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Products>English-Greek Reverse Interlinear of the NRSV Apocryphal Texts

English-Greek Reverse Interlinear of the NRSV Apocryphal Texts

Digital Logos Edition

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While having unfortunately fallen in disrepute among many Protestants today, the Reformers Calvin and Luther held the apocrypha in high esteem and the call to recognize their value for biblical studies has steadily grown over the past few decades. The books included in the apocrypha deserve careful attention because of their documentation of the history between the Old and New Testament and their influence on the early church through the first four centuries and beyond. Understanding the apocryphal/deuterocanonical texts is an important yet often overlooked part of Bible study. These texts provide historical and cultural insight as well as linguistic information to use in one’s study.

The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear of the NRSV Apocryphal Texts is an alignment between the apocryphal portions of the NRSV and the Septuagint (LXX). It aims to assist in the reading and study of the apocryphal texts by allowing users to mix English and Greek terms in searches and to immediately discern the text from which the translation was made. Like other reverse interlinears available in Logos Bible Software, this reverse interlinear adds information on the underlying Greek text in lines below the English text as well as in a reverse interlinear “ribbon” on the bottom of the resource window. The display of these items is completely configurable.

Restrictions and Resource Requirements:
The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear of the NRSV Apocryphal Texts is only available for Logos Bible Software. It cannot be used in Libronix 3.0 or earlier. Also, it only includes the linked data for the Greek and English texts, but not the texts themselves. For this reason, both the New Revised Standard Version and the Septuagint with Logos Morphology are prerequisite resources for its use. The reverse interlinear data will function as a link between these two resources and will appear in the NRSV. This is not a third resource; it is the textual relations between them.

The original language lookup functionality is not yet available on mobile.

  • Reverse interlinear alignment of the Greek books of the Apocrypha
  • Easy access to the Greek text of the Apocrypha
  • Complete morphological analysis for every Greek word

The English-Greek Reverse Interlinear of the NRSV Apocryphal Texts opens up enormous possibilities of ways to study the original language text of the Apocrypha. The structure of a reverse interlinear provides the English and original language text together. This way, the translation is connected with the original at the individual word level. It is one thing to read a text that has been translated by someone else, or that gives you phrase or sentence level translations. But with the reverse interlinear, you have the ability to see direct translations for every word in the Greek text of the Apocrypha. This makes direct study of a specific word easy, with original language tools only a click away.

But reverse interlinears are not simply tools for those whose biblical language skills are lacking. They also provide valuable scholarly information about how various words, phrases, and idioms are translated across a larger corpus. Reverse interlinears make it possible to examine how well the translators represent the semantic range of various words and grammatical categories. They open up a number of avenues of research such as determining whether the translator's rendering of conjunctions, adverbs, and other function words match the semantic range delineated in various lexicons such as BDAG and L&N or examining how present or aorist verbs are translated in different contexts. Reverse interlinears provide instant access to data about the relationship between Greek grammar and English translation that would otherwise be difficult and time consuming to gather.

[The] collection of texts included in the Apocrypha merits careful attention not only on the basis of its testimony to the currents and developments within Judaism during the intertestamental period but also on the basis of the influence these texts exercised on the church during its formative centuries.

—David A. deSilva, Dictionary of New Testament Background

  • Title: New Revised Standard Version Apocrypha Reverse Interlinear
  • Author: Michael Aubrey
  • Publishers: Lexham Press, Faithlife Corporation
  • Publication Date: 2012–2017
  • Resources: 2
  • Format: Digital › Logos Research Edition
  • Resource ID: {A6E847C2-5BBC-4188-ACB0-618D24E7A590}


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  1. Ordice Gallups, Obl.S.B.
  2. Lincoln A. Bovee'
  3. Charles Stock

    Charles Stock


  4. sukjae lee

    sukjae lee


  5. joe_bourne1951@hotmail.com
  6. Allen Bingham
  7. DMB



  8. John Vignol

    John Vignol


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