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The Basis of Premillennial Faith

Digital Logos Edition

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Although premillennialism continues to be popular today, it is by no means a new doctrine. Rather, because of its solid foundation in biblical truth, premillennialism has been a prominent system of interpretation throughout church history.

Dr. Ryrie begins this book by introducing systems of interpretation and their vital importance in studying prophecy. He then proceeds to trace how premillennialism has its basis in history, hermeneutics, the Abrahamic covenant, Davidic covenant, new covenant, ecclesiology, and eschatology.

Whether you are new to premillennialist teaching, or whether you are interested in a more systematic understanding of its basis in Scripture, the contents of this book will clarify, instruct, and inspire.

Product Details

  • Title: The Basis of Premillennial Faith
  • Author: Charles C. Ryrie
  • Publisher: ESC Ministries
  • Publication Date: 2005
  • Pages: 138

About Charles C. Ryrie

Charles C. Ryrie is a renowned author and scholar. He has written dozens of books which have sold more than 1.5 million copies worldwide. As a scholar, he has served in several capacities throughout this career. He was ordained by the First Baptist Church in Alton, Illinois. He spent five years at Westmont College, first as professor, later as dean of men and chairman of biblical studies and philosophy. In 1958 he became president of Philadelphia College of Bible. He spent most of his career as a professor of systematic theology at Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. The father of three, he is now professor emeritus of systematic theology at Dallas Theological Seminary and acts as visiting professor of theology at Philadelphia College of Bible.

Sample Pages from the Print Edition

Resource Experts

Top Highlights

“In relation to the Scriptures. Fulfilled prophecy is one of the strongest proofs of the truth and accuracy of the Scriptures.” (Page 14)

“Fulfillment of the Abrahamic covenant is not equivalent to enjoyment of that covenant” (Page 52)

“The covenant was confirmed in spite of disobedience” (Page 51)

“One cannot deny that the Church receives similar blessings to those of the new covenant with Israel, but similarity is not fulfillment.” (Page 99)

“Premillennialism is the historic faith of the Church” (Page 17)

  • Title: The Basis of Premillennial Faith
  • Author: Charles Caldwell Ryrie
  • Publisher: ECS Ministries
  • Print Publication Date: 2005
  • Logos Release Date: 2010
  • Language: English
  • Resources: 1
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Subject: Millennium (Eschatology)
  • Resource Type: Monograph
  • Metadata Last Updated: 2022-02-12T07:10:25Z
Charles Caldwell Ryrie

Charles Caldwell Ryrie (1925–2016) was a renowned author and scholar and key figure in the theology of dispensationalism. He received degrees from Haverford College, Dallas Theological Seminary, University of Edinburgh, and Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.

Ryrie served as professor of systematic theology and dean of doctoral studies at Dallas Theological Seminary and professor at what is now Cairn University.

Along with frequently contributing to Bibliotheca Sacra, Ryrie authored over 25 books including Dr. Ryrie’s Articles, Transformed by his Glory, Nailing Down a Board: Serving Effectively on the Not-for-Profit Board, The Basis of Premillennial Faith, and Neo-orthodoxy.


6 ratings

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  1. Scott



  2. David Kelly

    David Kelly


  3. Paul Rowlands

    Paul Rowlands


  4. Larry Proffitt (I
  5. Kurt Obermeyer
  6. Russ White

    Russ White


    For staunch defenders of premillennialism, there are few names as well-known as Charles Ryrie; this book provides reason enough for that stature and recognition. In The Basis of the Premillennial Faith, Dr. Ryrie brings a wide swath of argument and evidence to bear on the question of the millennial reign of Christ. He begins with a survey of the beliefs of the Church through the ages, moving from the ancient period, through medieval times, the Reformation, and ending in modern times. Here Dr. Ryrie considers various well known writers of each era, and what their beliefs about the millennial reign of Christ were by examining their writings. While the examination is not exhaustive in each case, the author builds a strong case that premillennialism, by various names, has been a vital part of the Christian Church since the beginning of the Church. His next section is an examination of the hermeneutical basis for reading the Scriptures that discuss a thousand year reign of Christ on the Earth in a literal way. Here he provides an overview of the way in which prophecy is read by the Premillennialists verses how it is read by the Amillennialist. “Prophecy is not a special case in that it demands special hermeneutics if such a system contradicts the basic principle of literal interpretation. There may be special outworkings of that principle but the principle must be consistent.” –page 36 He next turns to the various covenants, starting with the Abrahamic, and moving through the Davidic, and finally into the New Covenant. For each of these, he shows how the covenant in question is related to Israel, rather than the Church, and how the Covenant is permanent, rather than temporary. There is one point on which I must disagree with Dr. Ryrie in this section: the complete separation of the Kingdom of God in Luke from the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew. The case for premillennialism based on this separation isn’t strong to begin with, however, so his argument wouldn’t be weakened by overthrowing this particular line of reasoning. His discussion of the New Covenant is particularly interesting; the author puts forward the theory that there are actually two New Covenants, one with Israel, and one with the Church. The more traditional views have always left something to be desired in this area, but I’m not certain this is a solid answer, either. Following this discussion of the Covenants, Dr. Ryrie turns to a discussion of the formation and government of the Church. It’s surprising how much material he finds in this area to support the premillennial reign of Christ. Finally, he considers the subject of eschatology, or last things; this is the shortest section of the book, and the one area where a reader will be able to find a good deal of material in other sources. A very well put together and argued case.


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