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What’s on Seana Scott’s Bookshelf? 12 Top Picks

The words on the shelf in bold font, four of the books featured in the article on a shelf with a portion of the article on the upper right

Editor’s note: The resources recommended in our On the Shelf series are the opinions of the featured individuals, not those of Logos. We are publishing a breadth of voices to reflect varying perspectives within the church.

Seana Scott is a speaker and award-winning writer with a passion to help Christians live with a well soul through knowing God’s Word, walking with God, and living with purpose.

She is the founder of Well Soul Life and hosts the Well Soul Podcast, a weekly devotional podcast to guide listeners to drink in Scripture, reflect, and pray.

Her writing has appeared at Christianity TodayShe Reads TruthRisen MotherhoodFathom Mag, and Word by Word (among others). She is married to a pastor and together they are raising three creative and adventurous kids.

Without further ado, here are Seana’s top twelve books.

The Bible Knowledge Commentary

1. The Bible Knowledge Commentary, eds. John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck

It is easy to digest and helps the reader grasp main considerations of a text in preparation for ministry of various kinds. I refer to it when I teach a Bible study, write articles, and everything in between.

World Biblical Commentary

2. World Biblical Commentary (WBC)

I like this one when I am trying to grasp the structure of the language of a passage without knowing the Greek or Hebrew myself.

NIV Application Commentary

3. The NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

I like how this one is very simple to understand, written in a more pastoral style with clear thoughts on observations that can easily be turned into beneficial applications of a text.

The Expositor's Bible Commentary

4. The Expositor’s Bible Commentary (REBC)

Accessible and detailed insights. I like how it offers simple clarity on larger theological considerations touched upon in passages, which helps me grasp the fuller picture/understanding of a passage.

The IVP Bible Background Commentary

5. The IVP Bible Background Commentary

Helps the reader understand some of the cultural context of passages. I like referring to this resource when I want to bring to life a teaching and help my audience see/taste/smell some of the original context. It helps bring the ancient text to modern life.

Valley of Vision book cover

6. The Valley of Vision: A Collection of Puritan Prayers & Devotions, ed. Arthur Bennett

One of my favorites for my devotional life. It lifts my vision of God and helps me connect to his holiness. Editor’s Note: Logos doesn’t carry this resource, but we do carry a similar book: Piercing Heaven: Prayers of the Puritans.

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the divine hours cover

7. The Divine Hours, by Phyllis Tickle

Sometimes I simply need to enter into a prepared space with God rather than curate my own. I love the Divine Hours series for keeping the daily office because it roots me to the history of Christianity while connecting me to the modern church through reading and praying the same passages with other believers around the same time. It makes me feel connected.

The Preacher's Commentary

8. The Preacher’s Commentary

I like this resource because it helps get my ideas flowing in how to minister a passage/chapter/book to those I am writing or speaking for. Puts me into a “shepherd” mind frame.

The New Bible Commentary

9. The New Bible Commentary

I especially like the outline of the biblical books this series provides. It helps me imagine how I want to break up pericopes when working through a book. I also like how the commentary reads like a teacher walking through the text line by line, pausing to explain terms and ideas.

Tony Evans Study Bible

10. CSB Tony Evans Study Bible

I like how Pastor Evans uses modern images and metaphors to explain verses. It helps me think through how to communicate a verse or passage when I am writing or speaking.

The International Critical Commentary Series

11. International Critical Commentary Series

I like this when I am deeply studying a text and want to grasp language considerations more closely. As someone who cannot read the text in original languages, I especially appreciate this series in helping direct me to know what to look at (and help me know what I am looking at—the hover tool in Logos is a language-studying gift).

ESV Study Bible

12. ESV Study Bible

I especially appreciate the background, introduction, book themes, and outlines this Bible provides. I usually read this first when entering studying a new book.

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