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How to Explore Biblical Evidence and Ancient Inscriptions in Logos


Do more engaging study with interactive tools

Logos’ Interactive Media offers engaging ways to study the Word. Convert biblical measurements into modern examples, explore the Psalms with a colorful browser, learn to write and pronounce Greek and Hebrew words, explore interactive infographics of Solomon’s Temple and the armor of God, and much more.
Explore packages with this feature.

Master the art of self-leadership

Despite strong advances in organizational leadership, a key growth area is still lacking for many: self-leadership. Addressing this evident need, Samuel Rima offers practical implementation of essential leadership principles and discusses the emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual aspects of self-leadership in his book, Leading from the Inside Out.
Pastors, church leaders, and all Christians who serve in positions of leadership or authority will benefit from Rima’s insights. Leading from the Inside Out is also a useful tool for leadership classes, as well as church boards and denominational leaders who want to help those they oversee prevent personal failures. The book includes a study guide and a Self-Leadership Workshop at the end of each chapter.

Get the book today!

See the biblical world in high definition

The Old Testament writers used a variety of literary and grammatical devices to guide their audience. Some of these devices function to attract attention to important information, while others served to push less important information into the background. Some were used simply to grab your attention, alerting you that something important or surprising was about to happen. The ability to identify what these devices are and where they occur in the text will be a valuable help for your Bible study. Until very recently, these kinds of tools have only been accessible to those who have invested years and years of study in the Hebrew language and linguistics.
In the Lexham High Definition Old Testament the text is marked up with visual representations for a variety of discourse devices. Hovering over any of the devices gives you a pop-up window with a concise definition, allowing you to stay right in the text. Right clicking on the device gives you the option to jump to the glossary for a definition, explanation, illustrations, and questions to ask yourself to understand why the author used that specific device. Since all of these devices are tagged, you can even search for the various devices across the entire Old Testament or in a specific corpus of Scripture.
Get the Lexham High Definition Old Testament today.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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Brandmark x Written by Logos Staff