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3 Reasons to Get Logos 7 Platinum, Even If You Have Thousands of Books


Take one step into my house and you’ll see I have a serious problem.

I’m a book addict, and the evidence of my affliction is everywhere. Every available surface is covered in books.

And then there are the thousands of other books that you won’t see on my shelves and side tables: my Logos resources.

It’s true I’ll never be able to read all my Logos resources in their entirety, but that’s not necessarily the point of having books in Logos. 

You can read a Logos resource cover to cover just like any other book. And it’s great to have a wide selection when you’re in the mood for a good read. But Logos resources really shine when you’re doing research-intensive study. The more books I have, the more results I get when I need specific answers to specific questions. 

But it’s not just about quantity, it’s about quality. And Logos 7 Platinum has hundreds of quality, scholarly resources.

If, like me, you have thousands of Logos books, here are three reasons to consider an upgrade to Logos 7 Platinum

1. Reference works are for referencing

Increasing the size of your Logos library is all about having the right resources, right when you need them. Logos 7 Platinum is full of trusted reference works you typically wouldn’t read cover to cover anyway. When’s the last time you read all 1,135 pages of the Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary? That’s not exactly recreational reading, but having trusted, scholarly resources in Logos means they’re there when you need them. And because Logos 7 Platinum includes standard scholarly reference works, you will need them!

Plus, Logos features work better with a larger library because you get more results:

  • More commentaries means more results in Passage Guide, Bible Word Study/Lemma in Passage, and other features
  • More dictionaries means more results in Factbook/Dictionaries
  • More systematic and biblical theologies means more results in the relevant sections of Passage Guide
  • More background resources and secondary literary works means more results in Passage Guide/Cultural Concepts

Get Logos 7 Platinum now!

2. The best books at the best price are in Platinum

Some of the most trusted, standard, scholarly resources out there are included in Logos 7 Platinum. When you get these resources in a base package, you’ll pay a tenth of what you would if you purchased them separately.

Just take a look at this round up of scholarly resources included in Logos 7 Platinum.

  • Hermeneia and Continental Commentary: $1,699.99 $169.99
  • BDAG: $149.99 $14.99
  • TDNT: $199.99 $19.99
  • Dictionary of Classical Hebrew: $299.99 $29.99
  • New International Greek Testament Commentary: $599.99 $59.99
  • Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary: $269.99 $26.99
  • Themelios: $219.99 $21.99
  • Goldingay’s Old Testament Theology: $98.99 $9.89

If you were to purchase just those resources alone, you’d spend $2,728.92. But right now you can get  Logos 7 Platinum for just $2,049.99. And that’s not even with Dynamic Pricing! If you already own Logos 6 Gold, you’ll save at least another $770 on Logos 7 Platinum. You’ll get the resources listed above and hundreds more at a price you can’t get anywhere else.

Get Logos 7 Platinum now!

3. Tools for in-depth research are in Platinum

Logos 7 includes some of the most exciting features for scholarly study we’ve ever released:

    • See lexicon entries in a single click. Click on any word in the biblical text, and Logos will automatically open the entry for that word in your preferred lexicon.
    • Search the original languages with pinpoint accuracy. Search Scripture by syntactic force, sentence type, even grammatical construction! Looking for every instance of the Granville Sharp Rule? A single search shows you every one.
    • Consult your grammars without flipping pages. See relevant excerpts from your grammars about the biblical passage you’re studying. They’re ready and waiting in the Exegetical Guide.
    • Compare biblical texts with ease. Comparing your English translation to the BHS and LXX? Scroll them in-sync, click, and the text lights up with differences between the texts—all courtesy of the new Multiview Resources tool and Corresponding Words visual filter.

Those are just a few of the academic research capabilities in Logos 7.

Get Logos 7 Platinum today!

No matter the size of your library, Logos 7 Platinum is worth a look.  Get Logos 7 Platinum now!

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Written by
Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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