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How to Have a Library Better than Charles Spurgeon’s

There is no truly original theology.

Piper reads Edwards. Edwards read Calvin. Calvin read Augustine. And Augustine read the early church fathers who read the apostles who read the prophets.

If you’re a student of Scripture, you’re in a school dating back to the earliest scrolls.

The question is, who are your teachers?

Reformed libraries in Logos

Reformed libraries in Logos make great theologians of ages past and present your teachers.

Specially curated collections feature foundational works of the Reformed tradition, or works that borrow greatly from it, so your studies stand on time-tested theology, like:

  • Calvin’s Institutes (and other works)
  • Complete works of Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, Charles Spurgeon, and more
  • Contemporaries like J.I. Packer, John Piper, and Tim Keller

It’s like inheriting a library from Charles Spurgeon, whose studies were almost entirely in this tradition, then adding to it.

More than a collection of books

As with all Logos base packages, Reformed libraries in Logos are more than collections of books. The resources are paired with high-powered tools to make study quick yet comprehensive. It’s like having a personal research assistant—one especially knowledgeable in the Reformed tradition.

Want to know how Calvin preached your sermon passage? Access his sermons and commentary on your text in seconds, or link them to your Bible so they scroll together.

Want to know Edwards’ view of why God created the world? Access his famous essay and see how other Reformed thinkers borrowed from or preceded his thinking.

Want to study a particular theological topic? With a few clicks, browse systematic theologies—arguably the greatest contributions to the Reformed tradition—such as:

  1. Reformed Dogmatics (Bavinck)
  2. Church Dogmatics (Barth)
  3. Summa Theologica (Aquinas)

See how Logos makes it easy to use systematic theologies as you study Scripture:

Add a Reformed library to your collection

Base packages in Logos are the most cost-efficient ways to build a library—especially if you already have a Logos base package.

Anytime you buy a Logos base package, you enjoy two levels of savings:

  • Dynamic Pricing (the price of your add-on library adjusts to account for what you already own)
  • Bundled pricing (the sum is less than its parts: you save about 90% when you bundle vs. buying resources individually)

For example, let’s say you want to add Calvin’s commentary set to your existing library. On its own, the set is $149.99. You can get it in the Reformed Silver package, along with nearly 300 other resources, for $999.99 at most. (Your price would be lower if you already own a base package.) That means you’d get over $10,000 worth of resources for at least 90% off. Calvin’s commentaries would be about $14.99 in the bundle.

Find your teachers

Invite some of the greatest minds from ages past into your study. Browse Reformed libraries to add depth to your studies, life, and ministry.  


Study Deeper, Faster, from Anywhere. Plans start at $9.99/month. Get started now.

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Logos Staff

Logos is the largest developer of tools that empower Christians to go deeper in the Bible.

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