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Take Back Your Saturdays

You don’t have to spend precious hours on your day off putting together Sunday morning’s slideshow anymore. Now you can build your sermon or worship presentation as you study.

New to Logos 6, Visual Copy lets you create beautifully designed slides drawn from quotes across your Logos library. With Logos, importing your slides into your favorite presentation software is a breeze. Plus, Visual Copy makes it simple to share your slides through social media, so you can instantly show others Scriptural insights without interrupting your Bible study. In this video, one of our Logos Pros shows you how to use this tool to build stunning, professionally designed presentations.

See it in action

Start with quotable authors

You can create Visual Copy slides from resources across your library. But through the years, you’ve probably cultivated a list of authors whose quotes are shareable, memorable, and powerful. Here are a few resources from authors that many pastors, scholars, and Bible study enthusiasts return to again and again for their helpful, shareable quotes.

  • Charles Spurgeon Collection – They called him the Prince of Preachers for a reason. Charles Spurgeon is one of the most celebrated—and quotable—orators of all time. No matter what you’re studying, chances are Spurgeon has a memorable turn of phrase that will help drive the point home for your audience.
  • The John Piper Sermon Archive – John Piper, like Spurgeon before him, has a way with words. His direct, expositional preaching style is tied closely to the text of Scripture. That means that when you’re studying a particular passage, you can consult Piper’s sermons on that text and find a great illustration, quote, or application that you can pass on to your people.
  • Tim Keller Sermon Archive – If Piper and Spurgeon are known for their eloquent exposition, Keller is known for his intellectual and practical approach to Scripture. As a minister in Manhattan, he’s learned how to connect biblical truth to the unique questions posed by modern people.


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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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