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How to Explore the Dead Sea Scrolls with Logos

Start your own Pauline studies

“On the Spirit and the Letter”
Dr. Stephen Chester says one of the tracts that has affected his own studies the most is Augustine’s On the Spirit and the Letter. You can find this tract within the Early Church Fathers Protestant Edition. For decades, the historic American edition of the writings of the Early Church Fathers translated into English has made a major contribution to students of Christian history, philosophy, and theology. The Logos edition of the ECF provides the interactive links between text, footnotes, Bible references and hundreds of Bibles and Bible reference books available in digital format.

Add Early Church Fathers Protestant Edition to your library.
The Freedom of a Christian: Lutheran Study Edition
Perhaps no work of Martin Luther’s so captures the revolutionary zeal and theological boldness of his vision as The Freedom of a Christian. Yet, it is not easily accessible today. Mark Tranvik’s new translation of Luther’s treatise brings alive the social, historical, and ecclesial context of Luther’s treatise. This is the first of a set of student guides to key Reformation treatises by Martin Luther, concentrating on those most widely used in college settings.
Get The Freedom of a Christian: Luther Study Edition today.
The Saving Righteousness of God
The Apostle Paul is the most notable Christian missionary and perhaps the most influential New Testament author. The greatest theologians in the church’s history—Augustine, Calvin, Luther, Karl Barth, and others—have repeatedly turned to Paul, and the central doctrines of the church hinge on the theology found in Paul’s writings. Yet in recent decades, disputes over the historicity of Paul’s letters and the emergence of the New Perspective have led scholars to reevaluate central Pauline texts, leading to controversy, dispute, and a fractured understanding of Paul’s intent.
Get The Saving Righteousness of God today.

Dig into the Dead Sea Scrolls

The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of about 1000 documents averaging about 2000 years old, mostly found in caves near Khirbet Qumran, northwest of the Dead Sea, between 1946 and 1956. The Dead Sea Scrolls are primarily religious documents written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and some Greek. They represent some of the most significant sources for understanding Judaism in the Second Temple Period, the era that also produced the New Testament. The Scrolls are cited in many, if not most, modern Bible commentaries.
Get Qumran Sectarian Manuscripts today.

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Logos Staff

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