Topic Study from Home Page

If you’ve been using Logos for even a short period of time, you’ve probably already discovered the Passage box on the Home Page. By entering a passage and clicking Go, you are off and running into the world of Bible study. Did you know, though, you can also study a topic or subject from the Home Page passage box? Try this:

Type sanctification in the passage box on the Home Page.

Notice the first entry in the drop down list is Search for sanctification.

Go ahead and click Search for sanctification.

At this point, a search panel opens. The Library Results section in the panel displays every occurrence of the word sanctification in your entire library. At the top is a section called Topic in which links to articles with the headword Sanctification are listed. Look carefully and you’ll see also links to articles called Consecration which is closely related to sanctification. When searching for a “subject,” Logos takes the initiative to search for related topics.

The line Search for (Sanctification, “Entire Sanctification”, Consecration,…) instead? is hyperlinked. When clicked, Logos will automatically search for all occurrences of each of these terms and update the hits in the Library Results section.

As you can see, Logos is not only powerful; it is very easy to use!

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Written by
Morris Proctor

Morris Proctor (1961–2023) was a certified trainer for Logos Bible Software and founder of MP Seminars. Morris trained thousands of Logos users at his two-day Camp Logos seminars, and his team continues to provide many training materials.

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Written by Morris Proctor