Logos Mobile Ed’s Preaching and Discipling Foundations Bundle is a 10-course bundle that covers a wide array of topics related to ministry. It provides great teaching by leading speakers on topics like preaching, discipleship, ethics, and specific areas of ministry. We recognize that some of you may not want all 10 since the course topics are so diverse, so we’re making them all available individually.
In CM100 Basic History of Preaching, Dr. Gary Carr highlights important preachers from the early church to today. In CM101 Basic Elements of Preaching: An Introduction to Homiletics, he surveys the basic elements of preparing and delivering a sermon.
Dr. J. Kent Edwards discusses why preaching is important in CM102 Invitation to Biblical Preaching I: Theological, Historical, and Pragmatic Reasons for Preaching. In CM103 Invitation to Biblical Preaching II: Preaching Biblical Sermons, he moves from exegesis to exposition, providing the tools necessary to prepare and preach a biblical sermon.
In ED101 Introducing Discipleship, Dr. Greg Ogden examines the biblical mandate to make disciples and provides a disciple-making strategy that can be used by churches or individuals. In ED201 Empowering God’s People for Ministry, he shows that all believers, not just church leaders, are called to minister.
Pastoral ministry
Dr. Michael Goheen identifies the missional calling of the church in PC101 Pastoral Ministry in a Missional Church, and describes how churches can be structured in a way to best fulfill this calling. In PC131 Shepherding Women, Dr. Bev Hislop looks at the biblical portrayal of women and discusses ways to enhance the pastoral care of women.
Practical theology
In PC151 Theology of Everyday Life, Dr. Dan Doriani looks at what Scripture has to say about practical, everyday areas of life, such as food, friendship, work, calling, and more. In PC201 Pastoral Ethics, he uses the Ten Commandments as a lens for analyzing Christian ethics.
Watch these previews to get a taste of each individual course:
You still get the most savings by ordering the 10-course bundle, but now you can also tailor your studies by getting each of these great courses by themselves.