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5 Church Fall Festival Ideas (+ FREE Fall Media Bundle)

mini pumpkins at a church's fall festival

F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote, “Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.” Even if it doesn’t get crisp where you live, your church can create that feeling at your fall festival or trunk or treat—and put a fresh start to your outreach for a new season.

Here are five ideas to help you as you plan your church’s upcoming fall festival, plus a free bundle of fall media for churches.

Fall cookie contest

It is a truth universally acknowledged that people love cookies, so featuring all kinds of delicious types at your festival is a smart (and delicious) move.

Ask your members to bake a number of cookies appropriate for how many guests you think will attend your fall festival. Make sure to announce this ahead of time, add it to your church’s event calendar, and make reminder announcements so people don’t forget. 

At your festival:

• Clearly label each cookie with a cookie name and number. 

• Keep voting objective by leaving out the baker’s name. 

• Have voting slips, pens, and a bucket or bowl for people to turn in their voting forms. 

• On your voting forms, include a one-to-five scale for taste, decoration, and either originality or overall impression.

• Optional: Include a sign saying when the winner will be announced. 

Just Add Pumpkin Spice: Fall's Free Church Media

Mini pumpkin decorating

Mini pumpkins don’t cost much, and decorating them is fun for people young and old. Plus, you could make a contest out of this, too!

Provide stickers, glitter glue, markers, paint, and whatever else you’d like. Disposable plastic aprons might also be a good idea. If you’re turning it into a contest, add a decoration time limit and break up competition categories into age groups.

Fall photo booth

Ask a creative church volunteer or two to help you create a fun fall photo booth people want to get their photos in. Hay bales, a scarecrow, pumpkins, fall leaves, and an autumn-colored background make for a good start. If you’re adventurous, you could even include paper props like corn on the cob, pumpkin pie, and caramel apples.

Include your church’s name somewhere visible but not overbearing in the photo booth so when people share their cute snaps on social media, your church name will be seen.

Ring toss

Keep this really simple with classic glass bottles and rings made out of jute rope and electrical tape. Or make it even more fun and fall themed by using full-sized pumpkins and hula hoops instead. 

Gift-making stations

Give your guests the opportunity to make gifts for the needy. It’s both memorable and meaningful.

For example, gather all the supplies you’ll need to assemble Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. People can pitch in to decorate the boxes, fill them with gifts, and add labels. Another idea is to make cards to give to shut-ins (especially if you’re delivering Thanksgiving meals). 


Get ready for your church’s fall events—from fall festivals to Trunk or Treat to Pastor Appreciation Month and more—with a free bundle of fall media.

Just Add Pumpkin Spice: Fall's Free Church Media

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Logos Staff

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Brandmark x Written by Logos Staff