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Letters of John (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

The letters of John speak words of encouragement and reproach to the grave concerns of the early church, yet reveal a God who not only loves his people, but wants them to experience life abundantly. Gary M. Burge’s commentary on the letters of John focuses on understanding the significance of John’s letters when he wrote them, and conveys the power they still have today.

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Joel, Obadiah, Malachi (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

These three short, prophetic Old Testament books each contain a dual message. On one hand are messages of impending judgment—for all peoples on the Day of the Lord, for an enemy of Israel, and for Israel herself. On the other hand are messages of great hope—of the pouring out of God’s Spirit, of restoration and renewal, and of a coming Messiah.

Your Price: $29.99

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Mark (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

When it comes to living the Christian life, beginnings are better than endings. That may be one of the most important lessons that the Gospel of Mark, by its very structure, teaches us. Looking at life in terms of endings often leads to discontent, neuroses, and despair. We always want to win more, make more, succeed more. More is an insatiable taskmaster. But the Gospel of Mark says the better way is to focus on beginnings. It gives answers; it gives meaning to suffering; it restores hope as the queen of virtues. Mark displays Jesus Christ as the New Beginning, giving us all the chance to start over at any time. The Gospel of Mark, itself, starts abruptly and really has no ending, showing that Jesus makes it possible for the story of God, working in human history and in the church, to go on and on.

Your Price: $39.99

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Judges/Ruth, Revised Edition (NIV Application Commentary I NIVAC)

The books of Judges and Ruth have relevance for our lives today. Judges, because it reveals a God who employs very human deliverers but refuses to gloss over their sins and their consequences. And Ruth, because it demonstrates the far-reaching impact of a righteous character. K. Lawson Younger Jr. shares literary perspectives on the books of Judges and Ruth that reveal ageless truths for our contemporary lives.

Your Price: $49.99

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1 & 2 Thessalonians (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

Paul’s letters to the Thessalonians address fundamental questions about death, about Christ’s return, and about the nature of holy living. This volume in the NIV Application Commentary series helps readers learn how Paul’s message to the Thessalonians can have the same powerful and transformative impact today that they did when first written.

Your Price: $29.99

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Jeremiah, Lamentations (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

The books of Jeremiah and Lamentations cannot be separated from the political conditions of ancient Judah. Beginning with the righteous king Josiah, who ushered in a time of glorious but brief religious reform, Jeremiah reflects the close tie between spiritual and political prosperity and disaster, between the actions and heart of Judah and her kings and their fortunes as a nation.

Your Price: $32.99

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1 & 2 Timothy, Titus (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

In this volume on 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus, Walter Liefeld reveals the context and meanings of Paul's letters to two leaders in the early Christian church. He explores the present-day implications of these epistles and helps the reader to accurately apply the principles they contain to contemporary issues.

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Haggai, Zechariah (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

Mark J. Boda’s commentary on Haggai and Zechariah helps readers learn how the message of these two prophets, who challenged and encouraged the people of God after the return from Babylon, can have the same powerful impact on the community of faith today. The books of Haggai and Zechariah represent a golden period in Old Testament history, but they are often overlooked. These two minor prophets speak a major message to the church today. It is one that calls us, as a community of faith, to the priority of God’s house, and inspires us with glimpses of its future glory.

Your Price: $34.99

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Galatians (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

This volume in the NIV Application Commentary series shows readers how to bring an ancient message into a modern context. Discover not only the original meaning of Galatians, but also how the message of Galatians can speak powerfully today. The tools, ideas, and insights contained in this volume will help preachers communicate God’s Word and understand the Gospel in the context of contemporary culture,

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Esther (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

Queen Esther faced and helped avert the potential genocide of her people. She rose to the top of political power without any of the advantages of aristocratic birth, well-placed friends, inherited wealth, or social prestige.

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1 Corinthians (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

Although separated by nearly two thousand years of history, there are many similarities between the church in Corinth and the world of today. The Corinthian church was riveted by factions that threatened to tear it apart. Paul had to handle strong differences of opinion among the Christians on such topics as marriage, lawsuits, meat sacrificed to idols, worship, and Christian doctrine. Similarly, the world today—and all too often the church as well—is in danger of a terminal fragmentation, a new tribalism.

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Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

The prophetic books of Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah are brief but powerful. They comfort us with the assurance that, when nothing in this life makes sense, God is still in control. They toughen our faith in the face of the world’s ugly realities. And they reveal the complexities of humans in relation to God. Jonah ran from his divine commission. Habakkuk questioned God concerning his ways. Repenting under Jonah’s message, the city of Nineveh ultimately backslid and reaped the doom prophesied by Nahum. And Zephaniah’s remnant depicts a faith that remains faithful. We needn’t look too hard to find our own world and concerns mirrored in these books.

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2 Peter and Jude (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

The apostles Peter and Jude wouldn’t have made good postmodernists. They insist that there is such a thing as absolute, non-negotiable truth, as well as error and deception. They speak of false doctrines and those who teach them as if they actually believe that eternity hangs in the balance and that God, far from shrugging his shoulders like a good relativist, takes the matters of truth and spiritual authority very seriously.

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Joshua (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

Reading Joshua can be, frankly, a jarring experience. Serious, troubling questions about God’s attitude toward his created peoples arise, questions with no easy answer. But the book of Joshua presents itself, warts (and wars!) and all, and asks readers to let it tell its story from its point of view and out of its ancient context. It asks them to give it the benefit of the doubt and permit it to speak to them.

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2 Corinthians (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

2 Corinthians, which is part of the NIV Application Commentary Series, helps readers learn how the message of 2 Corinthians can have the same powerful impact today that it did when it was first written. This volume is part of a series which explains the Bible's message by placing it in a modern context. This edition gives insight into both the author of the letter, Paul, and most strikingly, what it says about God.

Your Price: $34.99

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John (NIV Application Commentary | NIVAC)

The Gospel of John tells us the story that is the foundation of the distinctive teaching of Christianity. It provides all the elements necessary to see the full picture of the person and work of Jesus: a human Christ to redeem us, a divine Christ to reveal God’s nature, and a powerful, Spirit-filled Christ to help us lead holy lives. John shows these aspects in a mysterious, literate way that beguiles and reveals as it pulls us deeper and deeper into the mystery of who God is.

Your Price: $49.99

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The NIV Application Commentary on the Bible: One-Volume Edition

The easy-to-understand NIV Application Commentary on the Bible makes Bible study more fruitful and enriching. The NIV Application Commentary on the Bible enables readers to better understand not just what the Bible means, but also what it means for their lives. Clear explanations of every passage in the Bible are presented alongside insights into contemporary significance. Written by top-notch evangelical scholars but requiring no formal Bible or seminary training, The NIV Application Commentary on the Bible is useful both for personal study and for teaching preparation.

Your Price: $39.99


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The Book of Acts: A Commentary

The Book of Acts: A Commentary

Your Price: $18.99

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Greek for Everyone: Introductory Greek for Bible Study and Application

Greek for Everyone: Introductory Greek for Bible Study and Application

Your Price: $7.99

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Nehemiah: An Expositional Commentary

Nehemiah: An Expositional Commentary

Your Price: $16.99

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Mark (Understanding the Bible Commentary | UBC)

Mark (Understanding the Bible Commentary | UBC)

Your Price: $17.99

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Jeremiah, Lamentations (Understanding the Bible Commentary | UBC)

Jeremiah, Lamentations (Understanding the Bible Commentary | UBC)

Your Price: $19.99

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Paul and Scripture: Studying the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

Paul and Scripture: Studying the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

Your Price: $21.99

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Exodus (Teach the Text Commentary Series)

Exodus (Teach the Text Commentary Series)

Your Price: $26.99

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John (Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament)

John (Paideia: Commentaries on the New Testament)

Your Price: $29.99

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Proverbs & Ecclesiastes (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC)

Proverbs & Ecclesiastes (Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible | BTC)

Your Price: $32.99

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Galatians and Christian Theology: Justification, the Gospel, and Ethics in Paul’s Letter

Galatians and Christian Theology: Justification, the Gospel, and Ethics in Paul’s Letter

Your Price: $39.99

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Apostle Paul: His Life and Theology

Apostle Paul: His Life and Theology

Your Price: $49.99

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The New Testament: A Historical and Theological Introduction

The New Testament: A Historical and Theological Introduction

Your Price: $59.99

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