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Craig Evans: Jesus and Archaeology

Faithlife Live is a cross-denominational show that covers engaging theological topics, featuring in-depth conversations with key ministry leaders.

In this Faithlife Live, Dr. Craig Evans discusses the value of archaeology and how it sheds light on Jesus and his world.

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Learn more from Dr. Craig Evans

In this three-hour course, you’ll join Dr. Craig A. Evans on a journey to some of the most significant New Testament archaeological sites. Filmed on-site in Israel’s Galilee region, Dead Sea region, and Jerusalem, this course will give you insight into first-century socioeconomic life and will help you grasp the historical and biblical context of Jesus’ ministry.

As the course takes you through cities and other locations around the Sea of Galilee, you’ll learn where Jesus and his disciples walked and lived, including Capernaum, the headquarters of Jesus’ Galilean ministry. Discover how the Qumran Dead Sea Scrolls reveal how deeply rooted in the Old Testament the early Christian movement was, and hear how these texts have been preserved for future generations. Explore burial practices and evidence of crucifixion in the first century in Jerusalem.

Get Archaeology in Action: Jesus and Archaeology now.

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Logos Staff

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