A few years ago, a good friend of mine spent months studying the way Jesus used the physical world around him to illuminate Scripture. Salt, light, roads, flowers, birds, and bread are all examples of concrete, vivid illustrations Jesus pulled from...
If you’ve been shopping around for church media, you probably noticed there are more than a few choices out there. You could wade through dozens of church media brands before you find what your church needs (or what you can afford). Maybe...
When you’re trying to make a point, the way you talk changes. Maybe you change your rhythm. You switch from long, rapid sentences to short, slow fragments where every word carries more weight. Or you might drastically change your...
As you probably (hopefully) know, Mother’s Day is this Sunday. If your master plan to honor your wife, mom, grandma, or women who aren’t moms (but basically are) is already well under way, well done. And if you just realized...
At the heart of Randy Alcorn’s book, Happiness, is the simple belief that Christians, having a direct relationship with the source of all happiness, should be happy. This isn’t a call for delusional ignorance of the terrible things that...
Dan Lovaglia, director of leadership development at Awana, says there’s a disconnect between the church’s objectives and our results—particularly in children’s ministries. Across denominations, ministries and churches share many of...
In a culture that doesn’t sacrifice animals on altars when we make mistakes, it’s sometimes tough to explain how and why Jesus’ death on the cross atones for our sins. Without a system for understanding sin, sacrifice, and...
As Paul highlights the contrast between Adam and Jesus in Romans 5, he communicates powerful truths about sin. In Confronted by Grace: Meditations of a Theologian, Professor John Webster draws out three ways to define sin using Romans 5, all of...
Christians believe that God knows everything. But does that mean that he predetermines everything? Dr. Michael Heiser says no. In The Unseen Realm, Heiser explores a biblical account of David which suggests that while God has divine foreknowledge of...
When the events of the Bible take place on the other side of the world, it’s easy to miss the significance of geography. A single verse could transport you miles away, and you might never notice. The books of the Bible deal with real, physical...
When you study with Logos and present with Proclaim, you don’t have to spend hours preparing your sermon and then hours preparing your slides. You can get ready for the service while you study for your sermon. Add quotes to your sermon while you...
Goliath, the infamous giant and “champion of the Philistines,” first appears in the Bible in 1 Samuel 17:4—but he also shows up in other Old Testament books, and ancient Jewish writings not included in the Bible. In this video, adapted...
Easter is a huge opportunity for your church. There are more people attending church than almost any other time of year. Your Easter sermon is arguably the most important sermon your church will hear all year. And people who almost never go to...
We live in a world that expects results. Nobody wants to waste their life or spend their time on things that don’t matter. That’s part of what makes it so devastating when our ministries feel fruitless—no one gives their life to Christ, the...
What if taking the Bible “literally” doesn’t mean what you think it means? In The Lost World of Genesis One, Dr. John Walton of Wheaton college affirms that Genesis 1 is talking about a literal seven days of creation—but he also...
The January/February issue of Bible Study Magazine features J.D. Greear—pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. In college, Greear’s study of Romans 2 led him to a life-altering realization: “Paul talks about those...
The church’s emphasis on abstinence in dating sometimes leaves people feeling as if the Bible says that sex itself is bad. Not only is that not what the Bible says . . . it’s not even close. Sex was designed to be good. Within the...
There’s something special about seeing hand-drawn ancient characters. It’s like the smell of old books, or the feel of papyrus. You can’t simulate the smell of books (yet!), and you probably shouldn’t open glass cases to feel...
A couple weeks ago, you couldn’t go on Facebook without seeing someone link to this plugin that calculated your most-used words. It runs through everything you’ve ever posted on Facebook to determine what words you say the most. The...
One of the hardest things for me to wrap my brain around as a Christian is how a God who defines himself as love (1 John 4:8) and defines the greatest form of love as laying down your life for someone else (John 15:13) could lead Israel on a...
The church in Corinth had a problem. One of their own was actively engaging in sexual sin that went beyond the immorality of non-Christian Corinthians (1 Corinthians 5:1). This person was choosing to live in sin, despite being part of the body of...
Dr. Michael Heiser believes that as modern Christians we are “selectively supernatural.” Our modern worldview makes it difficult to recognize the full extent of the supernatural fingerprints on our Bible. While Bible scholars widely...
Some fans of Dr. Runge have claimed that his discourse works alone have made Logos worth it.
It’s one thing to talk about engaging, interacting with, or “reclaiming” culture. Putting our theories into practice is another thing entirely. In Every Square Inch: An Introduction to Cultural Engagement for Christians, Dr. Bruce...
God is both the author of creation and the author of Scripture. For Christians, God’s Word is the lens through which we see his world. Likewise, the way we see God’s world through science can affect how we understand his Word. Both...
From the remains of the Davidic dynasty, the Messiah would emerge. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary says of Isaiah 11:1, “The reduction of the Davidic dynasty to a mere stump is a true metaphor for its condition when Christ was born;...
What do you want your life to look like five years from now? If it’s not the life you have right now, something obviously needs to change between now and then. But the changes you want aren’t going to “just happen.” Bob...
Dr. Darrell Bock was recently asked about his endorsement of Dr. Michael Heiser’s new book, The Unseen Realm. His response offers insight into how he approaches new ideas in Bible scholarship. (You can read the entire exchange in Dr. Darrell...
Have you ever wondered how archaeology influences Bible scholarship? Informed by ancient literature and previous archaeological finds, archaeologists can uncover and record brand-new insights into the ancient world. Dr. Jodi Magness...
The Bible is constantly revealing how big, how wise, how powerful, and how awesome God is. Psalm 139 is one of the many passages where God’s omniscience is put on display—but here, God’s omniscience is a powerful reminder that...