint of prophecy, the most important chapter of all the New Testament. There is much in God's prophetic program which must necessarily remain dark until the parables of this chapter are thoroughly mastered. At present they are much misunderstood and misinterpreted.” In discussing the seven parables, Pink suggests that the first four give us the external view of the history of Christendom, while the last three address that which is internal or spiritual.

The Redeemer’s Return

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 1999

This book is designed mainly for those who are beginners in the study of prophetic and dispensational truth, though should it fall into the hands of those who are "looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ" and who have, perhaps for years, been giving earnest heed to the "more sure Word of prophecy," we trust that it will afford meat in due season and stimulate praise to God for the marvelous and blessed prospect which His Word sets before us.

Regeneration or the New Birth

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Arthur Pink's treatment of this crucial biblical doctrine which is so much misunderstood today. Understanding who does what in regeneration will encourage the heart of every believer who shares the gospel or prays for the salvation of a friend.

The Satisfaction of Christ: Studies in the Atonement

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

The death of Christ, the incarnate Son of God, is the most remarkable event in all history. Join Pink in reflecting upon every aspect of the atonement: its source, necessity, nature, efficacy, results, and more! After reading this book, your sense of gratitude will deepen for the glorious work Christ performed at the cross for the atonement of humanity.

The Seven Sayings of the Saviour on the Cross

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

The death of the Lord Jesus Christ is a subject of never-failing interest to all who prayerfully study the Scriptures. The death of Christ was unique, miraculous, and supernatural. Here Pink takes up the seven sayings of Christ on the cross, words which inform us of the purpose, the meaning, the sufferings, and the sufficiency of the death divine.

Spiritual Growth

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Spirituality is a popular subject, judging by the shelves of nearly any bookstore today. But how do we rightly judge the state of our own spirituality-and that of others around us? What standard should we use and what principles should we follow in our pursuit of spiritual growth? Pink argues that, “Scriptural knowledge is essential if we are better to understand ourselves and diagnose more accurately our spiritual case. Unless our thoughts about spiritual growth be formed by the Word of God we are certain to err and jump to a wrong conclusion.” He uses more than a thousand different Bible passages that will shape your thinking on the subject of spiritual growth, and help you grow into spiritual maturity.

Studies in Saving Faith

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Pink levels the serious and solemn charge that much “evangelistic” preaching falls short on delivering the true gospel message. He states, “The ‘evangelism’ of the day is not only superficial to the last degree, but it is radically defective. It is utterly lacking a foundation on which to base an appeal for sinners to come to Christ. There is not only a lamentable lack of proportion (the mercy of God being made far more prominent than His holiness, His love than His wrath), but there is a fatal omission of that which God has given for the purpose of imparting a knowledge of sin. There is not only a reprehensible introducing of ‘bright singing,’ humorous witticisms and entertaining anecdotes, but there is a studied omission of the dark background upon which alone the Gospel can effectually shine forth.” Whether you are a preacher or a layperson, this remarkably relevant study in Scripture will challenge you to hold firmly to the Gospel.

The Ten Commandments

  • Author: A. W. Pink
  • Publisher: Logos Research Systems, Inc.
  • Publication Date: 2005

Do the Ten Commandments play a role in the life of the Christian believer? If so, what is that role? Are they rules to be memorized and obeyed or do they reflect an unattainable standard that shows us our need for Christ? Pink examines the significance of the Decalogue for both the nation of Israel and today's believer, in a study that will enlighten and challenge your understanding of an important but often neglected topic.

Excerpted from Westminster Theological Journal(Vol. 45, Page 479):

"...a native of Nottingham, England, whose life as a pastor and writer was spent in a variety of locations in the British Isles, the United States, and Australia. As a young man he turned away from the Christian faith of his parents and became an adherent of the theosophical cult; but then he experienced an evangelical conversion and crossed the Atlantic in 1910, at the age of 24, to become a student at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. After only six weeks, however, he left to take up a pastoral ministry. It was during the years that followed that he found his way to a strictly Calvinistic position in theology. He was soon wielding a quite prolific pen. As one whose life was devoted to the study and exposition of the Scriptures, he became the author of numerous books which the Banner of Truth Trust has been assiduously reprinting in recent times. No doubt his chief monument is the paper Studies in the Scriptures which he produced monthly and regularly for a period of thirty years from the beginning of 1922 until his death in 1952."

Excerpted from a review of Pink's biography:

"How do you evaluate the success of a Christian life? Reading the Bible through more than 50 times, sometimes ten chapters a day?

"Writing a total of 20,000 letters (by hand!) to Christian friends and enquirers after the faith? Studying for and writing 2,000 expository articles on biblical topics? Publishing a struggling Bible study magazine for years, with no more than a few hundred worldwide subscribers? Preaching in England, America and Australia until no churches would receive that ministry? Reluctance to become a regular member of any Christian church and observing the Lord's Day for years privately at home? Do you judge this man's Christian life a success?

"Or do you judge him by the fact that 'his influence circles the globe and today a mighty host of preachers of various denominations are using his materials and preaching to congregations large and small, the truths he mined from the Word of God' (John Thornbury)."

by John Appleby


15 ratings

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  1. Sherman Garner

    Sherman Garner


  2. Larnell Mormon
  3. Kevin Bratcher
  4. Damian Tavarez
  5. Richard Guerra

    Richard Guerra


  6. Debra W Bouey

    Debra W Bouey


  7. Dr. Sandra Bradley
    unable to access all I'm getting are scrambled no clear reading it very frustrating for the money I paid
  8. Rick



  9. Dave St. Hilaire
  10. Darin M. Watkins
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