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Make Daily Bible Study Your New Year’s Resolution

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The New Year is a time for new beginnings. This year, challenge yourself to make Bible study a daily habit. Not only will you be meditating on the Word of God every single day, but hopefully new insights and reflections will become apparent as you engross your daily life with Scripture.

With Connect the Testaments and DIY Bible Study, you’ll have two invaluable tools to help you study the Bible and apply it to your life.

Get started today!

Connect the Testaments is a one-year, daily devotional with a custom reading plan that covers the entire Bible. Each day, you’ll read from both the Old Testament and New Testament. The devotional will offer insights into the text, explanations for difficult passages, and glimpses into how the Scripture passages are connected. These daily reflections will teach you about living for Jesus in your everyday life.

Here’s an excerpt from the entry for January 1:

January 1: Beginnings

Genesis 1–2; Matthew 1–2; Ecclesiastes 1:1–5

In the beginning, God subdues the greatest symbol of chaos in the ancient world: the waters. He also creates light—something that the ancients thought ruled everything. Even darkness, which they deeply feared, is now ruled by Him.

The ancients were in the middle, asking, “God, where are you in the midst of this chaotic world?” He answers them with a story about beginnings. In this story, we find that God establishes order in a chaotic world. He rules other gods. He rules the light. He rules the night. It’s as if God said, “Why are you afraid? I’m here. I’m working it out.”

Matthew 1–2 gives us another beginning—a child born in humble circumstances. But it’s through this child, Jesus, that the world itself was first created. And that’s not all: in Him and through Him everything is brought together. Chaos is made orderly: “Because all things in the heavens and on earth were created by him … and he himself is before all things, and in him all things are held together” (Col 1:16–17). If we want to truly understand our origins, we need this frame of reference.

Like the ancients, we too are in the middle. We worry that evil and chaos will reign, but we must let Christ take control. He can bring order to our unruly lives. We need a new beginning. In Genesis, God wants us to see Him taking back what He created—and that includes us.

What chaos do you fear? We often feel in the middle, but our beginnings suggest that Christ is holding everything together. What areas of your life need God’s order? Where do you need Christ to step in and hold together?

Take the next step

We created DIY Bible Study to help you step into the story of the Bible, understanding the text and it’s impact for your everyday life. With application-focused content, beautifully designed images, and practical video tutorials, DIY Bible Study gives you everything you need to study the Bible to the fullest extent.

The included year-long reading plan breaks up DIY Bible Study into digestible bits, guiding you through the entire Bible. In just a few minutes a day, you can go through the entire resource, digging deeper into the Bible with each lesson. On any given day you might:

  • Watch a short overview video highlighting the main themes of a biblical book.
  • Read a short devotional article helping your reflect on the meaning of Scripture in your everyday life.
  • Dive into the ancient context of the Bible to better understand what the biblical authors were trying to communicate.
  • Walk step-by-step through a difficult passage with a biblical scholar to see how he or she approaches studying the Bible.
  • Stimulate discussion and action through application-focused content and thoughtful reflection questions.

Better together

By pairing Connect the Testaments and DIY Bible Study, you’ll have two incredible tools to help you dig into the Bible. In just 30 minutes a day, you’ll be able to work through both of these resources, reading through the entire Bible and applying it to your daily life. This will be the best 30-minutes-per-day investment you will ever make.

Get both resources now and start your daily study today!

Written by
Jake Mailhot

Jake Mailhot is the product manager for Lexham Press. He also writes about baseball and lives in Bellingham, WA.

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befbbefbedfdbad?s=&#;d=mm&#;r=g Written by Jake Mailhot