Behind the Scenes: Updates to the Word Biblical Commentary

One of the biggest benefits of owning Logos resources is that you’re constantly getting free updates and improvements.

Have you ever wondered about what goes into updates like these? We thought we’d give you a behind-the-scenes look at the recent update to the Word Biblical Commentary.

Hundreds of thousands of links

Logos books are tightly linked to all the other books in your library. We’re always looking for ways to make these connections even tighter by updating, improving, and adding links.

Here are a few examples of the kinds of things we link—not just in the WBC, but in all your books:

  • When you click a Scripture reference, you’re taken to your preferred Bible translation, or the Greek or Hebrew text.
  • When you click a bibliographic citation, you can instantly open the cited work to get the full context. (If you’ve ever seen something quoted out of context, you know why this is valuable.)
  • When you click a Greek or Hebrew word, you can get the definition, and then go to your preferred lexicon for more.
  • When you view the table of contents, you can click chapter and section headings to navigate to those destinations in the book.
  • When hover over an abbreviation, the full title appears. For example, when N. T. Wright refers to NTPG, you’ll instantly see that it stands for New Testament and the People of God. With print books or other ebook formats, you would have to flip to the front of the book to see what the abbreviation stood for.
  • When the author of the book refers to what they said in the previous chapter, you can click the reference—say, “previous chapter”—to be taken there. Your Logos books have context-sensitive linking: only a human who is familiar with the work would know what “previous chapter” is referring to and know where to link it.
  • When the text refers to a footnote somewhere else in the book, or something said on another page, you can click the link to be taken there.

There are lots of other things we link. Many are obscure, and most you don’t notice. But they’re all important.

Here’s how many links are in the updated version of the Word Biblical Commentary:

  • 131,893 links to external resources, including 3,212 new links. Many of these links point to other books.
  • 739,341 data-type references—links to special data. For example, if the author refers to Genesis 1:1, the link is a data-type reference, not a normal link. This is because, when you click it, the software takes into consideration things like your preferred Bible translation. The short story is that a data-type reference is like a normal link, except with lots of things going on under the hood.
  • 357,373 links within resources: indexes, footnotes, links to abbreviations, links to table of contents, and so on.
  • 50,711 milestone links, which help you navigate your resources more quickly and help provide more accurate data when you right-click.

What about typos?

There are 22,165,650 words in the Word Biblical Commentary. Since we last updated WBC, we’ve received 11,243 typo reports. Of 11,243 typos reported, we fixed 9,939. In other words, the WBC went from a 99.955% accuracy rate to nearly 100%. (We’re hesitant to say we hit 100%, because with 22,165,650 words, it’s possible we still missed one.)

(If you’re doing the math, it sounds like we left 1,304 reported typos. Here’s why.)

The best part for you? All the updates are free!

There’s nothing extra you need to do to get these updates. If you already own the WBC, they’ve already been delivered to you. It’s automatic, and it doesn’t cost a dime.

The WBC is only one of thousands of products we’ve updated in the past year. We have an entire team in one of our departments working exclusively on improving existing resources.

The result of these constant improvements is that, over time, your library is getting smarter, better, and faster. It’s becoming a more effective tool for the work you do every day.

We’re constantly improving Logos resources

When you buy a resource in Logos, you’re not just getting a digital text that somebody built and forgot about.

You’re getting a product from a company that’s investing in improvement every day.

Why? Because we know that the extra updates might make all the difference when you’re working on your next sermon or preparing your next lesson—and that makes a very real difference in peoples’ lives.

Get the WBC today!

If you don’t yet own the Word Biblical Commentary, what are you waiting for?

Get the set today for $63.33 per month with a 12-month interest-free payment plan. This is ideal if you have a book budget, because it allows you to spread your payments out over a few months without having to worry about accumulating interest.

You’ll get the most up-to-date version—and you’ll always have the latest and greatest version for as long as you own it.

Don’t wait—get the WBC now!

Written by
Kent Hendricks

Kent Hendricks is a former product promotions leader at Faithlife. He's now a marketing director at Zondervan Publishers.

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Written by Kent Hendricks