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How to Interpret the Genres of the New Testament

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Dr. William Klein discusses how to interpret various New Testament genres (:10), and Dr. Steven Runge talks about Greek prepositions in the Faithlife Language Lab (2:51).

See how genre affects Scripture

The Bible is a complex mix of literary genres that spans several centuries. Understanding how to properly read and interpret it is challenging. Develop a new level of competency in interpreting the New Testament with Dr. William Klein’s guidance and insight on New Testament genres. Learn how to interpret the different genres found in the New Testament epistles. Distinguish which events in Acts are meant to be descriptive (describing what happened) and which are meant to be prescriptive (instructing on how to live). You’ll also discover how the book of Revelation combines three genres, and how this affects its interpretation.

Start studying biblical genres with Dr. William Klein with the Interpreting New Testament Genres course.

Get more familiar with biblical interpretation

Although accurate Bible interpretation is a challenging task, William W. Klein, Craig L. Blomberg, and Robert L. Hubbard have combined years of expertise and devotion to Scripture to provide a truly unique volume that sets forth concise, logical, practical guidelines for discovering the truth in God’s Word.

Interpretation is neither an art nor a science; it is both a science and an art.           — Introduction to Biblical Interpretation

book cover of Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
Get Introduction to Biblical Interpretation today.

Access a scholarly tool for the exposition of Scripture

The Gold Medallion Award-winning Expositor’s Bible Commentary is a major contribution to the study and understanding of the Scriptures. Providing pastors and Bible students with a comprehensive and scholarly tool for the exposition of the Scriptures and the teaching and proclamation of their message, this 12-volume reference work has become a staple of seminary and college libraries and pastors’ studies worldwide.
Add the Expositor’s Bible Commentary to your library.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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